
Rice cookers

You never see rice in a saucepan in KL. The gas hob is occupied by the woks.
Keeping the rice warm is an important function.
Many decades ago in a food course, I was taught how to cook rice by a Chinese chef. Put rice in pan, cover with water so it is a finger joint above rice, boil until it makes little volcanos, take off heat, cover with lid and let sit for half an hour. Works extremely well and cooks thai rice to perfection. But if you get distracted and let it go a little too long it doesn't work so well. I bought a rice cooker and to my delight found it cooks rice in exactly the same way as I was shown. Bonus is that it never gets it wrong ( if you use correct water ) and of course keeps rice warm. A must in my household.

This is how I do it, exactly, the volcanos/ little even pits across the surface. All I do extra, is blitz in microwave any time you want after the 30 mins, to get it steamy hot again, & thus making sure it's defo cooked to just soft.

Not bothering about a rice cooker after this post. You just gotta know exactly when to whack lid on, s'all. And use a thick/ VG quality pan. It couldn't be simpler. 5 mins work.. & forget about it.

It couldn't be simpler. 5 mins work.. & forget about it.
A rice cooker is 500% simpler. One minute's work to rinse the rice, add water and pop the switch. No need to stand around waiting for the water to boil, look for volcanos, know when to slam on the lid, or microwave later.

I have not known anyone who has used a rice cooker and still prefers using a pot/pan.

In my estimation, there are only two reasons not to have one. (1) You don't cook rice with any regularity or (2) you don't have space to store one.
A rice cooker is 500% simpler. One minute's work to rinse the rice, add water and pop the switch. No need to stand around waiting for the water to boil, look for volcanos, know when to slam on the lid, or microwave later.

I have not known anyone who has used a rice cooker and still prefers using a pot/pan.

In my estimation, there are only two reasons not to have one. (1) You don't cook rice with any regularity or (2) you don't have space to store one.
There might be a third reason....
I bought my Mum one years and years ago. She loved it and used it forever. Nothing fancy but things were better made back then...
A rice cooker is 500% simpler. One minute's work to rinse the rice, add water and pop the switch. No need to stand around waiting for the water to boil, look for volcanos, know when to slam on the lid, or microwave later.

I have not known anyone who has used a rice cooker and still prefers using a pot/pan.

In my estimation, there are only two reasons not to have one. (1) You don't cook rice with any regularity or (2) you don't have space to store one.

Well no I don't cook it lately regularly tbh. I do have plenty of space, but spending £30 just to save me 4 mins.. still not quite worth it, just for me. If I find a used one cheap.. maybe.

More ideal for a couple or a family I'd think? Capt
My aunt was stationed in KL for a while and was totally converted to rice cookers.

We measure carefully and oven cook; it's not quite as good.
I've used one of the cheapest Cuckoo rice cookers most days for the past 20 years, it's bomb proof. Quite hard to find one these days as they all seem to have extra programmable features. If I ever had to replace it I'd stick with the most popular Korean (e.g. Cuckoo) or Japanese brands and get the simplest one possible.

As to whether a given kitchen gadget is worthwhile it obviously depends on what you prefer to eat. I eat rice more often than toast, so I have a rice cooker and no toaster. Rice cookers come into their own if you eat rice multiple times a day, or have people in the household eating at different times, so there is always warm rice "on tap".
I've used one of the cheapest Cuckoo rice cookers most days for the past 20 years, it's bomb proof. Quite hard to find one these days as they all seem to have extra programmable features. If I ever had to replace it I'd stick with the most popular Korean (e.g. Cuckoo) or Japanese brands and get the simplest one possible.

As to whether a given kitchen gadget is worthwhile it obviously depends on what you prefer to eat. I eat rice more often than toast, so I have a rice cooker and no toaster. Rice cookers come into their own if you eat rice multiple times a day, or have people in the household eating at different times, so there is always warm rice "on tap".

I always wondered why the B&B we stayed at in Vinales had three lined up, they did a good supper so always needed warm rice.
A rice cooker is 500% simpler. One minute's work to rinse the rice, add water and pop the switch. No need to stand around waiting for the water to boil, look for volcanos, know when to slam on the lid, or microwave later.

I have not known anyone who has used a rice cooker and still prefers using a pot/pan.

In my estimation, there are only two reasons not to have one. (1) You don't cook rice with any regularity or (2) you don't have space to store one.
Why would you rinse the rice?

Why would you spend £50 + on a device that saves a few minutes?
Why would you rinse the rice?

Why would you spend £50 + on a device that saves a few minutes?
I’m not arguing for you to buy a rice cooker but have you reflected on how odd that statement is? We spend all kinds of amounts on all kinds of time saving gadgets!
I brought a Zojirushi (looks like the "fancy one" in the OP) home from Japan some years ago. Works really well and gives good results. I don't use as much as I used to, but it's definitely nice to have if you eat rice regularly. The non-stick coating on the bowl eventually starting peeling off but I was able to buy a new one since the rest of the machine was fine.

I'm not sure the rice cooker actually saves that much time because it is slower than just using a hob, but one of the things I like about it is the timer. That means you can preprogram it to have the rice ready for 7.00 pm and then focus on preparing the rest of a meal for the same time. On balance that's probably not the biggest problem in the world, but I've still used it a lot :)

