
The end of Mana Audio

JW seems to have suspended my account on the Mana forum indefinitely - presumably because I attempted to bring the fact of Mana's situation @ Companies House to the attention of the forum (that's all I did, no speculation about what it meant or anything else).

Oh well, I only joined to prove the point that JW was censoring factual information and to not only have had my post deleted but also get banned seems to have proved the point beyond doubt.

Don't want to be a member of a forum where a bunch of immature schoolboys are presided over by a petulant child anyway.

Tony its time to stop this thread, its getting disgusting, every one knows now, they really do.
michaelab said:
JW seems to have suspended my account on the Mana forum indefinitely - presumably because I attempted to bring the fact of Mana's situation @ Companies House to the attention of the forum (that's all I did, no speculation about what it meant or anything else).

Oh well, I only joined to prove the point that JW was censoring factual information and to not only have had my post deleted but also get banned seems to have proved the point beyond doubt.

Don't want to be a member of a forum where a bunch of immature schoolboys are presided over by a petulant child anyway.


Did you also diss his jam? If not,I think i will be the first jamist excludee from the Mana forum
michaelab said:
JW seems to have suspended my account on the Mana forum indefinitely - presumably because I attempted to bring the fact of Mana's situation @ Companies House to the attention of the forum (that's all I did, no speculation about what it meant or anything else).

Oh well, I only joined to prove the point that JW was censoring factual information and to not only have had my post deleted but also get banned seems to have proved the point beyond doubt.

Don't want to be a member of a forum where a bunch of immature schoolboys are presided over by a petulant child anyway.
Are you genuinely surprised? That's how Mana "works", or perhaps doesn't. "Dysfunctional" doesn't even begin to describe things.
Well, it's never good to see an audio company going tits up, even one that sells products that don't actually do much, if anything, but JW does seem to have decided the best policy is to shoot himself in the head, repeatedly.

-- Ian
sideshowbob said:
Well, it's never good to see an audio company going tits up, even one that sells products that don't actually do much, if anything ...
Yes, you are absolutely right.
I've never bought a Mana product and I've never looked on the forum there I rubbernecked over there using the link put on here as I've no doubt lots of people have. Apart from jams and Bob Dylan the first tme I 'touched' the company I learned that those of us taking a look are basically ass-holes, Doctor Who is a particular sore and saw either barricade mentality or an absolute James Hunt of a bloke. I don't know which, his reputation on here has always said decent bloke but I would have nothing to do with him based purely on what is posted. Of course it's interesting as a general audio topic.

Anyone with half a care for their customers would apologise to nwcomers having never visited before if their first taste of Mana was from a sorry thread and idle speculation. But he didn't. Good luck to him in the future with whatever he does, I won't be amongst his clients.
garyi said:
Tony its time to stop this thread, its getting disgusting, every one knows now, they really do.

Censorship again? If there is debate then it serves a purpose if only to inform others, old and new, to our hobby.

The thread was killed on ZG so does that mean Mana can continue to act with impunity? I wish JW and Mana no harm, even though I am slightly out of pocket, and hope they can turn things around in due course. However we are dealing with a Limited Company here which has protection enough. The thread should remain if only as a signal to others about consumer power!
We seem to have gone past debate - surely the thread thus far sums up the situation and the facts as we know them (and lets face it, facts are precious few here). Anything more becomes a re-hash of the same old same old and serves no purpose that I can see.

Don't want to be a member of a forum where a bunch of immature schoolboys are presided over by a petulant child anyway.

Yeah, me an my school chums like it here best - Tony let's us get away with murder.
Heuer get real here mate, this is free speech of the very best Wikipedia kind, its the people talking and what really is being said eh?

Have a look over this thread and tell me the news Heuer, whats being said in the name of free speech?

All I am seeing is pointers to what people have said over there. In other words a bunch of guys bitching like teenage girls.

And the funny thing is JW is putting a huge **** You up by choosing too talk about jam.

This thread serves no purpose and clearly has achieved nothing. Its just rubber necking of the very worse kind.
SteveB said:
We seem to have gone past debate - surely the thread thus far sums up the situation and the facts as we know them (and lets face it, facts are precious few here). Anything more becomes a re-hash of the same old same old and serves no purpose that I can see.


Fact - Mana has asked Companies House to dissolve the business.
Fact - Mana is suppressing information on their Forum
Fact - Mana appears to be trading despite declaring otherwise

They say someone only dies when the last person who remembers them passes away. Close the thread and it will sink to the bottom of the Forum and will be forgotten. Close it if you will but make it a 'sticky' for all to see..
garyi said:
Heuer get real here mate, this is free speech of the very best Wikipedia kind, its the people talking and what really is being said eh?

Have a look over this thread and tell me the news Heuer, whats being said in the name of free speech?

All I am seeing is pointers to what people have said over there. In other words a bunch of guys bitching like teenage girls.

And the funny thing is JW is putting a huge **** You up by choosing too talk about jam.

This thread serves no purpose and clearly has achieved nothing. Its just rubber necking of the very worse kind.

What is being said - Consumer Power is not to be messed with. In years gone by you could be stiffed by anyone and your only recourse was to Esther Ranzten. The net and Forums have changed that and Companies cannot hide behind their limited liability, so let's be open. No harm to consumers and if you do not like the thread, please ignore it.

My reality comes from being £1k down.

I can't see what you're on about. JW has no more right to make a buck that James Bl[o]unt. Yet it seems most people think its OK to say James is shite, whereas making seemingly factual observations about Mana's trading status seems to get some peoples goat.

Having a go at peoples ability to make music is no different than criticising someone who subcontracts people to make equipment supports. I'm sure its a shame to some people for anyone to go out of business, but heh, why are hifi companies such a protected species. Did anyone here really give a toss when Rover went bust? Did anyone care when Boney M stopped making records.

To be frank, if Mana was ever all it was cracked up to be by its acolytes, then it would have remained a succesful brand.

