
Road Tax Reminders

Enoch Powell is the first amendment to Godwin's Law. I think Mick might be having a bit of an episode brought on by the extreme cognitive dissonance of trying to support the worst government in living memory.
You can argue passports should never have been introduced and I would agree with you, you can argue they can be gradually phased out and I would agree with you but scrapping them immediately would just not work.

It need not take too long, it just means that we change the mindset that a country belongs to those to were born in it and an acceptance of the fact that if you want to keep Johnny foriner out then you are a racist. Everyone on this planet is born equal and has the moral right to settle wherever they want.
Passports don't get you permission to enter a country. Passports prove who you are, internationally. This is useful, because if you get into a bit of bother overseas, you can contact your own country's consulate for help.

Passports also prove who you are so if a country has decided you are not welcome, it can deny you access, I grant you. However, there are some people, including terrorists, criminal masterminds, pinko lefty undesirables, who ought not to be at large, for the protection of innocent citizens.

If you don't believe in passports, you don't believe in countries. I don't think, as a species, we are ready for that yet.
Passports don't get you permission to enter a country. Passports prove who you are, internationally. This is useful, because if you get into a bit of bother overseas, you can contact your own country's consulate for help.

Passports also prove who you are so if a country has decided you are not welcome, it can deny you access, I grant you. However, there are some people, including terrorists, criminal masterminds, pinko lefty undesirables, who ought not to be at large, for the protection of innocent citizens.

If you don't believe in passports, you don't believe in countries. I don't think, as a species, we are ready for that yet.

If someone tries to enter the UK or any other country without a valid passport then they will face an uphill struggle to get in. You and I on the other hand could travel anywhere in the UK no matter what our history or background. We could be terrorists, child molesters or anything equally nasty and we will still have freedom to do anything and travel about as we so wish.That is sufficient evidence that we are discriminating and therefore we are racist. You just have to accept that. This is the acceptable side of racism and it is very successful as most Liberal parties also think it is ok. This is why Braverman gets away with what she is doing because it's a popular move.
You clearly have a unique definition of the word racism, unrecognised by anyone else.
You describe xenophobia, not racism.
You clearly have a unique definition of the word racism, unrecognised by anyone else.
You describe xenophobia, not racism.


Definition of Racism from the Oxford.
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a
    particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

    Definition of xenophobia.


    dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
    1. "the resurgence of racism and xenophobia"

      These are pretty similar, it's just that the "keep them out" policy appears reasonable and gets support from those who think of themselves non racist.

      It's evil and effective and hence why Braverman gets away with it.
If someone tries to enter the UK or any other country without a valid passport then they will face an uphill struggle to get in. You and I on the other hand could travel anywhere in the UK no matter what our history or background. We could be terrorists, child molesters or anything equally nasty and we will still have freedom to do anything and travel about as we so wish.That is sufficient evidence that we are discriminating and therefore we are racist. You just have to accept that. This is the acceptable side of racism and it is very successful as most Liberal parties also think it is ok. This is why Braverman gets away with what she is doing because it's a popular move.
Firstly: Discrimination and racism are not synonyms. And no, I don't just have to accept that if we discriminate, we are racist. Your argument is going from the general to the particular, and lacks rigour.

Secondly: there are many circumstances in which discrimination is practiced, and is not only desirable, but necessary. We don't let blind people fly planes or drive buses for a living; we prefer it if psychopaths don't become policemen (I know, that one needs work); and people with cerebral palsy are unlikely to make the Spurs first team.
Not sure about road tax reminders but I needed to be reminded of the thread title. This VED renewal I did this morning but 'twas frustrating, despite having the V11 reminder. Entered my current (but expiring in 6 days) Mastercard details; failed; back to the beginning. Tried again with my new (and also current (overlapping)) credit card; failed. Third time, with debit card, sigh of relief. Left feedback accordingly.

