
The 2022 Formula One Thread

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Great drive from Max today.
Aggressive but fair.
He does whine a bit but so have past drivers.
I don’t believe he had a weaker car.
That thing was rapid on the straights in the right hands.
Game on!
it's amazing what one can read here - after 1 on 1 dog fight MV clearly won (with probably weaker car), he's "privileged" boy.

wake up, LH fanbois. your time is over.

It is about dignity and representative level as a Champ, kids are looking up too. Max can drive but regarding the rest, he is a disappointment.
Max whines a LOT. Maybe it’s a team culture thing but it makes it very easy to dislike him. Compare with Sainz, noting that he was ahead of Checo at the safety car line, and no further tantrums.

Another excellent drive from LeClerc, who has moved on from his own occasional hot-headedness of a couple of years ago and looks like a class act right now. Championship lead extended, and I hope he holds onto it for a long time. Excited for the rest of the season, and I hope Ferrari can keep up the development.
I am just watching the BBC news headlines and literally ten minutes before the C4 coverage is about to begin these bunch of utter arseholes headline the results with not a hint of a spoiler alert, why are we tied to paying a tax for this kind of crap........ guess what I am a bit megga pissed off
I am just watching the BBC news headlines and literally ten minutes before the C4 coverage is about to begin these bunch of utter arseholes headline the results with not a hint of a spoiler alert, why are we tied to paying a tax for this kind of crap........ guess what I am a bit megga pissed off
Sounds like a Likely Lads screenplay…
I am just watching the BBC news headlines and literally ten minutes before the C4 coverage is about to begin these bunch of utter arseholes headline the results with not a hint of a spoiler alert, why are we tied to paying a tax for this kind of crap........ guess what I am a bit megga pissed off
You watched the news? Lol. Big fail. I don’t even look at my iPhone if I don’t want to know a result before I’ve seen a race, some bugger will tell me, guaranteed.
Leclerc driving really well and a bit unlucky not to win as various factors allowed Max to catch up and his car was a bit faster at the overtaking points . Hamilton at least got a point but could have been a few more if Merc called him in at the right point for his stop .Merc do not seem to make gut reaction choices on strategy but rely too much on computer simulation Imo ,that bias has certainly not helped with the design of the car
Sorry, but JB was also young and hungry and was a gentleman all his carrer.

if you knew a little bit more about Jenson you'd realise that this view of him is not wholly accurate. Not slagging him off as nearly any top sportsman is going to be a little bit ruthless and hungrier than most of us can possibly imagine, but I do get irked by this constant holding Button up on this pedestal while the likes of Hamilton and Verstappen get criticised for being to whiny/competitive/ruthless/dangerous etc. etc. I actually can only really think of one WC in the last 30 years who I could honestly say I have never heard a bad word about and that would be Damon Hill. Having been lucky enough to meet him on several occasions I can only say that his real life persona matches exactly the way he comes across in the media, he's interesting, charming and very fair even when quizzed about Michael Schumacher. A real gent as they say.
it's amazing what one can read here - after 1 on 1 dog fight MV clearly won (with probably weaker car), he's "privileged" boy.

wake up, LH fanbois. your time is over.

This is a strange comment. While yes there are people that will support ‘their’ driver to the bitter end , myself included, I dont think anyone begrudges Charles and Carlos at the moment, they are doing a class act and I for one am very impressed both with them and Ferrari’s ‘return’.

When it comes to the Plastic Champ, he has little grace and while he may win races, he is not a role model especially to the youth of today and tomorrow. Overall, him and his team have been and are very toxic and will continue to be so sadly and 2021 wont be forgotten by fans of any driver/team. It has made me giggle that he has beginning to ‘thank’ the team at the factory etc, something very much out if Lewis’s sentiments that he hasn’t done before. Interesting that.

However i can understand the blindness fans of Max have as being a LH from the start, there was always potential for him to win and be the best, so seeing him in no mans land is disturbing and uncomfortable and frustrating! So having that for so many years like Red Bull fans have, I can now understand where it comes from. This is when sense and sensibility flies out of the door in pursuit of the goal and ignorance controls.

While the FIA have been very quiet about the admittance/inquiry results that officially ‘human error’ crowned the king in 2021, it is there.
Leclerc driving really well and a bit unlucky not to win as various factors allowed Max to catch up and his car was a bit faster at the overtaking points . Hamilton at least got a point but could have been a few more if Merc called him in at the right point for his stop .Merc do not seem to make gut reaction choices on strategy but rely too much on computer simulation Imo ,that bias has certainly not helped with the design of the car

I think Lewis contributed to his own downfall over pitting as he had flashbacks to Monza 2020 when he pitted into a closed pit lane and was penalised hence his indecision yesterday with the Alpine and McLaren in the pit lane entrance, it's understandable to be fair. However, overall this weekend Russell got more out of the car than Lewis and got the result to prove it, but the fact remains that right now the Merc is way off the pace of the Red Bull and the Ferrari. What is going to be fascinating is seeing whether they can catch up.

Additionally a lot has been said about the Ferrari engine being so much better than the Merc, but until we see a Merc not having to run a high downforce raised set up we won't know what the engine comparison really is. IMO to an extent the Ferrari engined cars have just made a better stab at interpreting the new rules rather than just having a magic engine, sure it's better than last year's but it's not the whole reason for their gains.

