
RTA Procedure?

I just saw this thread now…

I'm glad you're in one piece -- that's the main thing -- but make sure your injuries are well documented by physicians. This is essential if the matter goes to court.

But for now, I'm happy to hear you're well enough to type. Man, what a close call!

Oh dear, sorry to hear what happened Tony. It appears the driver was a complete idiot and you are lucky to be alive.

Scolarest in post 12 has summed things up well. I'd definitely get a solicitor asap and not an ambulance chaser. A barrister who is a relative of mine recommended one to me when I was run over.

I stupidly didn't attend the appearance of the driver in the magistrates court. He was fined £200 and lost six points off his license. He was insured and I got a decent sized payout, but he should have been jailed for the damage he did to me and the amount of time I spent in hospital, especially since he didn't stop driving and somebody had to follow him home.

I believe judges aren't so lenient about drivers who run cyclists and pedestrians over anymore. What I am trying to say is if you want the driver to be prosecuted to the fullest extent, it takes a bit of effort.

Many drivers will try and get away with whatever they can. The bloke who ran me over said he wasn't guilty to begin with, despite the fact that he was seen running into me on CCTV cameras.

Hope you recover quickly.

All the very best to you Tony and I hope you make a speedy recovery. The physical aspects of your injury are one thing but do not neglect the mental/emotional aspects of this incident. As regards the Police, insist that they pursue the investigation and not let it drop because if they find the driver was negligent it makes your case easier in Court should it come to this (hopefully it will not) and in the eyes of the Insurance Company.
Thanks folks. Assessing the bike damage put me back into shock a bit (I don't quite understand how it is so badly damaged yet I am not as I didn't really ever part company with it, I was still kind of sitting in the frame triangle at the end when everything stopped), but better again now. I have a shelf full of nice Islay malt etc, though sadly I've been prescribed a course of antibiotics (I assume due to the cuts) so that's out. I got given a box each of Naproxen and Co-Dydramol, which are some kind of pain-killers. I've also got a bag of dressings for the wounds in my left leg, but that apparently shouldn't need re-doing for a couple of days.
I've been proximate to rather too many bike crashes the last few days. Obviously not causally....

Anyway, optimism, you're not seriously hurt and you're getting a new bike.

I hope you will continue to cycle, and that you will join one of the organisations, BC, CTC, etc to give you personal insurance, in case you end up being held liable for something, and immediate legal assistance for the current circumstances.

BC seem to be connected to Leigh-Day, so that's a proxy recommendation.

Glad to hear you are still with us Tony.

Ping me your email address, via pm. I will put you in touch with an old friend of mine who got knocked off his bike by a motorist. I am sure he will be able to guide you.
Paul, I suspect joining a cycle organisation is a good idea, I'll look into that. Michael I'll pop my email address over.
Tony -

Please pay close attention over the next few days for any signs of potential internal injury. I was in an automobile accident about fifteen years ago - rear ended. Nothing but cuts, bumps and bruises right after, but my lower back seized up the next day. Turned out I had a blown disc and needed surgery.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Good to hear you are OK. Too tough to be even seriously injured - pfm! pfm! pfm!
So sorry to hear of your misfortune and wish you a speedy recovery.

Take lots of pictures of the bike and especially your injuries, start a diary NOW! It's surprising how quickly you can forget important things, if you can bear it put down in your own words exactly what happened - like in a witness statement.

Your solicitor will be asking for the above, good luck.
The policeman who dealt with it was very good indeed, he took a very detailed witness statement, several pages worth in his notebook, read it back to me and got me to sign it.

I have to say the ambulance crew, police and hospital staff were all exceptional. Every one a really nice friendly person who appeared exceptionally competent and thorough in their job. Many going well beyond scope, e.g. the off duty nurse who helped me at the scene, the ambulance crew were just randomly passing (I think going off shift), yet happily dealt with me and took me miles out of their way to Oldham, the policeman emailed me some additional details, help and advice. I am hugely impressed by all of them. The whole thing took rather a long time, but I can't complain about that as it was obvious many folk in A&E were in a far worse state than me. Without wishing to turn this thread political we do all really need to value and support these people. Each and every one really did a superb job for me today.
I have nothing useful to offer, but I'm glad you're still mostly in one piece.
There's probably a better way of describing this but a paramedic told me ambulance staff have a duty of care to those in need, in other words if they drove past you (Tony) even if they were off duty and there wasn't a very good reason for doing so they'd get done! That said, every single medical professional I've ever met is altruistic by nature and they don't need telling twice.
Same here—I've had a few scrapes on roundabouts with one car forcing me into the central circle on purpose. But mostly they just don't see you no matter how visible you are.

Be well Tony—keep us up to speed.

Tony, at least you're ok, that's something.

I'd leave it to the lawyers and Police tbh, just make sure you get reassessed in the near future to check the medics didn't miss anything. Look after yourself.
Thank goodness you are more or less OK! In Italian you would say "stavo meglio prima!", I was better before.

Yes, as tgineil says, get checked and re-checked, there are things that can give problems later on, knees, writs, vertebrae, etc. You could get a friendly doctor to make a report of all the things that could, conceivably and hypothetically, give trouble in the future. Laid on as thick as possible.

And make sure you have a good lawyer batting for you through the whole process.

Best wishes for a quick recovery!
wow, just seen this thread now :(

glad you're in 1 piece after what happened considering the state of your bike... !

scary stuff :(