Re. passports, I don't even have one for Pimlico so I'm doomed to stay in this sceptred isle. The lsast two expensive passports have served for just one foreign trip each. NOT v.f.m. as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully, I don't need anything to visit the Channel Islands as I've been virtually everywhere else in Britain and Ireland.
Definition of Racism from the Oxford.
  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a
    particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
But discriminating (equally) against all non-citizens is not discrimination 'on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group'. Firstly, it's not discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity so much as place of origin; secondly, doing it to everybody hardly fits the 'minority' or 'marginalised' bit.

But as you wear your politics on your sleeve, I wonder how you square your belief with your staunch support of a party which has been massively discriminatory to 'others' since time immemorial?
Just a 'heads up' for British drivers.
A friend tells me he recently received a 'Final Reminder' that his Vehicle Road Tax was due for renewal. He was puzzled, having had no earlier reminder.
It turned out he'd been driving an untaxed vehicle for about 3 weeks..plenty of time for him to be deemed uninsured a result of a routine stop etc.
As it was he taxed his vehicle online and it was backdated to the previous expiry date...but..
It turns out that lots of people are not receiving reminders due to some changes in the system, and of course ultimately we are all responsible for ensuring we are 'road legal.
So get online to Gov.Uk ( not one of the scammer sites that want to charge a fee for looking it up for you .), check your dates and put a timely reminder in your diary.

This has just happened to me. I also got caught my an outfit wanting to take care of car matters. They charged a fee for service which was taken from my account. Although my bank paid the fee it suspended the account, suspecting fraud. I spent a considerable time going through transactions and failed to reognize the one paying for the car service. My bank got the payment back. I, in something of a rage - my bank had refused a payment - contacted the company which immediately promised the refund.
This has just happened to me. I also got caught my an outfit wanting to take care of car matters. They charged a fee for service which was taken from my account. Although my bank paid the fee it suspended the account, suspecting fraud. I spent a considerable time going through transactions and failed to reognize the one paying for the car service. My bank got the payment back. I, in something of a rage - my bank had refused a payment - contacted the company which immediately promised the refund.

A government lapse providing an opportunity for someone to cash in on - surely I'm being far too suspicious!
No reminder letter in July - I remembered in time.
First time in 37 years that I have not received such.
Now on DVLA list for email notifications.
The only people who believe in passports are racists because the thing is designed to only allow the privileged few into a country. We should all have the right to travel anywhere and not having a bunch of racists trying to restrict our freedom to travel. The things should be burnt.

Apologies... if this is the wrong Mick P, but i thought you were a fan of Thatcher and the conservatives in general?
Or are you being ironic, i'm not sure to be honest :)
Apologies... if this is the wrong Mick P, but i thought you were a fan of Thatcher and the conservatives in general?
Or are you being ironic, i'm not sure to be honest :)

I believe in meritocracy, I judge a person on their knowledge, ability and willingness to work. Anyone who crosses the channel seems to be demonstrating that they really do want to improve themselves and are prepared to get off their arses to prove it.

That is in full line with Conservative values. Unfortunately most Tories are latent racist just like the majority of the nation and other political parties. Even the Greens want controlled immigration, so sorry but anyone who supports the Greens is helping to support racism. If your argument is to say no entry to someone purely because they were born in another country, then you are a racist.
Nah, it’s a typical shallow, not thought through position.

No it's just a case of people like you trying to preserve the status quo because it suits you. I am not suggesting that people like you are foaming at the mouth racists but you certainly want to discriminate against people entering the UK because they were born in a different country and sorry but that makes you, by definition, a racist.
I’m just pleased to see Mick now grasps the political party he so actively supports and even canvases for is a fundamentally racist, nationalist, protectionist and isolationist entity. It represents everything he is arguing against on this thread. It is not often we end up on the same page politically, but I am happy to welcome Mick to my woke, anti-fascist, anti-nationalist world.
I’m just pleased to see Mick now grasps the political party he so actively supports and even canvases for is a fundamentally racist, nationalist, protectionist and isolationist entity. It represents everything he is arguing against on this thread. It is not often we end up on the same page politically, but I am happy to welcome Mick to my woke, anti-fascist, anti-nationalist world.

I am delighted to be welcomed into your favour, it has really made my day. I just hope that this means that you agree with me that the Greens and LibDems are also racists.