What is really good for me is to see is Bottas doing so well at Alfa Romeo, again I know he's considered by some as a bit of an also ran, but he comes across as an extremely likeable straight up guy and I think driving up against Lewis for 5 years must have been hard at times especially as it's quite clear that Merc put everything behind their WC (arguably the right thing to do). It would have been so easy for him to slip, Kimi like, into obscurity, but he is pushing the team forward from what I have seen so far.
Here's a question I have. DRS made sense when the dirty air was such a problem that overtaking was often impossible so DRS was added to stop it being a procession. But if the new regs mean two competitive drivers can now do the close racing thing again, does this not mean that DRS is basically a guaranteed overtake?

Is there any point making a brave move up the inside or a daring outside line on a fast corner? When the best strategy is just to get close and then zoom past at the next DRS zone?
Here's a question I have. DRS made sense when the dirty air was such a problem that overtaking was often impossible so DRS was added to stop it being a procession. But if the new regs mean two competitive drivers can now do the close racing thing again, does this not mean that DRS is basically a guaranteed overtake?

Is there any point making a brave move up the inside or a daring outside line on a fast corner? When the best strategy is just to get close and then zoom past at the next DRS zone?
The latest set of rules was supposed to enable getting rid of DRS. But after a a lot of work it was realised that if you ensure that the wake of a car has a massively reduced effect on the downforce of the car behind, then it will not reduce the drag. So cars can follow much more closely, especially in high speed corners, but there is very little tow (as that is created by the drop in downforce and drag). Hence the new rules required DRS to be available. What will happen is that DRS zones will change through the season as more is learnt about how to best use DRS with the current rules, to make for exciting racing.

RBR chose to operate their car with less downforce and less drag. This gave them opportunities to overtake other cars that others did not have and opportunities to defend against other cars that they did not have. Despite the differences in setup the Ferrari and RBR cars were very closely matched in terms of laptime, but with significant performance differences around the lap. VER and his team did a very good job to work out exactly how to overtake Charles nearing the end of the race, where those differences were best utilised.
Leclerc driving really well and a bit unlucky not to win as various factors allowed Max to catch up and his car was a bit faster at the overtaking points . Hamilton at least got a point but could have been a few more if Merc called him in at the right point for his stop .Merc do not seem to make gut reaction choices on strategy but rely too much on computer simulation Imo ,that bias has certainly not helped with the design of the car
Merc use strategic tools less than the likes of Ferrari and RBR and use gut feeling as to when to do things more than other teams. This has has created more and more strategic errors (although they have generally been quick enough (the car and Lewis) to not really impact on the result at the end of the season) since the Brawn days when the computer simulations were needed more due to the extra degree of freedom provided by in race refuelling.

The core reason why the Merc car is not fast enough is because the porpoising was not seen in the wind tunnel (I have explained why on here). By some strange coincidence the Ferrari and Honda engined cars had access to expertise (Rory Birne for Ferrari and Haas, Willem Toet for Alfa and Adrian Newey for RBR) who had worked in the days of ground effect and so knew that porpoising was possible and so were better able to prepare. Just knowing about the effect is not enough and they needed to use very specific measurements from the wind tunnel and computer simulations to decide what was going to work and what was not likely to work and develop their cars accordingly.
Merc will catch up for sure, especially once they are really in the new season. Too much team energy and vibe was spent on seeking for a revenge on Masi. Pitting decisions remain their problem - if you look beyond "human error" farce, they lost the last race last year because they were late to get new tyres. LH seems left on his own devices so often.

RBR is doing a way better job assisting the driver, as we could see yesterday after 2 unsuccessful max attempts to overtake #1. he was advised to calm down and wait a few more laps for a leclerc mistake, what he did - and won.

For me this was an important race which showed that this will probably not be a season of just one manufacturer. at least two are needed to have a good season, if not more. i was surprised RBR was able to win ferrari on terms of clean racing, didn't expect that - especially as it seems that leclerc is ready to win the F1 2022 title. he may learn a lot from the last 10 laps yesterday.

about comments for max whining, we all know where it comes from but let it be. this has no effect on racing qualities. the cleaner the race, the less whining. simple.
I am getting to the stage I was with F1 when Schumacher was winning I so despised him and his attitude that I turned off . Sadly Max gets me the same way and I think I am one more incident from him from not bothering . Hopefully Merc can get there act together soon and along with Ferrari give me something to watch .

One thing that did puzzle me was two laps in to the VSC at the end LeClerc was nearly four seconds ahead and the rules are that cars should hold station yet only a lap later he was under one second behind . How does that work ?
Presumably station means order not closeness.
No. It is very specific about the speed of the cars under VSC. However, drivers then undertake actions to try to keep their tyres warm, and this can involve hard acceleration and heavy braking as well as weaving. That’ll change the time between each driver, but I think it all evened out before restart.
No. It is very specific about the speed of the cars under VSC. However, drivers then undertake actions to try to keep their tyres warm, and this can involve hard acceleration and heavy braking as well as weaving. That’ll change the time between each driver, but I think it all evened out before restart.
That is how it works.
Here's a question I have. DRS made sense when the dirty air was such a problem that overtaking was often impossible so DRS was added to stop it being a procession. But if the new regs mean two competitive drivers can now do the close racing thing again, does this not mean that DRS is basically a guaranteed overtake?

Is there any point making a brave move up the inside or a daring outside line on a fast corner? When the best strategy is just to get close and then zoom past at the next DRS zone?

That is certainly how it has looked in the race highlights. Get close, bide your time, blast past on the next straight. If not for IanW's insight I would also be thinking it's time to bin DRS.

Much as I dislike MV and Red Bull it's really great for F1 to see Ferrari being competitive again.
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