
Record Shops RIP ...................................

Steg & Cheryl of Scorpion left Scorpion to fizzle out and opened Counter Culture is it.

They were in the IRSD there.

A report from my spiritual home, Cardiff is it.

D'Vinyl was shuttered up, no sign of life this pm. The dance music shop round the corner from it also completely gone. I had a feeling I wasn't going to be lucky today, too late to get to Diverse in Newport there.

I will try harder tomorrow, either the two missing shops in Sheffield, or Leicester perhaps.


D'Vinyl is sill going strong, was in there on Saturday. About 50 yards from it is the Record Shop which opens 12 til 5 Thurs to Saturday. Bargains to be found in the latter.
Sorry if the D'Vinyl obit was prem is it.

I guess it doesn't open on Mondays then.

Next visit will have to be a Thurs or Fri.

Another premature RIP report I am glad to say is it.

Clampdown Records in That Central Manchester was not shut, but in fact open there on a recent visit.

So that's 2 better than before.

Happy now to admit I was wrong, went to D'Vinyl in Cardiff today, crawled around on the floor, shifted lots of crates to look for the records is it, picked out a few rarities.

They have a LOT of vinyl in there, plastic crates stacked 3 deep in front of the vinyl racks, and in boxes underneath, so well worth booking a long visit, Lots of Indie 12"s.

Obviously, went on the wrong day for the Record Shop, it was shut, so I need to go another day there.

The nice goth girl in Spillers said they were closing down because of the redevelopment of the area , but they hope to move round the corner, so keep an eye out for that.

Catapault and Kellys still chugging along.

Leicester is it.

Oh No! Ultima Thule has turned into an Indian eatery is it.

But! hope springs, they have a sign saying press an intercom and they are in an office in the top of the building in Conduit Street.

But! I go up to the top floor, and they are packing away the stock as they are closing down as a shop then office shop and running it all from home, so mail order and internets. You may visit if organised in advance there.

And! No Conrad Schnitzler that I didn't already have, but did get a few other rarities and Faust stuff, so pretty good trip.

Rockaboom was still stocked up, more and more 2nd hand, playing Neu! 2 side B as I arrived, thus clearing out the shop of slawjawed indie kids, allowing me to go through the bins on the floor without being trod on. A reasonable set of discs, incl. a new Arcade Fire 12" didn't know about that.

All the other previous s/h shops gone though.

Report from Hastings is it

Discworld has shut down and finished, no stock, no counter, gone.

Lock Up had a decent amount of vinyl and some good stories there, mostly standard type of stuff.

Couldn't find the other one behind the funicular railway

Relating to Edinburgh

Avalanche is shutting up shop, but moving to smaller premises in the City is it. They need to ditch the huge volume of CDs and get more vinyl in there I think.

Well Impressed with Underground Solu'hns loads of the vinyl and decks to try, and bunches of Minimal Techno. Unknown Pleasures not bad, got some items, vinyl looking good. Even Fopp had a couple of racks and boxes of the black, but a whole floor of DVD there.

Missed out on Elvis Shakespear was open, but I was on the bus, didn't get off. Anyone know if they have a selection?

Note from Manchester

Fat City gone, turned into yet another trendy clothes shop - news for the hipsters is it, perfectly adequate clothes are available in M&S, but records are precious and important.

Picadilly has perked up a bit, got more in there than the last few trips.

Important news from Bristol - The Beat Goes On is now open on Wednesday's for the summer!

Clifton Arcade Music - Has left the building...

Can't say I am surprised about the Clifton Arcade one going is it - It was one of the very few times I went through a shop's entire stock and came up with nothing and left empty hearted. Very bland material there.

Will have to make a plan to visit the Beat Goes On again.

Mansfield then is it

Vixen Vinyl - Was a terraced house in a side street, not a shop, and unless pre-arrnaged not a happy visit I expect.

New Cross Records was a record shop, had some record sleeves in the window, but was shut up, gated and padlocked, so as not to let customers in in the middle of the pm.

So another visit, came away empty hearted.

Journey to Birmingham is it

Tempest, all three floors of it shut up, windows covered up, no doubt going to be an eatery I think. I couldn't see signs of the stall in Oasis that has been rumoured to be set up, but apparently it is real. The Gothopottamus at the door put me off a bit.

Swordfish has a big 'To Let' sign over it, they are looking to move out asap, perhaps downsizing to The Custard Factory and going vinyl only. CDs are absolutely dead, the shopkeep says.

Hard to Find has fewer and fewer record each time I go there, now relegated to a corner upstairs, with the rest taken up with DJ decks and mixers and synths etc. I remember when it was a warehouse full of vinyl row and rows of shelves full of records. Apparently they have 1.3m records offsite in a shed elsewhere. I got 1 out of 8 on my wish list, and a few other additionals there.

Record & Tape Exchange has had a skip full of old house records delivered and put them out, lots to choose from, but nothing too esoteric or rare.

So, came away with 3 bags worth, not empty hearted.

Now to That London is it

Vinyl Junkies in Berwick Street has closed down, big To Let sign above it, records strewn over the floor in a chaotic state.

I went there a few times but thier interests and mine didn't overlap very much.

Still a shame though.

And then Croydon is it

Stuff, previously known as Beano's all shut down, locked up, not open, so that's a shame.

Buy or Die likewise shutters down.

Survivors are Memory Lane (old farts only), 101 (piles of dross) and Swag (house music)

A few purchases made, not as many as there was there.


Pity beanos has closed, the manager there hated me when he found out that I "dinked" a hole in 50 single (1950s) records that I used for my jukebox.


Anarchy Records on the Mansfield Road in Nottingham has been closed for the past two weeks. No sign saying holidays. I fear the worst...
Moving to Newcastle , the previously reported closure of the physical alt.vinyl has happened. It was quite handy for the British Rail train station there, if you happened to be going there by train is it. But not anymore. I shall have to look elsewhere, like Reflex and that.


