
'The nonsense that is Naim' sub-forum

Get a grip, FFS. Do BMW drivers get all mardy if someone stereotypes them? Do Liverpool FC fans get a cob on if someone refers to them as Mickey Mousers? What about people who eat at KFC? Or Brexiteers? Or Tory voters? They get slagged off the whole time, but they just laugh it off.
It’s about thread crapping and is not the same thing as questioning if BMW’s have indicators. That would be banter between folks with a sense of humour.

In more recent times bin dippers is what I hear for Liverpool fans, not Mickey Mousers. They don’t like it and yes, they get a mega cob on.

You can't require people to be ignorant. Some people like engineers possess knowledge that allows them to use reason to see more clearly what is going on w.r.t. technical hardware and marketing. It has a downside in not being able to generate much of an emotional response to Naim/Linn/FatherChristmas... that you can (I am no longer able to lust after hi-fi in the way I could in my early teens) but being less susceptible to being steered by marketing is mostly an upside.
What’s this Father Christmas reference supposed to mean?

Some of you have fallen foul of vodka marketing strategy.
Not me. Guinness rules. Vodka is revolting.
But Smirnoff is absolute rubbish.......

Stolichnaya is far superior, and Moskovskaya is even better............ :p

It may well be. We have an unopened litre bottle from (at least) two Christmases ago. Neither of us drink it, and our daughter, who used to drink it, has turned teetotal. So there it sits, alongside an unopened bottle of Cointreau which nobody will admit to buying, and some ancient (not vintage) port that should probably be biffed.
It’s about thread crapping and is not the same thing as questioning if BMW’s have indicators. That would be banter between folks with a sense of humour.

In more recent times bin dippers is what I hear for Liverpool fans, not Mickey Mousers. They don’t like it and yes, they get a mega cob on.

What about Brexiteers? Do they just laugh off the insults?
I think your issue here is you're so busy playing the 'big man' you lose sight of what it is you are trying to say
LOL, this is one of your best ever. I'm playing the big man? Coming from you, Mr Humility himself, it's genuinely funny. It really is.[/QUOTE]
I’ve always bought from the bottom of the Naim lineup and been more than happy, but then again I am a less is more kind of person.

Nait 3 and Atom both do everything I want in a way that I like.

Absolutely the way I see things too. I don’t get the whole “what’s my next upgrade” thing. I love my Nait 3 and may one day go wild and get a 5i2 or even a 5si but then again I don’t need to.
It would need its own separate power supply of course.

You’d need three to four levels of subforum with a clear path upwards. You’d also need to buy into PRAT being an entity that only exists in Naim gear (whatever PRAT, musical and lifted veils are). You’d only be allowed two types of music; DSOM and jazz whilst mentioning your health problems and a recent operation you had. Asking a lot of a forum isn’t it?

