
Second hand vinyl finds

Though many 78s have quite a large area of runout groove so possibly less of an issue than it might appear.

Yes, I’ve just checked a couple at random and it clamps pretty much at the edge of the playing surface, sometimes just over, sometimes just past. Potentially useable:

I've not really looked closely yet, did the 78s have a standardised label size, or did they vary between (sorry!) labels ....?

Not sure. It isn’t my area to be honest, I’ve never traded in them as they are so breakable. They certainly seem to have different label materials, e.g. the Brunswick I picture looks like some kind of water-slide decal or printing, whereas HMV etc have more familiar paper labels. I suspect that Brunswick wouldn’t mind getting wet.
I've not really looked closely yet, did the 78s have a standardised label size, or did they vary between (sorry!) labels ....?
Yes they varied, especially the earlier you get and even within the same brand. The RIAA specfied a Minimum Inside Diameter, or somesuch. I don't know when and you'd need lo look that up for the spec (I'm too tired at the moment, sorry)
Of course he did, it's an audiophile record! ;)

Analogue Productions reissued it a few years ago with a different cover in red. It's a great album. Mine has the cover above, an original 6 eye. These old Ellington records are so underappreciated and it's still possible to pick them up at great prices.
I have it, it’s pretty good, from memory it doesn’t have Johnny Hodges on it though? Ellington is always good value, just not that collectible due to the size of the catalogue.
I missed this excellent article in the Graun from last April in which their intrepid writer uses RSD to go hunting for second hand treasure in Brighton.

One of my best finds was a Boxed set of Roxy Music '8LP's' never been played for £8 in a charity shop in Lincs.

And another good find was when a second hand Record Shop opened in my local town, what a find! Bought perhaps 50 albums from him,all in perfect condition,some still sealed. The shop closed shortly after.

Then another great find in a charity shop in Birmingham, mostly classical, bought the majority of them for about £20 must have been around 40 plus albums.
Something like a goat-hair or whatever nail brush would likely work really well. I have done very little to mine as I play them on a proper vintage wind-up machine (a HMV 101) with a tracking weight I’d need to get the bathroom scales down to figure out. Sounds surprisingly good.

PS Nice haul above; the Ellington should be really good.
Beware, shellac has a finite lifespan when played on such a machine, which reduces as your needle loudness rating increases.

I have a pile of junk 78s for the HMV wind up, the rest only get played on the Lenco.
I've not really looked closely yet, did the 78s have a standardised label size, or did they vary between (sorry!) labels ....?
There are 10" 78s which are supposed to have similar playing time to 12" 78s. They do this by having a postage stamp sized label.
Beware, shellac has a finite lifespan when played on such a machine, which reduces as your needle loudness rating increases.

I have a pile of junk 78s for the HMV wind up, the rest only get played on the Lenco.

My 78s are only stuff I’ve been given. To be honest I have no idea how to grade a 78, no idea where the grading lines lie as I’ve never wanted to buy and sell them. None are in a condition I’d touch if they were vinyl, yet they seem to sound ok on the HMV wind-up. It goes years without use though so they aren’t getting worn out!

I haven’t even bothered cataloguing the 78s into my Discogs collection. I don’t think I’ve got anything valuable; a few Louis Armstrong, Basie, Waller, Sinatra, Ammons etc, but I suspect they are all UK reissues, not US originals. Certainly no Blue Notes or rare blues!

