
Recommendations for good budget interconnects

I've really struggled to tell the difference between £1.49 no brand half metre ebayed interconnects and other interconnects costing up to £120 in my system. Especially after unplugging and replugging the £1.49 cables a few times.

It is some years since I've bought any audio cables that are made to length with connectors. I now have storage boxes full of assorted cables - both with terminations and without. Used to buy from Maplin/RS and then CPC. The last lot was 'Shark' branded from CPC some years ago. At the time at a reasonable price. But when I looked again a couple of years ago the same cables seemed to have gone up in price by a staggering amount. Same cables, but presumably now a "what maximises profit" price rather than a simple margin markup.

So these days if I needed more coax, I'd probably revert to buying UHF TV cable that a fair amount of copper and was flexible and which fits nicely the relevant plugs.
I bought an Audioquest Chicago at the Bristol Show in Feb for about £60 and it's brilliant on my study system.
I have an Audioquest cable that has lasted years(not even sure what it is) and a Dragonfly Dac which is equally well made and value for money. It's a little above super budget but your paying for build, longevity and sound so still good. The budget Amazon I've seen recently in posts seem solid so unless there is a build flaw should be good to go. I've never really paid for expensive cables and the ones I did have were given to me by an audiophile relative who changes equipment like the weather. I've always sold them on to fund my budget system. I still have an old Cambridge Cable in my system. A pink Pacific? cable I believe.
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OK one commitment made for the digital coax cable - AudioQuest Forest - not cheap as chips like Amazon Basic coax - and not silly price either. Plus excellent score on Hi-Fi Critic putting that coax cable above many very wallet unfriendly exotic brands!

Ordered from Amazon (Prime) just now.

Now looking for a pair of audio interconnects that punch way above their price tag . . .
I still have an old Cambridge Cable in my system. A pink Pacific? cable I believe.

Ah, didn’t they have a range with nautical names? I have a blue/turquoise one and a yellow one in the bits & pieces cupboard, and I think the blueish one was called Atlantic.

Not using them at the mo, but will do if I can get my turntable back out.
Ah, didn’t they have a range with nautical names? I have a blue/turquoise one and a yellow one in the bits & pieces cupboard, and I think the blueish one was called Atlantic.

Not using them at the mo, but will do if I can get my turntable back out.

I think red was Atlantic and yellow Pacific, could be the other way around. I got the red one free for filling in one of the feedback forms you got with every purchase, around 1998.
Ah, didn’t they have a range with nautical names? I have a blue/turquoise one and a yellow one in the bits & pieces cupboard, and I think the blueish one was called Atlantic.

Not using them at the mo, but will do if I can get my turntable back out.
Having checked it’s an old Cable Talk, lilac in colour. I must have had a CA at one point.
normally use RFC cables , but this chap seems very interesting 35 quid for what look like good interconnects , just ordered a pair

i love his humour ..

My CHUNKY CABLES are not hand knitted by 79 year old virgins in the foothills of the bleak Ural mountains, shipped to the UK in the finest 200 year Oak cask barrels then cryogenically frozen to within an inch of their life before being slowly revived in Yaks milk ETC ETC (YAWN) ............Need I go on?
well these cables arrived today ... how the heck he does it i do not know . they look beautifully made . well will be putting them in the system soon
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Has anyone got experience of DNM interconnects? Sorry still on the hunt for interconnects even though I've already chosen my digital coax cable (AQ Forest).

If DNM cable is good enough for his expensive amps even though his interconnects are easily affordable, the've got to be good enough for my system (at a guess).

I also like the fact he doesn't have ranges of interconnects to choose from - such as a £1000 pair down to at £30 pair - it makes me think he's optimised the design for the one interconnect and that's good enough - no mucking about.

These are my thoughts - what are your experiences?
Good enough for me, best “free in the box” interconnects I’ve ever had!

If you want really cheap, the Amazon ones are fine.

Not just really cheap... high performance as well. In terms of spending more money than I would like it, seems the Chord Shawlines are a hit with audiophiles.

I'm still considering the new DNM's right now though.
Not just really cheap... high performance as well. In terms of spending more money than I would like it, seems the Chord Shawlines are a hit with audiophiles.

I'm still considering the new DNM's right now though.
The Amazon ones are good, I have them in my office setup. I have Linn Blacks elsewhere mostly, Linn supply them in the box and they’re a nice interconnect, very solidly fitting plugs, as good as you need IMHO. I do have a Chord Chorus that I picking up on here for £20 (was around £200 new), it’s a nice interconnect but I’m not sure I can hear any real difference between that and the Linn black, it’s much less flexible than the black, I’ve put it between my DS and my preamp though. I will say that chord products at all price levels are nicely made, I have their Odyssey and Rumour 4 speaker cables here, they’re well put together and they do sit nicely against the skirting boards, routing easily and staying put (one of the biggest considerations for me).
I agree Chord are nicely made and there cheaper cables are worth looking at. Always liked their plugs.Gave me confidence.
Now if I was working with 15GHz things would be very different.... Now there's a thing.. I wonder how much idiots erm I mean audiophiles would pay for semi rigid microwave coax interconnects!?

Amusingly, I’ve got a couple of interconnects made from semi-rigid with Phono connectors which came with a s/h Meridian 200 series DAC. I can’t remember whether the seller had made them or bought them. Intended to go between the DAC and 201 preamp that he’d had stacked on top of the DAC. Really too short to be of much use, but I still have them somewhere.
Has anyone got experience of DNM interconnects? Sorry still on the hunt for interconnects even though I've already chosen my digital coax cable (AQ Forest).

If DNM cable is good enough for his expensive amps even though his interconnects are easily affordable, the've got to be good enough for my system (at a guess).

I also like the fact he doesn't have ranges of interconnects to choose from - such as a £1000 pair down to at £30 pair - it makes me think he's optimised the design for the one interconnect and that's good enough - no mucking about.

These are my thoughts - what are your experiences?

I chatted to my dealer the other day , they sell high end gear like 70k dacs etc. they were extremely impressed with the dnm cables and are using them them . !
I chatted to my dealer the other day , they sell high end gear like 70k dacs etc. they were extremely impressed with the dnm cables and are using them them . !

I suspected as much. Any chance you could PM me your Hi-Fi dealer so I can talk to him about DNM cables - I would be interested.

I'm slightly concerned I will be mixing brands by using different speaker cable (VdH The Snowline) - but I'm hoping this won't be of great concern.

