
Remembering multiple passwords

Have you been shouting at him, spraying cheap hooch over the keyboard with every foul, expletive-laden outburst?

No. I've been rationally conversing with him, giving praise where praise was due for smooth transactions, and mildly rebuking him, more in sorrow than in anger, for any glitches. Now vuk reveals that there is no such homunculus, and I find I've been wasting my breath.
I use 1Password, and mostly in an Apple environment. Works great on our Macs, and is functional (but not as easy/convenient) on iPhones and iPads.

I like having only one master password, and letting the tool automatically generate long, random login passwords. Also works very well for delivering profile and credit card information for online shopping.
I have 1Password since lastpass got bought out. Its a bit more fussy to use, however its a nice interface that has not succumbed to the apple/adobe greying of everything.

you should never use proprietary software, especially for something as important as this.

The open source no syncing to other people's sites option is KeePass.

The other prop software that is getting some traction is Dashlane.
B Folders is an app worth looking at. I store my passwords on it. Available free for Android and as paid for for application for Windows, Mac and Linux. A 30 day free trial available.

There are extensions for common browsers.

you should never use proprietary software, especially for something as important as this.

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Please tell more vuk. Seems pretty good to me. I backup a copy of all my passwords in an encrypted file at home also, just in case Lastpass suddenly disappeared off the internetty..
Please tell more vuk. Seems pretty good to me. I backup a copy of all my passwords in an encrypted file at home also, just in case Lastpass suddenly disappeared off the internetty..

by its very nature, proprietary software does not respect your freedoms as a user. you have no control over what it is doing or how it is treating your data/privacy. couple that with the fact of this particular company being taken over by one associated with some objectionable business practices and it's not the sort of password custodian i would feel comfortable with.

Surely that is the same with any and all password managers?

OK, so you don't like logmein...

Is there anything specific technically about Lastpass that we should know about?
My advice, for what little it is worth, is just to remember good unique passwords for mission critical sites, e.g. bank, eBay, PayPal, Amazon, any sites you actually own etc and then use a password manager for the stuff that is less important/can't impact you financially. That's certainly the way I work, I use good passwords I can remember for the sites mentioned and Apple's Keychain for the rest, which means all the stuff that doesn't really matter and I can't remember is available cloud-synced across my laptop, iPad and iPhone. If it is ever hacked the hacker may be able to post as me on Steve Hoffman's site, Wigwam or whatever, but I doubt that is much attraction or of huge commercial value! I never save any card details anywhere aside from sites where I remember a good alphanumerical password myself, i.e. passwords for that data is not saved anywhere.
Surely that is the same with any and all password managers?

no it is not. there are some which are free/libre software and they don't suffer from these ethical/control issues. i am not singling out any proprietary vendor. they are all to be condemned and not trusted -- that is the nature of their software.

they are all to be condemned and not trusted -- that is the nature of their software.

OK ta, I understand your mistrust of proprietary software, don't disagree.

Is there anything specific technically about Lastpass that we should know about?

you approach is similar to what i do. it would be nice if we had the option to use private keys to validate, but that's not so easy in the culture we've built where it's OK to brag about being "computer illiterate". when the 1% has even more of its way, i suspect regular literacy will experience similar regressions.


