

Amazing how a transformer, a few caps and a 317 can bring about such improvements, i'd still love to see the measurements to prove it actually does anything. Somehow I doubt they'll ever appear.

Keith, the Keel is a subchassis, it affects neither speed stability nor rumble, just your bank balance.
Amazing how a transformer, a few caps and a 317 can bring about such improvements, i'd still love to see the measurements to prove it actually does anything. Somehow I doubt they'll ever appear.

Just listen. Anybody who can't hear any difference can always return to vendor. I am surprised that you prefer to trust manufacturer's measurements (or anyone else's) over the evidence provided by your own ears.
Just listen. Anybody who can't hear any difference can always return to vendor. I am surprised that you prefer to trust manufacturer's measurements (or anyone else's) over the evidence provided by your own ears.

If it's not an easily reversible mod, a before/after recording is nice just to confirm.
Just listen. Anybody who can't hear any difference can always return to vendor. I am surprised that you prefer to trust manufacturer's measurements (or anyone else's) over the evidence provided by your own ears.

Manufacturer's measurements are just that, actual measurements, rather than the potentially placebo enhanced effects of cash spent + effort of upgrading + listening really, really carefully.
Keith, the Keel is a subchassis, it affects neither speed stability nor rumble, just your bank balance.


Point taken although I doubt they (Linn) ever gave any such figures for the bearing when they changed it or indeed for the Radikal. Indeed, mounting the main bearing in a different material might conceivably have an effect on measured rumble & perceived background noise.
I'd always trust measurement over spurious subjective accounts and marketing hyperbole. Surely if there was any improvement to be heard from the power supplies then the manufacturers of these supplies would have measurements to show them- what a great selling tool after all- objective measurements to back up or even sway the subjective opinion.

You'd think if they made a big play about being electronics engineers with experience in circuit design and measurement that they'd at least measure the bloody things. ;-)

But as long as you think it sounds better that's all that counts in the long run.
But as long as you think it sounds better that's all that counts in the long run.

Hamlet: "...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so;"

The futility of this argument lies in deciding what to measure. While some cables only sound better because they've just been plugged in, I can state with some confidence that a Timestep PSU Technics is routinely going to take me closer to the music than an unmodified one because I have listened to each version critically for several days. That's enough for me. If you don't trust the evidence of your own ears, then don't waste money on hi-fi, don't listen to music, and be very careful when crossing roads.
You'd think if they made a big play about being electronics engineers with experience in circuit design and measurement that they'd at least measure the bloody things. ;-)

IME so few of these 'upgrades' are actually designed in any way, they're just other people's circuits stuck into a box with some boutique components thrown in for the premium model, backed up by a load of rhetoric on the website to convince people of how great the product is.
Anex, I feel you and I are on the same page here. A few months back i bought an Origin Live Advanced controller and Dc motor, awful thing, dropped a % or so from one side of the record to the other and couldn't cope with transients at all. Sustain- wobble more like. I know loads of people who rate these as well, but a simple wow and flutter measurement would tell anyone that they don't measure particularly well. Like many of the pro-bodgers OL don't provide measurements just rhetoric that some people find all too easy to swallow.

I would ask Dave himself about the measurements for his power supply, but I got kicked on the AOS for merely hinting at the fact that credibility could lie in measurements, so i didn't feel inclined to follow it up. Naturally I just wondered if anyone cared enough to measure their devices.
funny you mention this as i tried a home brew outboard psu and a few years back the kab one - suffice to say neither make a big difference.
you can get the same upgrade by taking the original psu out of the technics and locating it away from the cartridge.
the funk firm upgrades to the technics look really spot on though , still a lot of money though.

less said about ol the better ... dreadful motors/psu's.....
you can get the same upgrade by taking the original psu out of the technics and locating it away from the cartridge.

Yes I think that's the main point - if there's any difference, I suspect 99% of it comes from the relocation. I'd be surprised if any of the 'designs' actually changed the circuit in any significant way. The Tech has pretty much rock solid timing because it actually has a proper timing circuit in there so wow / flutter not really an issue, and rumble doesn't seem to be an issue either, so aside from perhaps a better or at least more convenient arm, there really isn't a lot you can do to it. It's a snazzy deck at a very, very snazzy price.
Please stop talking about this deck. I'll end up buying one, and I need to get rid of at least one Garrard 401 before I do. Then there's the project Lenco, and the Thorens 160 is a lovely deck, and...look, just stop it!:p
I'm tempted to buy one to split, strip and replinth with a decent platter and different arm, could provide some interesting distraction for the long nights ahead.
I'm tempted to buy one to split, strip and replinth with a decent platter and different arm, could provide some interesting distraction for the long nights ahead.

As long as you aren't wanting to listen to any records that is :rolleyes: Although, from a purely selfish point of view, I'm rather keen on this idea - I can't help but feel that it will spend most of its life in bits.
Only just over 12 months! Bloody lightweight. I've had a birch ply Garrard plinth as a work in progress for 10 years. Sodding Johnny-come-lately dilletantes, buy a deck, undo a couple of screws, chuck the bits in a box, wait around for a year or so and suddenly they're the bloody experts.:p

It makes me mad.;)

