
Restoring a Thorens TD124 Mk II SME3009 Shure V15 Type III

Well, you bastard, the full "Doing a Jonathan" just happened... to me... just now... So the Koetsu Urushi goes in in a bit...


Might get a swanky new plinth now as well.


Richard Clayderman is where it's at! The most prestigious!
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Flash phoenix uber-deck, flash Koetsu, removing all digital (by the looks of it)

fox - you are my hero. I may have to play Penelope Pitstop to your Mutley.
Yup. Strickly old skool.

Before: Phono>ADC>DAC>ATCs
After: Phono>TVC>ATCs

That's as minimal as I can go. Teh Pr0n follows when all settled.
That could only get more prestigious with a Sarah Brightman disc spinning atop.

fox is definitely analogue hero of the month. Next logical move = dansette.
*coff* *splutter* a band I was helping out with had a bit of a "shred" moment -- and when it goes horribly horribly wrong (as it did -- just for a bit) Jazz/Punk/Improv smells just like teen amplified skiffle...

Here's Metallica played on a Ukelele. I could never be as cool as this guy.
(sorry I'm getting a bit impatient now it's been paid for...)

[time passes... time bloody passes...]
I have visions of me calling them up just as mr hodgson is sticking the diamond in place and the phone going off and politely saying "oh bugger" before picking up the phone. "Ah another few weeks, we just tried as sir called and interrupted.... No I'm afraid not sir... we will have to send another lad off to the mines..."

These men are artisans... Even a jedi must work on his patience sometimes...
I assume for a cartridge that beautiful and luxurious one would start with a diamond the size of an egg and gently file and polish it down until it is absolutely perfect.

That reminds me I should send my other cartridge off to them to get it rebuilt, I dread the day I have an accident with my current cartridge and have no backup that's ready to go. Anyone know what the current rate is for a rebuild? Perhaps I can take advantage of the current exchange rate.

have you not seen Jurassic Park?

Esco need to capture a diamond that contains a mosquito present at the recording of KOB which dined on the exquisite blood of Miles himself, mid performance, nothing less is worthy of your koetsu, such things take time...
Dude this is an Urushi. For that I want Coltrane, not Miles as it would then come with built-in bub-teeth-grinding additives -- sauce first as the music is extracted from the grooves.

Miles' blood would be for something like a Jade or Onyx, Monk and Parker would be for a Rosewood. Mingus would be a tough one...
Schitt, Mingus would be a DL103 made of EBONY by Charles himself when he INVENTED stereograms.

