
The Album Everyone Should Own

in that case respect. was the few excerpts enough to make you pass on this record

I think I heard 'Money' literally hundreds of times. Someone in the student flat I lived in for a while owned DSOTM, and that's the only track he played. I heard another track on John Peel's show, and it seemed to last for years. 'Us and Them' it was called. I was just emerging from a Jethro Tull/King Crimson spell, and couldn't be doing with ten minute long tracks any more.
I've not only never owned DSTOM, I've never heard it all the way through, which given my age is something of an achievement.

I happen to own it, but have never managed to sit throug it. Just the worlds best selling sound effect album, IYAM.

I detest the fascistoid idea that 'everyone' must own a specific piece of physical object. We live in the free world of free choice.
I think I heard 'Money' literally hundreds of times. Someone in the student flat I lived in for a while owned DSOTM, and that's the only track he played. I heard another track on John Peel's show, and it seemed to last for years. 'Us and Them' it was called. I was just emerging from a Jethro Tull/King Crimson spell, and couldn't be doing with ten minute long tracks any more.

Best not listen to Animals either in that case!
If going by my most played album that would be L'Apocalypse des Animaux though I have moved on from playing it every evening in life.

Miles - Kind of Blue
Coltrane - A love supreme
Coil - The Ape of Naples

Part - Miserere
I think everyone should own greatest hits collections from:

The Beatles

Up to a point. Unfortunately, any greatest hits album by The Beatles will include 'All You Need Is Love', and, ironically, nobody needs that. Similarly, any Abba's greatest hits albums (and I own two of them) will include 'Thank You For The Music'. So 'Raw Power' remains the correct answer.

