
Restoring a Thorens TD124 Mk II SME3009 Shure V15 Type III

chaps I think we have managed to translate the Chuck Norris joke into Audio Nerd-speak.
Can haz Urushi?

I notice Koetsu actually have a cart hewn from Jade, how fecking Indiana Jones is THAT?

They also make one from Coralstone for the bargain price of $15,000.00. I'm waiting on one from fossilized wooly mammoth tusk.

Ok. I snapped and risked sending another boy into the mines and called ESco yesterday. The Urushi will be with me next week. Offishul.

Putting out the feelers for another smashed up cheap Koetsu (possibly a Black) to get rebuilt as a stand in for when the Urushi eventually needs to go off for a retip. This photo is of an old Black that I had retipped but which refused to hold the tip, eventually I swapped it for a Koetsu Onyx, that was bested in personal tastes by a Benz MO9 -- close call, Benz did some things better than rthe Onyx, but the Onyx had a way of haunting me after it had gone that the Benz did not have when it was gone.

I'm such a sap.

If you have too much money, you could engage in a bit of oneupmanship and get a Benz LP-S. Supposed to be the bee's knees.
It lacks the mystique of the solitary enlightened Japanese Sensei (Sugano San -- if you please) hand-winding his coils and Urushi lacquering my prescious between calligraphy and pottery and kicking the crap out of 20 ninja assassins whom have entered his mountain compound to come and steal his secrets. ESco are like anthropological artisans catching brief glimpses of the great master's work and restore his creations for shadowy owners in far flung secret bases planning world domination.


"For too long 'Mister Bond' I have made do with a Denon DL103, but with the final piece of the jigsaw that you so conveniently delivered into my hands, I can now place this Koetsu diamond into my prototype laser that will simultaneously shoot down every military satellite orbiting the planet and finally rid me of that annoying Fapping sound on Plastikman's Acid house remix of System 7's AlphaWave." Ha Ha... Mwah Hah Ha. Ha Ha Ha. [stops to stroke pussy].

Plus, on a Thorens can there be too much Swissness? I do believe there can...
Yes, you should seek out some sort of Aztec cartridge if possible.

Are they the ones that are hewn from solid rock, with such precision that no cement or glue is required? Now *that* would be good. Also do they last 2000 years and require blessing with the sacrificial blood of 13 virgins?
"For too long 'Mister Bond' I have made do with a Denon DL103, but with the final piece of the jigsaw that you so conveniently delivered into my hands, I can now place this Koetsu diamond into my prototype laser that will simultaneously shoot down every military satellite orbiting the planet and finally rid me of that annoying Fapping sound on Plastikman's Acid house remix of System 7's AlphaWave." Ha Ha... Mwah Hah Ha. Ha Ha Ha. [stops to stroke pussy].

I went to NASA to do some work once, I want one hewn from the Moon rocks that I held.

That and a modern Holly Goodhead to enjoy with my single malt.
They should make a cart from a hollowed out diamond filled with printer ink THE MOST EXPENSIVE LIQUID KNOWN TO MAN!

I shall now take my meds and stolidly await further pr0n.
Well, the Urushi arrived. Along with enough putty to last me until it needs to go back for a retip.


I won't be able to hook it up for quite some time as I am not home for a few months (possibly as late as June), but its done and dusted and here with me. Enough time to get a Morch blue dot precision armwand ordered and delivered.
that'll work! Now all I need to do is see if I can find a supplier of DL103s and whip up a foo foo storm...

I look forward to some pron and comments once the Morch and koetsu are set up. Plenty of time for you to ponder the most appropriate BlueNote for the occasion...
First batch of Pr0n


I am breaking with tradition.... the LP is Keith Hudson Playing it Cool - an old skool Reggae Dancehall/Dub mashup. 8 track recorded Jamaican 70s LP.
The hudson? It's yet another fine acquisition from soho's vinyl junkies...i.e. one cannot go wrong when the usual guy is serving in the store. Been reissued by the Basic Channel peeps on their reissues label. A fine lp with some hilariously bad splices into the dub versions and in many was as bonkers and far reaching as lee scratch perry. Not as well known, but he deserved his reputation as "the dark magus of dub".

The Urushi?

Moar pr0n following. Its hard to unravel personal feelings from the actual, but after a few days of solid listening, this Urushi retip is still a lovely cart. So far ahead of streaming audio and previous vinyl setups I'm laughing. It's a lot more refined and detailed than the other good carts I've owned like the Benz M09 and a lot more honest than the. Koetsu Onyx both I've heard through my ATCs but only this and the DL103 through the NVA Phono2. Its cool and matter of fact where the Denon was rather more aggressive and blunt.

I like playing loads of different styles close together so I like a good all rounder. Like the 103 It seems to play everything just right but it makes less of a meal of everything, everything is placed just so in the field of listening. The 103 was always a bit indistinct in its lefty-rightedness and quite challenged in front-to-backness.. Bits behind the bits details are so simple to unravel now. Guitar picking on an old Elvis Costello LP really shine through like never before.

The Denon DL103 packs above its weight fer sure, but its pretty lightweight compared to this. I love the way it makes everything I listen to sound different. Tracks like a beaut. Every LP has a different fundamental sound to it but all the usually wheeled-out Koetsu traits apply here. A smoother then exprected top-end and a solid chunky bass.

Signal chain is;

Urushi/Morch standard yellow dot
NVA Phono2 (single psu mode)

I can go hellish loud if I want to but I rather prefer normal listening levels these days.

I bitterly regretted never retoring the bashed up Rosewood and selling it on, but with this I can leave it all behind and move on. As the Ken Kessler review says, "This Koetsu's for keeps".

