
Thinking aloud: obj / sub / ABX cyclic arguments etc

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Im not smart enough to moderate myself , that much I know .

For a start moderation is premised on the owners philosophy, logistics and outlook as well as the raison detre of the forum and that anit my concern .

My commiserations in your plight

How about users sign to say they are willing to self moderate and suspend the accounts of the ones who aren't?

Your goal achieved in one
[secret message for those that continue to lack even a modicum of self-moderation]
Tony started this thread ironically. What he really wanted was more headaches to contribute to his plight.
[/secret message for those that continue to lack even a modicum of self-moderation]
[secret message for those that continue to lack even a modicum of self-moderation]
Tony started this thread ironically. What he really wanted was more headaches to contribute to his plight.
[/secret message for those that continue to lack even a modicum of self-moderation]

Banning anyone who's posted in this thread more than 10 times would seem to be the obvious solution.
Crap, someone has stolen the pfm moderator secret spy decoder ring!

Sorry, even mods sometimes can't resist the temptation of a slam-dunk when a poster sets himself up for one so perfectly.
It's "you are", by the way. Try to punctuate before verbulation, please.

I want to be a punctuation moderator. Each bad post gets modified with red ink. More than three errors in a day and you get a day's ban. Please let me do it, give us a job!
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