
So that's the climate f****d then

The Milankovitch cycles all indicate we should be well on our way to the next ice age. Fortunately human development by fossil fuel use may have delayed it by 100K years. IMO this may give humanity enough time to leave the planet and develop fusion power. A very luck coincident. Economic development is the key to technological/cultural advancement.

Let's hope humanity can get to the next level in that time.

Did you skim over this part in the article you linked to?

Carbon dioxide has greatly contributed to the planet’s increasing warmth. Over the past 800,000 years, its levels have fluctuated between roughly 170 parts per million and 280 ppm, meaning 280 molecules out of 1 million air particles consist of carbon dioxide, according to Live Science.

Last year, the planet’s carbon dioxide levels permanently surpassed the 400 ppm threshold and are now expected to breach 410 ppm on a daily basis, according to a previous report.

“The scary thing is how much carbon dioxide we’ve put in the atmosphere in such a short time,” said Sandstrom.

Even a small increase in Earth’s average temperature can trigger drastic changes, he added. For example, if global warming melts Greenland’s and Antarctica’s ice sheets, oceans will rise about 196 feet.


If I can extrapolate from your views on loss of biodiversity... 99 percent of civilizations that have ever existed have become extinct. If ours becomes extinct it’ll just make room for a better one — maybe an advanced civilization based in the ocean.


If I can extrapolate from your views on loss of biodiversity... 99 percent of civilizations that have ever existed have become extinct. If ours becomes extinct it’ll just make room for a better one — maybe an advanced civilization based in the ocean.


Agreed....with the proviso that some civilisations/cultures are better than others.

It would be hard to top Atlantis, so let's get started melting those huge ice masses in Greenland and Antarctica. The premise is logically sound and I'm all for progress.

Joe, I hope you're at least seeing the far future from a new more positive perspective and that the imperative for all life is that we leave Earth asap and at any cost. This maybe the first and only chance in the History of this universe that life expands within a galaxy. There are plenty of other Earth like planets to colonise. We must take the chance that seems within grasp.

Cutting economic growth, slowing progress and science just makes an Armageddon like event more likely to overtake life's plans to leave this planet.
Joe, I hope you're at least seeing the far future from a new more positive perspective and that the imperative for all life is that we leave Earth asap and at any cost. This maybe the first and only chance in the History of this universe that life expands within a galaxy. There are plenty of other Earth like planets to colonise. We must take the chance that seems within grasp.

Cutting economic growth, slowing progress and science just makes an Armageddon like event more likely to overtake life's plans to leave this planet.
After you.
If you put 50 PFM members and partners in a tin can with limitless energy and sent it off to the nearest habitable planet at 80%c what would you have on arrival?
Instead of trying to keep the only home we’ve known habitable for countless generations to come the reasonable choice is to trash it then have a handful of people travel hundreds (thousands?) of light years to another planet that we hope can support human life so we can start the shitting-up process again?

Man, some say I’m a dreamer, but I’m clearly not the only one.


If you put 50 PFM members and partners in a tin can with limitless energy and sent it off to the nearest habitable planet at 80%c what would you have on arrival?
A lot of cable debates?

If you put 50 PFM members and partners in a tin can with limitless energy and sent it off to the nearest habitable planet at 80%c what would you have on arrival?
I doubt 49 male hi-fi bores and maxflinn would be able to re-populate anything...
IMO opinion an ice age lasting millions of years would be civilization ending, a gradual sea level rise would not.
That places Tombola Mansions at current sea level?
I'm sure Amazon will do a Turning Back the Rising Tide Kit - "Everything for the complete climate change denying Cnut".
It makes me chuckle that many believe we can stop nature happening very pig headed and arrogant to think we can control what is by all intents and purposes uncontrollable!

Climate change is the biggest con ever thought up! buts let's spend millions and trillions investigating and debating it and not bother about the problem of people starving and not having a job or home at the very least makes me sick to the stomach to see people mainly middle aged men sleeping in door ways what's wrong with people and this world?
It makes me chuckle that many believe we can stop nature happening very pig headed and arrogant to think we can control what is by all intents and purposes uncontrollable!

Climate change is the biggest con ever thought up! buts let's spend millions and trillions investigating and debating it and not bother about the problem of people starving and not having a job or home at the very least makes me sick to the stomach to see people mainly middle aged men sleeping in door ways what's wrong with people and this world?
Amazon kit, sir?

Climate change is the biggest con ever thought up! buts let's spend millions and trillions investigating and debating it and not bother about the problem of people starving and not having a job or home at the very least makes me sick to the stomach to see people mainly middle aged men sleeping in door ways what's wrong with people and this world?
Under my fiendishly clever plan, we will not only avert a climate disaster but we'll also improve the lives of countless people while not taking a big chunk of the natural world with us.

Incidentally, the poor will be the ones that fare worst if the planet continues to warm. Not only are they in marginal areas, but they have the fewest resources to mitigate the problem.


