
Scottish Politics II

Brian says:
“…that’s alright according to the nationalists/hypocrites.”
“Keep crying about independence…”
“…they need help and money from the horrible English to help save their lives from covid.”


“It’s obviously much easier for the nationalists to deal with someone they perceive as having a feeling of superiority over Scots, a belief Scotland is a drain on the UK etc etc. This seems to be how many nationalists view the attitude of the English but it’s not me”.

There's no logic in your comments Brian, they are all over the place. So, it's a waste of my time to debate with you. You are against Scotland being independent because you like Scots and believe independence will be bad for us. Fair enough. Thank you for your concern.

I am for independence ( even more so since the Brexit vote in 2016). I think the UK is in the grip of a government and other powerful actors who are hell-bent on hollowing out our country, plundering its wealth, extracting profits but paying no tax, creating a weak, precarious, de-unionised workforce with poor to non-existent employment rights, increasing inequality and further concentrating wealth for the super rich.

I think the UK is becoming more and more like the USA and less like other Northern European countries which have a better balance of work-life, better equality of wealth, better pensions, better wellbeing, better educational outcomes, better health, superior public services and public transport infrastructure.

The way the UK is going truly frightens me. It is by far the most corrupt and self-harming developed nation in the northern hemisphere. I fear for my children's ability to ever have a decent, secure job, good health care and a safe home in a good neighbourhood.

The problem I face is that my English cousins keep voting for ever more destructive governments (Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson FFS!).
I see no sign that this will change. Also of concern is the irrational and infantile attachment to a frankly medieval system of patronage, privilege and feudalism; Queen, House of Lords, Honours, Royals etc.

So, I'm willing to take a risk (yes, it is a risk) on an independent Scotland running things differently.
I am encouraged by two things; Scotland's immense resources (natural and human) and the fact that we tend to elect more progressive governments. It wont be easy, but a better future is at least possible.

This is a great post. I couldn't have said it better myself
Addressing the thread topic, Scottish politics, everyone will have seen this story about Johnson’s ITU nurse quitting the NHS over the derisory 1% pay offer against a backdrop of populist gesture politics. She was invited to Downing St not for a simple thank you but to participate in a political stage managed ‘clap for NHS workers’ photo call with Johnson, ie to benefit Johnson.


Contrast that with the 4% pay award to NHS workers in Scotland. Labour can’t deliver this elsewhere in the U.K. and they couldn’t deliver it here- it was left to the Scottish Government to do the right thing.
Cripes I thought she was Ripley from the first Alien movie (the scene where she confronts androidAsh).
Addressing the thread topic, Scottish politics, everyone will have seen this story about Johnson’s ITU nurse quitting the NHS over the derisory 1% pay offer against a backdrop of populist gesture politics. She was invited to Downing St not for a simple thank you but to participate in a political stage managed ‘clap for NHS workers’ photo call with Johnson, ie to benefit Johnson.


Contrast that with the 4% pay award to NHS workers in Scotland. Labour can’t deliver this elsewhere in the U.K. and they couldn’t deliver it here- it was left to the Scottish Government to do the right thing.

The 4% vote buyer is certainly impressive. What are the Scottish Govt paying for it with?
Neither the rules of, nor the potential outcome of the referendum were known by the voters. it was an advisory referendum that suddenly became binding. The type of departure from the EU was known to nobody, least of all Brexiteers, most of whom specifically ruled out the type of Brexit we ended up with. The referendum was marred by dark money foreign money and illegal activity by Vote Leave to such an extent that had the result been formally binding the Electoral Commission would have declared in null and void.

Brexit was is and has always been a ultra right-wing Tory initiative. I'm happy for you that you got the result you wanted Brian. Well done and I hope you are enjoying this Tory government that resulted and the many more that will follow. You state you are a labour supporter so this must all be a spectacular own-goal for you. Again, well done.
Someone questioned me for mentioning a supermajority and that is what I was replying to. Talking about people not understanding the detail of brexit, or whether the referendum was advisory given the pledge from Cameron, is merely a diversion from the point.

It was very clear the 2016 referendum did not require a supermajority for change and it should have. You know as well as I do a supermajority should be required for changes of this magnitude, it just doesn’t suit you when it comes to your wish for Scottish independence but it’s beyond you to agree, even with something so clearly right. It is remarkably stupid for such a huge change to be possible on 50% + 1.

I’m happy that you’re happy to imagine you think I got what I wanted, Colin. I still don’t see how you are going to get what you want out of the tories.
Addressing the thread topic, Scottish politics, everyone will have seen this story about Johnson’s ITU nurse quitting the NHS over the derisory 1% pay offer against a backdrop of populist gesture politics. She was invited to Downing St not for a simple thank you but to participate in a political stage managed ‘clap for NHS workers’ photo call with Johnson, ie to benefit Johnson.


Contrast that with the 4% pay award to NHS workers in Scotland. Labour can’t deliver this elsewhere in the U.K. and they couldn’t deliver it here- it was left to the Scottish Government to do the right thing.
LOL. So you don’t need independence...

Labour can’t deliver a pay rise of anything to anyone when they aren’t in govt.
Cue Brian....."its from the Chinese who will be buying all the Scottish assets"
You’re making stuff up again, Colin. :D

A search on my posts and ‘Chinese’ won’t return anything about Chinese buying Scottish assets. I’ve never commented on it and I won’t be.

This is a great post. I couldn't have said it better myself
Apart from the unnecessary and incorrect personal nonsense in the post, I agree. I feel exactly the same about the tories.
Cue Brian....."its from the Chinese who will be buying all the Scottish assets"
I think that’s the other troll, the UKIP one. Highly amusing to see all three agreeing with each other ( UKIP, Tory, Labour) then get confused about what it’s they’re supposed to objecting to. You just have to introduce a new theme and the three sack race contenders hop toward it like caterpillars.
You’re making stuff up again, Colin. :D

A search on my posts and ‘Chinese’ won’t return anything about Chinese buying Scottish assets. I’ve never commented on it and I won’t be.

Apart from the unnecessary and incorrect personal nonsense in the post, I agree. I feel exactly the same about the tories.

Ah, Apologies. I meant to reference Colin B, not you.
I think of you both as two cheeks of the same arse so that explains the confusion. ;)
Ah, Apologies. I meant to reference Colin B, not you.
I think of you both as two cheeks of the same arse so that explains the confusion. ;)
Not much different to you and SteveG, your leader somewhere up the creak and a horde of winnets hanging on.

