
Star Trek: Picard

Oh please, please, please, please let there be a Scouse Romulan villian, one with a proper throat clearing Toxteth accent, not some airy fairy Crosby one...

Actually, I forgot, Capt Lorca (Jason Isaacs) is a scouser, but dead posh like, Childwall. La.
Meh, as much as I am a star wars fan, it didnt really do it for me....probably due to all the hype and high expectations

that said, it wasnt BAD....just a bit underwhelming from my expectations.
Meh, as much as I am a star wars fan, it didnt really do it for me....probably due to all the hype and high expectations

that said, it wasnt BAD....just a bit underwhelming from my expectations.

Oh, this is the "Mandalorian" thread now?
i think it's safe to say now that this is a show for "young adults".

I’m prepared to bet the average viewer is 45-70 years old, male, and mainly from an IT/computing background. Its Star Trek FFS. No one under 45 will even know what it is!
I’m prepared to bet the average viewer is 45-70 years old, male, and mainly from an IT/computing background. Its Star Trek FFS. No one under 45 will even know what it is!

i think you are wrong. from CBS executive:

"The overall demographic of All Access is younger. Seventy percent are between 18 and 49"

whatever the case, the scripting and acting of the show are 100% "young adult" level.
I’m prepared to bet the average viewer is 45-70 years old, male, and mainly from an IT/computing background. Its Star Trek FFS. No one under 45 will even know what it is!

my son 31 and his girlfriend, 30, love all flavours of Star Trek.
I'm watching the first Abrams 'reboot' while I write home-working training materials for my colleagues.

It's the first-time I've seen it post-Discovery/Picard.

I'm enjoying it more this time. I always thought Kirk and Bones were great, the others underused.

Spock was my main issue (as was the 'alternate timeline'), but both bugged me less this time and I liked the nods to TOS.

Very sad that Anton Yelchin is gone.

I’m prepared to bet the average viewer is 45-70 years old, male, and mainly from an IT/computing background. Its Star Trek FFS. No one under 45 will even know what it is!

This is true.

Every year I do a brief 'history of the Internet/WWW' session for my media students (who have no idea what the underlying tech is that drives their lives).

Each year I add a bit—last year we discussed Internet of Things. This year was basically about cyborgs–embedded sensors, network connected pacemakers, wrist implanted RFID tags and so on.

My last slide was this, captioned Actual student picture from 2030.

Blank faces all round from the 18-year olds. They thought it was about some weird S&M cult.


Every year I do a brief 'history of the Internet/WWW' session for my media students (who have no idea what the underlying tech is that drives their lives).

I’ve been on the Internet since before HTML or the www was even a thing, i.e. back in the days of newsnet, archie, gophers, bulletin-boards, anonymous FTP access etc. Star Trek was there. Lots and lots of geeks talking about Star Trek and Star Wars. That’s the market demographic!
Not true! My 21-year old son has been through the whole TOS, much of TNG, all of DS9 and STV, but only a little of Enterprise. That's much more than I can say. We watch Discovery and Picard together. We groaned through much of the Discovery, but Picard, while not perfect, has been a lot of fun so far, mainly I suspect because its a simpler tale told at a more leisurely pace, which allows the characters to breathe.

His real area of expertise, though, is Dr Who. I'm talking JoeP levels. Not new Who, which gets short shrift, but vintage Who. He starts to get a bit sniffy once it moved to colour.
I *am* Trek and I am ageless, like a Q Entity.

I'm also 55 and a nerd.

Is anyone bothered that the Borg have a queen? I thought the idea of a collective without a hierarchy or leader was more interesting and it was what was suggested in the first Borg episode.

Is anyone bothered that the Borg have a queen? I thought the idea of a collective without a hierarchy or leader was more interesting and it was what was suggested in the first Borg episode.


I think it was Hollywood BS for the First contact movie wasn't it? Or maybe she made an appearance before that.

Yes, more or less. From Memory Alpha —

The appearance of the Borg Queen in First Contact was a controversial one in the Star Trek universe. Though the Borg provided for a threatening and intriguing alien enemy, their lack of a single villain presented a challenge for the writers. To counter this, and to expand some on the original notion of the Borg as an insect-hive type of race, they created the Borg Queen as a focal point for their story. Writer Brannon Braga has stated in this respect, "I think some people liked the Borg Queen and some didn't, but to us the Borg Queen was the thing that made it all work. We realized very quickly that the Borg aren't that interesting for a feature film for two hours because they don't say anything. They're robot zombies. So, to me, the Borg Queen was the coolest new thing about that movie."
I disagree, of course. The Borg saying nothing for two hours would have added to intrigue and fear, just as HAL did when he quit replying to Dave.

I disagree, of course. The Borg saying nothing for two hours would have added to intrigue and fear

this is why we keep waiting for you to do the necessary sword (plus double-fist punch) training and take over the "franchise".

