

This increasing misuse of the conjunction 'so' (but can be an adverb) annoys me intensely. Supposedly educated people on TV (as mentioned here) use it.

This is what has surprised me. I’ve noticed it with many allegedly well-educated politicians and there was some senior corporate bloke on the local news tonight doing it on every sentence. If it was just some ‘youth’ or regional thing I’d have let it go, but it is just everywhere.
"This was first noted by Michael Lewis in The New New Thing (1999)- “When a computer programmer answers a question, he often begins with the word ‘so’.” As to how this came about, it is thought that given the international composition of the typical Silicon Valley work site, where a large number did not speak English as their first language, it became the simple “catchall” word of transition. Over time and frequent usage, it eventually became like a tic and just part of the common speech pattern of those in that industry and then spreading beyond."
So, what really pisses me off is that we now have to 'reach out' instead of sending an email. Thank you for reaching out.

I have one girl in the office who is still stuck on vocal fry. 'So' is yet to come but she's a bit behind the times.

I think Diane Abbott does it to give her time to think of something stupid to say. You need time to be that stupid consistently.
So judging from watching my TV most sentences today start with the word ‘so’. So where does this irritating affliction originate?

PS I’m not even doing it right; one needs to stick the ‘so’ at the start of a sentence where it has absolutely no logical context.

...So, it looks to Me as your personal frustration being put out here to start a negative chat about nothing really, get over it please , people say different stuff, who cares!,
better start some useful post about Audio! :-}
So.. late in picking up on this.

So.. I believe I started a thread about this a couple of years back..

