
Road Tax Reminders

I just hope that this means that you agree with me that the Greens and LibDems are also racists.

Not to anything like the same extent. Both stood firmly against your party’s racist isolationist Brexit project and wouldn’t be seen dead near the ‘hostile environment’, ‘stop the boats’ or the Rwanda concentration camps etc.

Neither go far enough for me. I’d like to see a world without nation states or borders, but as a pragmatist I’ll take any political trajectory towards that future. In reality that is any road away from the Conservative Party, UKIP, National Front, BNP etc. The Greens are the furthest from the fascism the Tories represent, so they will get my vote. They are to my mind the most sensible thing on the ballot paper. By far.
I believe in meritocracy, I judge a person on their knowledge, ability and willingness to work. Anyone who crosses the channel seems to be demonstrating that they really do want to improve themselves and are prepared to get off their arses to prove it.

That is in full line with Conservative values. Unfortunately most Tories are latent racist just like the majority of the nation and other political parties. Even the Greens want controlled immigration, so sorry but anyone who supports the Greens is helping to support racism. If your argument is to say no entry to someone purely because they were born in another country, then you are a racist.

I can't help but feel that the conservatives with Thatcher at the helm is the genesis of the myopic, self-centered, everything must go, failed state we're in now (reminders not being issued and a normally law abiding person being threaten with a final reminder and fine is just another symptom of this).

Whats brought all this on though? have you turned into Slough's (or is it Milton Keynes? i can't remember now) Kofi Annan?

I thought you were living in Spain? (something i can no longer afford to do since we've left the EU).
On a personal note over the years you've always been consistently funny to me, intentionally or not, like a sort of finely crafted forum Alan Bastard ;)
I think you've always been a rubbish conservative and a nice "chap" willing to help people if needed, the exact opposite of what it means to be a conservative, this latest direction has only confirmed it.

