
The watch thread: pocket, wrist, sporty, showy? You name it!

Perhaps they need to educate people that Milli- is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one thousandth (10−3) not a million.
Those of us that need to know this already do. As to whether the "mil" in "Milgauss" denotes milli, mille, or million, I doubt anyone gives a toss. I'm sure I don't.
Well obviously you do as you seem to have an opinion and comment on it, and Rolex. Alas, maybe watch envy.
Really? Why would I possibly give a toss? Trust me, I don't. There are plenty of times in my life when I need to worry about scientific units, this isn't one of them. I do have an opinion on Rolex, I don't like them. You may do, that's no concern of mine. As for envy, hardly. I don't like the things, if I did I'd have one. I don't.
So why the incessant posts about Rolex watches?

Cos they are excellent watches and well made with lots of folks liking them for that. However they are also a lot of money and display wealth for some people who like them for that reason.

Lots to comment and argue about. Lots of wannabe's, lots of haterz and plenty of folks not that bothered but when they say they are not bothered they get accused of having watch envy :D
I like most watches, cheap or silly money. I'd never buy most because most of them look wrong on my wrist.

Saying that, I really can't stand the look or feel of most Breitlings. Or Rados.

As for jealousy? I really think cutting42 has more important things to be concerned about!
I don't really like the look of most Rolex that I have seen. I do like the look of several Omegas and if I was stupidly wealthy I would have one.

But I think there is a type of person that thinks having a expensive watch from a select brand of manufacturer, preferably with daft dials and bezzle, will somehow make them superior, that it will accord them respect and status, open doors for them, have people think they are powerful and important. But its all b****ks.
Are sufferers from audiophilia-nervosa predisposed to horologica-nervosa?

Possibly, or it could just be that people who appreciate nice hi-fi also appreciate other nice stuff.

I like looking at and appreciate nice watches, but I don't wear a watch so it's pointless owning one.

I didn't used to like divers watches, especially the Sub but as I've got older they've grown on me. If I were daft rich then I'd probably own a few just to look at and play around with but other than that they're just eye candy!
Rolex have made some really lovely waches over the decades , and I sometimes think l wouldn't mind owning one of the older plainer classics. What puts me off a bit - apart from the cost - is that they put diamonds on some of their men's watches. However rich I was I'm really not sure I could countenance wearing something associated with that sort of thing, and for me it makes the brand very slightly iffy.
Rolex have made some really lovely waches over the decades , and I sometimes think l wouldn't mind owning one of the older plainer classics. What puts me off a bit - apart from the cost - is that they put diamonds on some of their men's watches. However rich I was I'm really not sure I could countenance wearing something associated with that sort of thing, and for me it makes the brand very slightly iffy.

I know what you mean. And the aftermarket customising really is nasty. However, if you ever buy a plain classic, it becomes 'your' Rolex, and it might have been funded in some way by the gaudy diamond encrusted rose gold trinkets.
I've a variety of automatics and quartzes that I've picked up over the years. All of them are analogue except the one I've been using this month. There's something about the Casio "square" G-Shocks that I like. The more "out there" G-Shocks? Not so much!


I'm going to get the non inverse display version of that!
The GW-M5610-1ER
I'd upload a picture of a fairly beaten up Submariner but between apple and photo bucket it's too much hassle so you're all saved from seeing a well used example that's left on my wrist 24/7 for 25 years or so. It's had a few services but never had the outside touched. However it did get used for dive duties for a few years so it did serve a purpose. I think by the time it gets 'handed down' it's going to have sentimental value only. But if it lasts me 50 years then it's done it's job.
Rolex have made some really lovely waches over the decades , and I sometimes think l wouldn't mind owning one of the older plainer classics. What puts me off a bit - apart from the cost - is that they put diamonds on some of their men's watches. However rich I was I'm really not sure I could countenance wearing something associated with that sort of thing, and for me it makes the brand very slightly iffy.

They're really destined for the Asian market, where the basic rule is, the blingier the better - even the GMT Master doesn't escape the treatment, which renders its raison d'être completely useless:

The only issue I have is that the 'direct' link for my photobucket images has disappeared. Not all that important, except that's the only way of posting images on the Naim forum.

I could see myself wearing that... if I were deep sea diving for pirate booty.


