
'The nonsense that is Naim' sub-forum

LOL, this is one of your best ever. I'm playing the big man? Coming from you, Mr Humility himself, it's genuinely funny. It really is.

Well let's see, I don't recall ever boasting here or elsewhere how I might use my physicality to solve an issue... you on the other hand... guilty as charged. Now obviously I don't doubt you're a well built powerful company director come cage fighter type, but generally when people behave like that on the Internet..... the truth tends to be something slightly different. ;) Have a good day anyway... I'm going to listen to my multi-box Naim snake oil system and polish my German cockwomblewagon :D
Why not have an "Owners Club sub forum" like the Wam. You will still get the hypocrite dealer comments, but just put them on the ignore list
There should be a filter in place so you only get to see comments that you agree with.

Sorry to chime back in here but this genius comment caught my eye. Of course! It's so obvious. Why has no one thought of this??

If only there was some way users could, you know, block posts from people they didn't like? Wow! How great would that be? Like some kind of button on the forum settings or something? I bet someone could make that happen?

I thought I would come in with a quickie reply. I bought my first bit of Naim kit in 1986 (CD3.5 +32.5/Hicap + 140) and found it brilliant.

It was my sort of thing, designed by engineers who really knew what they were doing, it was totally reliable and I have never had a quality issue in my life. It communicates music like no other brand and because of the customer service, it has a band of dedicated customers that most makers would give their right arms for.

It has been tinkered with by dodgers who don't stand a cat in hells chance of improving it and without doubt it is rightly the most successful Hifi maker in the UK.

I now have two Naim systems and I have no intention of changing either of them.

I have no interest in other systems because they cannot hold a candle to Naim. Naim

I also have no interest in what other brand owners think of Naim because why should I care. I know that my two systems that are probably in the top 99.99% of all systems on this planet, so I have what I want and that is all that concerns me.

So if some yapping little puppies want to slag off Naim, it really is of no consequence because Naim stands head and shoulders above the rest and will still be there when the other stuff is landfill.

Thus there is no need for a Sub forum. I want Naim to be used as a benchmark for the others to aspire to and that will more likely happen in the current pfm format.


Yeah proper Naimie stuff.

I came to Naim fairly late, after Sonab, Nad, Pioneer etc etc.

I look at it and think, yup, your overpriced and over hyped and much criticised.

But I still love you and hope for many more happy years together.
Sorry to chime back in here but this genius comment caught my eye. Of course! It's so obvious. Why has no one thought of this??

If only there was some way users could, you know, block posts from people they didn't like? Wow! How great would that be? Like some kind of button on the forum settings or something? I bet someone could make that happen?

Thought you said you were done with this thread.... at least be honest even if you can't be reasonable.
Or you could just listen to what they produce and if you like it enough to buy it and can afford it do so, if you don't like it buy something else. Never ever understood the marketing complaint or whether or not they're engineers etc. as you can just use your ears, it's that simple and if you think otherwise it's you who have the issue not Naim or their 'disciples'.

Of course Marketing is a valid argument.

All successful companies (that sell products) generally invest in marketing strategies to win business.

Most Hifi dealers have a flagship and favoured brand. That is no different with Naim dealers and they will use common marketing strategies to convince people to buy those products.

For instance, if you were to call my local Audio T and ask them for a recommendation, they would always recommend Naim first.

When I last went to said dealer and asked some advise, they automatically suggested Naim to me. At this point I said that I wasn’t a fan and the response I got was not only rude but also incorrect.

I’m not a fan of Naimies, but I don’t have a problem with Naim users.

I just don’t like the sound of their amps, speakers or streamers, but have always quite liked their CD Players.
Hilarious! Of course, this has nothing to do with humour, does it? Just nasty, malicious bullying, and tells us something unpleasant about a fair few folks on this forum.

Oh please, bullying is not a word to be used in vain, and there is no evidence of any bullying in this thread.

If you want to see some examples of ganging up or bullying, you just have to look at the Brexit thread!
For instance, if you were to call my local Audio T and ask them for a recommendation, they would always recommend Naim first.

When I last went to said dealer and asked some advise, they automatically suggested Naim to me. At this point I said that I wasn’t a fan and the response I got was not only rude but also incorrect.

That's nothing to do with marketing and everything to do with shite customer service. Marketing makes you aware of something, be it a brand, a new model in a brand, how well that brand has done etc. etc. but in the case of hi-fi you ultimately use your ears to make your choice... that's all that you need. No amount of marketing is going to convince me to buy something I don't like the sound of and I would imagine everyone else is the same so where's the issue?
Oh please, bullying is not a word to be used in vain, and there is no evidence of any bullying in this thread.

If you want to see some examples of ganging up or bullying, you just have to look at the Brexit thread!
So, you think just a bit of harmless teasing then? It's not your opinion that counts here, it's that of the folk who resent the incessant anti-Naim postings. The tricky thing is that bullying may start out as teasing. But when it’s done over and over and is meant to be hurtful, it becomes bullying.

