
Taica silicone mushrooms for LP12

I just thought that I would write an update re the silicone mushrooms.

They have been on the turntable for several weeks now and after a number of listening sessions, i am very pleased with them, especially for the money.
I can’t say that they have transformed the sound, though.🤔
Tonally, the deck sounds very similar to how it did with springs and I never had an issue with speed stability so I can’t say that is better either.🤷‍♂️
There is a slight improvement in mid band clarity, I believe, but that is about it.

I love the handling and solidity of the deck now and I also realised that the mushrooms must have at least some decent isolating properties.👍
I tried lightly tapping with my knuckle all around the plinth, top plate and all over the light support coffee table itself, with a record playing.
I could not get the stylus to skip, which it would have done with the springs under at least some of those tap conditions.
I admit that mine were likely not set up optimally but i never thought much of the shock isolation before.

So for about £40 and very little work i have made my lovely old deck much more suitable for me as I get older and clumsier, going forward. Lol
A good result…..
I just thought that I would write an update re the silicone mushrooms.

They have been on the turntable for several weeks now and after a number of listening sessions, i am very pleased with them, especially for the money.
I can’t say that they have transformed the sound, though.🤔
Tonally, the deck sounds very similar to how it did with springs and I never had an issue with speed stability so I can’t say that is better either.🤷‍♂️
There is a slight improvement in mid band clarity, I believe, but that is about it.

I love the handling and solidity of the deck now and I also realised that the mushrooms must have at least some decent isolating properties.👍
I tried lightly tapping with my knuckle all around the plinth, top plate and all over the light support coffee table itself, with a record playing.
I could not get the stylus to skip, which it would have done with the springs under at least some of those tap conditions.
I admit that mine were likely not set up optimally but i never thought much of the shock isolation before.

So for about £40 and very little work i have made my lovely old deck much more suitable for me as I get older and clumsier, going forward. Lol
A good result…..
Mine are on order!
As you say, they are worth it if only for removing the doubt regarding sub-par set-up, especially if you don’t have a guru living anywhere near you. I am sticking with my Insoles for now as I am more than satisfied although the improvements crept up on me by surprise.. If I might suggest you try one of those recordings/pressings that you had stored away as being dull and run of the mill -yes we’ve all got several in our colections that we just don’t get round to playing again andsuddenly 2 or 3 years have gone by. Any changes will perhaps be more apparent.
As you say, they are worth it if only for removing the doubt regarding sub-par set-up, especially if you don’t have a guru living anywhere near you. I am sticking with my Insoles for now as I am more than satisfied although the improvements crept up on me by surprise.. If I might suggest you try one of those recordings/pressings that you had stored away as being dull and run of the mill -yes we’ve all got several in our colections that we just don’t get round to playing again andsuddenly 2 or 3 years have gone by. Any changes will perhaps be more apparent.
I will give that a try but I have many CD recordings of my fav records that I recorded to play in the car while I was still commuting to work.
Those recordings capture the deck exactly as it was with my last three cartridges on it, including the one I use now. (ATVM540).
I could never reliably tell the recorded CD from the original so I am happy that they can be used to give an accurate before and after picture and I stand by what I said.
Apart from a very slight increase in clarity with say, vocals and other mid range sounds, I can hear no difference.

Regarding the sub par set up.
After comparing the bounce with my neighbours newer and somewhat higher specced LP12 and noticing that his bounced for much longer and was more pistonic, I have slowly come to the conclusion that I am not a fan of the standard Linn sound, as It has now become.
My pre Cirkus had and still has more balls, If you like, and it seems more in your face than any other LP12 I have heard.
The non Linn oil definitely had something to do with that and each subsequent change that I have made has taken it a little further away from other LP12s that I have heard.
I am very pleased that the character that I liked about it has been preserved.☺️
OK -north American ignorance -what does RS stand for ? Have a really old LP-12 that I intend to return to service and would like to try the Taica mushrooms out.
A/A. Audiopile

Can´t see them on the US page. If this is of any use to you, the UK RS number is : 0474-741 and the reference is B-1
How many of these gel bushes do you need to buy? And am I right in saying you pull each bush apart to make two halves from each bush?

I'm on a sleepover at work just now so I can't quite figure it out in my head. There's an RS here in Glasgow so I might be able to pick them up in store and save on postage, assuming they're available in store.
Also, rogue idea here: could you use a small stack Addis pads instead, with washers on either side to account for the larger gap between a set of four pads? I guess this is probably more a question for @Chris
You need 3 bushes, you don’t pull them apart, just take the brass bush out, fit like below:
Hi, the advantage, both in the case of the insoles and the mushrooms is that there is a top ledge that fits nicely into the holes in the subchassis which presumably gave a degree of purchase to encourage the bolt to assume a central position even before tightenng up the nut from underneath. As the Addis discs have no such ledge I assume there would be some twisting stress effect as the disc tended to lose centrality. If the top grommet were left in place, then maybe one disc and then the washer or some other combination involving expert drilling and reduction of disc circumference, to avoid the disc from bulging up into the hole…… my head hurts.
Hi, the advantage, both in the case of the insoles and the mushrooms is that there is a top ledge that fits nicely into the holes in the subchassis which presumably gave a degree of purchase to encourage the bolt to assume a central position even before tightenng up the nut from underneath. As the Addis discs have no such ledge I assume there would be some twisting stress effect as the disc tended to lose centrality. If the top grommet were left in place, then maybe one disc and then the washer or some other combination involving expert drilling and reduction of disc circumference, to avoid the disc from bulging up into the hole…… my head hurts.
Thanks Chris, gel bushes it is;)
How many of these gel bushes do you need to buy? And am I right in saying you pull each bush apart to make two halves from each bush?

I'm on a sleepover at work just now so I can't quite figure it out in my head. There's an RS here in Glasgow so I might be able to pick them up in store and save on postage, assuming they're available in store.
I bought 3 bushes.
Pushed out the brass centre ferrule easily and separated the two mushroom halves.
The half that you actually use is the part that does look like a mushroom.
The other half I just kept in a drawer.
Mine have been in use for several weeks now and I can find no drawbacks, just a much nicer deck to use.

