
Recommended movies etc on Netflix/Amazon Prime II

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Anyone been watching "State of Happiness" on BBC? Slow, gentle drama about the arrival of the oil industry in Norway in the early 70s. No guns, no violence, nothing gratuitous.... and also no real baddies either, just a bunch of people dealing with their lives, making mistakes, acting selfishly at times but generally trying to do their best. Quite heartwarming and I enjoyed it.
Thanks, that does sound good, and nice to see something different.

I'm wading through Westworld at the moment as I'm curious about the twist at the end of season 2, but the amount of gratuitous violence and nudity bothers me. I think Game of Thrones has a lot to answer for.
On Starz channel - Prime. They do a 7 day trial which should be enough time to binge watch Doom Patrol and Pennyworth (Batmans’ butler origin story). Paloma Faith in Pennyworth is just brilliant.

I'm wading through Westworld at the moment as I'm curious about the twist at the end of season 2, but the amount of gratuitous violence and nudity bothers me. I think Game of Thrones has a lot to answer for.

gratuitous violence is unforgivable, a touch of gratuitous nudity is forgivable, but gratuitous mythologizing and misrepresentation of artificial intelligence is a crime against science.
Having pigged out on Ozark/Life On Mars/Ashes To Ashes during the last few weeks I've just started watching Orange Is The New Black.
I wasn't sure after the first episode but having watched a couple more last night it's quickly growing on me.

the 1st couple of seasons are good, but then it falls apart quickly, unless you enjoy being lectured by student activists.
gratuitous violence is unforgivable, a touch of gratuitous nudity is forgivable, but gratuitous mythologizing and misrepresentation of artificial intelligence is a crime against science.
Season 2 dials down the gratuitous nudity, dials up the gratuitous violence and continues to commit gratuitous crimes against science and logic. Like many "high-concept" glossy productions, it isn't half as clever as it thinks it is.
Having pigged out on Ozark/Life On Mars/Ashes To Ashes during the last few weeks I've just started watching Orange Is The New Black.
I wasn't sure after the first episode but having watched a couple more last night it's quickly growing on me.
Orange is the new black is very good but it does drag on.
Anyone been watching "State of Happiness" on BBC? Slow, gentle drama about the arrival of the oil industry in Norway in the early 70s. No guns, no violence, nothing gratuitous.... and also no real baddies either, just a bunch of people dealing with their lives, making mistakes, acting selfishly at times but generally trying to do their best. Quite heartwarming and I enjoyed it.
Yes, I really enjoyed it
I liked State Of Happiness quite a lot, the characters were involving and you actually cared about them.

A lot of the Scandinavian crime thrillers that we’re being served up have become too formulaic and gratuitously nasty, miss Krister Henriksson’s magnificent Wallander.
GOAL; The official film of the 1966 World Cup on prime.

I went to the local flea pit to watch this when I was a kid. I was astonished watching again just how stiff and square(man) things were back then.
Another cracker on Prime.

Finished The Eddy on Netflix last night. I enjoyed it a lot. It’s good to see actors in a jazz based series who can actually play their instruments - or is it musicians in a jazz series who can actually act? Either way a thumbs up from me.
HBO documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections“


Shows how insecure the electronic voting system is in the USA, despite being an easy thing to fix and would certainly pass with cross party support some Republicans are blocking it, usual suspects, Mitch McConnel, Bill Barr, it makes you realise that some Republicans can’t face a democracy because they know they wouldn’t win, it’s truly terrifying.
GOAL; The official film of the 1966 World Cup on prime.

I went to the local flea pit to watch this when I was a kid. I was astonished watching again just how stiff and square(man) things were back then.

I watched that the other night and what struck me was that virtually all, possibly all, the sound was overdubbed.
The Eddy on Netflix. Centred on a Parisian jazz club should be all I need to say to interest PFMers. We will finish it tonight.
edit . I see it is already mentioned above.
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