
The end of Mana Audio

There's another aspect to this that seems to have been ignored.

There's no reason that I can see why JW shouldn't close down Mana Audio Ltd and continue to trade as (for example) a sole proprietor trading as "Mana Audio".

The fact that there is a "proposal to strike off" a limited company means simply that. It does not stop the erstwhile directors deciding to trade by means of a different vehicle. I know quite a few people who formed companies a few years ago for a short term tax break who have since wound them up. In many cases, the only clue that this has happened was the omission of the word "Limited" and the registration no. /directors' names on their letterhead.

However, I do agree that the lack of any clear statement does tend to breed all manner of speculation, especially for a specialist company with any kind of profile in its chosen field. This is unfortunate, but as mentioned above there are a number of plausible explanations, none of which have anything to do with defrauding customers.



What you say is perfectly true.

However it is grossly insensitive, if not commercially naive, to publically comment on gussling expensive wines etc whilst appearing to renage on a deal for £1000.00 with a disgruntled customer.


I´m with Mark on this one. Does anyone really think that a 1000 quid hiccup/messy deal could sink Mana in this day and age ? Whether what has happened is commercially naîve/in bad taste in the real world or not is debateable. AFAIAC as I am not on a crusade for anything it certainly won´t stop me from ordering more Mana when I can and see fit to.
Thread now pruned and re-opened.

Please note: any mentions of banned members and bringing arguments in from outside are both clear breaches of the pfm forum AUP and can (and in this instance will) result in a ban. This is an important topic as a forum member's money is at stake, I don't want to close it.

No bets :)

but Mana haven't replied to mails asking for racks etc, taken money and not sent goods (and appear to be avoiding resolving the issue) and have deleted genuine requests for info on the forums....

I think in the light of the above you'd have to at least be aware that buying something may not go smoothly?
Chris said:
... AFAIAC as I am not on a crusade for anything it certainly won´t stop me from ordering more Mana when I can and see fit to.
Well, it's your money, but it does appear to be a rather risky punt.
cliffpatte said:

how do we know who is banned, in order to know not to mention them? This has always puzzled me.


AFAIU there is no list because of a rather peculiar situation: one person was banned here from the beginning, befor he even registered here, purely because of his posts on other fora. Technically, for someone to be banned and not be discussed forthwith, that person would have to have been a member first. By not defining a list, Tony can keep the person from posting, and other members from discussing that person, without having to spell it out in too humiliating a fashion.

Btw, that person has posted here using several nicks, and in each case, Tony's decision proved to be wise.
Buying something from Mana at the mo is like buying something off Ebay from someone with V V dodgy feedback...
All I meant by my "Wanna bet ?" comment was that I have absolutely no doubt that if JW were not in a position to deliver the goods, he would inform me and would not just gleefully take my cash. Sorry gents but in my book it´s one thing having supposed business difficulties and something entirely different being a thief. Seems to me that many people here have "gleefully" sentenced the man without a fair trial and this comment does NOT include the guy who is a grand down. Is there anyone else out there who can honestly claim to having been screwed or is it just 1 guy in a thread which now spans 12 pages ? Gentlemen, I submit that we are all pathetic hi-fi nerds and I for one am getting off !

Mana is down and out check your facts before you post
There were two people with actions against Mana for non delivery of goods
Once more

Their stuff was all crap anyway. Even hardened users like Bub eventually discovered that the stuff rings like a flipping bell in response to the vibrations from whatever sits on it.

Personally I think you have to be stoned out of your head on dope in order to "get it"

Also the so called "Stealth" amps never even made it properly into production and even the prototypes clipped into difficult loads.

Chris, I don't know whether you're in mourning or what, but who gives a toss if Mana stays closed forever. I'm sure JW will find some way of funding his wine collection.


I think to be fair, Mana works well under speakers and LP12s. My Briks and SBL's certainly improved a bit with Mana but never "jaw droppingly" good to quote that over used expression.

Everything else was hype.



When I had Briks (for about a year) the best mount I found for them was on concrete paving slabs on top of carpet. Essentially what you want is to not have the energy from the cabinet excite anything else than can "ring". Paving slabs do not "ring". Glass rings. You also need something that is rigid. Paving slabs are pretty rigid, although slate is probably better. Glass is a super cooled liquid, which means its constantly in motion and rings audibly at its resonant frequency.

I can understand that a good light rigid table will work well under an LP12. I use the original Sound Org table, and its fine. Again the light piece of wood on which the LP12 sits does not ring in tune to airborne vibrations from the speakers, whereas Bub, myself and others have heard this ringing and in Bubs case he has actually measured it IIRC


PS I can only understand the use of glass in two situations - 1) something you can see through and 2) something which is impermiable to liquids. For anything else there is usually something better.
Also the so called "Stealth" amps never even made it properly into production and even the prototypes clipped into difficult loads.
I thnk its fair to say that these amplifiers actually became the ECS EA-1 and were put into production

