
The inevitable Royal Baby thread

Fair dos to Kate, she's generated more interest in labour in one day than Ed Miliband has in 3 years.
Last week the TV screens in the office were showing golf and the TDF. Before that, Wimbledon and the TDF. Today it's back to BBC News or rather BBC No-news-but-we'll--keep-broadcasting-it-anyway. On the plus side, I got a lot more work done :)
Who the hell cares!

It has as much relevance to me as a stranger having a baby over the other side of town. Its another miracle!

Then again its almost impossible to escape the news reports ramming it down my throat. Telly off for days.... ah peace at last.

Kill your television!
Young woman who married last year gives birth. Amazing. To a baby, it seems. Astonishing. I don't think this has ever happened before.
Can't believe this is breaking news on bbc1, luckily have the tv on mute and listening to music so I can ignore this drivel.

Breaking news. First picture of the royal baby.


Am I the only person disappointed to hear the news about the royal baby being a boy?

I expected it to be a cyclops with a tail!

