
System pics 2024


The UQ2 sounds a bit wholly in comparison to the AURALiC Vega S1 (not surprisingly). This is the shoebox I’ve been waiting for.
Very nice Neil, hows the new Auralic?
Rather lovely ! A different sound to the Linn Akurate DSM/3 but one that I’m more than happy with (air, precision, weight, more detail). Naim missed the boat on this one.
I was a fool to ever let them go! We spend time and money chasing our tails when all we ever need is right in front of us.

It's always the case 🙄 and I'm guilty too. I'm hopefully settled now with the current setup. You're new Vega S1 streamer looks superb next to the Nait 50, seems to be a perfect match.
The UQ2 did a sterling job in streamer/DAC mode in the interim and looked fantastic next to my CB Nait 2 but the improvement of the Vega is clear.

I still love the UQ2 it is monster piece of kit for the price but it may be time to let it go (again).
I finally got around to starting putting a half decent system into my office (which also doubles my gym and bike storage room) at the cottage, allowing me to remove the very annoying Onix DNA 45 amp that I'd been using for a few weeks.

I've dug my chrome bumper Naim stuff out of mothballs and using the 32.5/SNAPS/140 setup temporarily with the Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 1 speakers that used to serve as the rears in our home cinema set-up (although they might get replaced in a few days with the ancient Rega Kytes that are also here). Ultimately it'll be getting another 140, and IXO and a Flatcap and going active with Credo speakers.

The WiiM Pro sounds very decent through the ancient DacMagic 2.

I must drag my bikes out ( sorry bike ) and photo in front of speakers ! Might start a trend here !! All good
These are too good to not bring back in to the main room for a play.

A 3" speaker really shouldn't be able to play flat down to 46hz positioned in freespace


And they can't! And they can't do SPL either but they are so good through the usual 2-way crossover region.

I bet they sound amazing, albeit in a very specific and narrow way.

