
Puzzling results with ATC SCM50ASLT loudspeakers vs. previous system

I think you've made some valid, if somewhat circumlocutory, contributions to this thread, but are you questioning the value of room treatment? I am very happy to experiment with cables, but I would always prioritise optimising room acoustics and speaker positioning, and urge others to do the same.

GIK do a good range of domestically acceptable panels, and whilst this point was made in a rather patronising fashion in another post, I would agree that you are potentially holding back the performance of your system if you don't at least treat the first points of reflection 🙂
I understand that you have your methods and, as you go on to say, that you wish to influence others. Others have justifiably different methods and may go to extremes optimizing their systems because they hear the clear progress to music they cannot get by other means. I haven't claimed or denied any relative value of room work (and I treat first reflections too, although not mandatorily). I'm addressing general classes.

I have questioned the flawed logic (and the uncivil presumption) of those who declare better, system-oriented methods, including cable work, null and void out of hand simply because, as it turns out, they cannot or will not work at that level themselves. These are believers. These are not pragmatically skilled. Sometimes they're also insulting and want to control.

Refuting such impoliteness takes an exploration of the underlying philosophies, points, and beliefs, room obsessions included, and may be as circumlocutory as those fallacies and insults are broad. They have been broad.
They are very nice, Abbot's Shoes is worth a look, they sell nearly new & reconditioned. Can recommend.
Grenson Sharp are my favourite boot. I’m on my second pair. They haven’t made them for a number of years so I had to wait patiently - over two years - for a pair in my size to come up on ebay.
I have these ATC speakers in my front room, control is a benchmark dac2 used as a DAC and preamp depending on source.

Recently I added a minidsp SHD to sort the Bass out below 60 Hz.

Source is a Rega Saturn and the minidsp acts as a Roon endpoint.

I have paid no attention to cables, but it does sound great.
Is that an SHD, or an SHD Studio? I'd be interested to know how you've got that all hooked up, and how well you find the SHD works?
I understand that you have your methods and, as you go on to say, that you wish to influence others. Others have justifiably different methods and may go to extremes optimizing their systems because they hear the clear progress to music they cannot get by other means. I haven't claimed or denied any relative value of room work (and I treat first reflections too, although not mandatorily). I'm addressing general classes.

I have questioned the flawed logic (and the uncivil presumption) of those who declare better, system-oriented methods, including cable work, null and void out of hand simply because, as it turns out, they cannot or will not work at that level themselves. These are believers. These are not pragmatically skilled. Sometimes they're also insulting and want to control.

Refuting such impoliteness takes an exploration of the underlying philosophies, points, and beliefs, room obsessions included, and may be as circumlocutory as those fallacies and insults are broad. They have been broad.
Oh for goodness sake! You’re pretty insulting yourself about those who think differently to yourself.
Is that an SHD, or an SHD Studio? I'd be interested to know how you've got that all hooked up, and how well you find the SHD works?

I have the Studio, I have it routed so my CD player goes into the SHD then to the DAC digital in and then XLR to the ATC SCM50 active towers.

I also have a pair of phono cables from the Rega cd player - analogue in of the Benchmark DAC so I can hear the Rega without going through the DSP.

The DSP sounds best 90% of the time, if it’s a very thin sounding 80’s recording the CD direct to the Bemchmark can sound great too.

I am very pleased with the MiniDSP kit, used to use the small 2 x 4, I also have tried Trinnov DSP and room perfect, Trinnov is the best in my experience but also the most expensive.
I think using shoes as diffusers on the wall might help solve the ATC 50a issue.

I like Crockett and Jones and don’t spend on speaker cable 😃
Haha, although could be more effective than some of the belief systems that seem to be promoted in this thread.

Personally I like to listen bare foot; I’m now wondering if a big pair of fluffy slippers might be better for sound quality…
Oh for goodness sake! You’re pretty insulting yourself about those who think differently to yourself.
I have zero problem with views. I dislike having intent intentionally reversed or words put in my mouth, as you just did. I just may speak against this, as another commenter said in this thread.

Does that equal liberty violate some norm I don't know about?

Look, there just is a faction of cancel culturists in audio lined up on the "scientific", objectivist, very simplistic side, and over there the deliberative and social ratchets go one way. It's not shocking to identify it as counterproductive and insulting.
...people with top notch systems commonly get their superb sound in typical living spaces. Sometimes the finest sound happens in what room people would completely dismiss, unheard. They would be mistaken.
ya, because if your rig is expensive enough the laws of physics magically cease to apply. Amazing that, innit.
I have the Studio, I have it routed so my CD player goes into the SHD then to the DAC digital in and then XLR to the ATC SCM50 active towers.

I also have a pair of phono cables from the Rega cd player - analogue in of the Benchmark DAC so I can hear the Rega without going through the DSP.

The DSP sounds best 90% of the time, if it’s a very thin sounding 80’s recording the CD direct to the Bemchmark can sound great too.

I am very pleased with the MiniDSP kit, used to use the small 2 x 4, I also have tried Trinnov DSP and room perfect, Trinnov is the best in my experience but also the most expensive.
I use an SHD as a pre with the ATC’s . There is not a lot it doesn’t do . Even fits in the gap under the telly . I've loads of stuff connected to it.

Cd transport
phono stage
telly connects
you can stream to it
sub integration
product support
Those SHD’s are a great piece of kit, if the non studio had a headphone out i might be tempted to simplify and use that. But alas it’s the studio and a bunch of boxes.
Been thinking lately about better mics and possible better results with Dirac. Using a Umik-1 atm, Earthworks seem nice but damn those prices lol.
Been thinking lately about better mics and possible better results with Dirac. Using a Umik-1 atm, Earthworks seem nice but damn those prices lol.
The Umik-1 os more than capable for the purpose of measuring the system response. A waste of money; sureley there are parts of your system that could be improved.
I understand that you have your methods and, as you go on to say, that you wish to influence others. Others have justifiably different methods and may go to extremes optimizing their systems because they hear the clear progress to music they cannot get by other means. I haven't claimed or denied any relative value of room work (and I treat first reflections too, although not mandatorily). I'm addressing general classes.

I have questioned the flawed logic (and the uncivil presumption) of those who declare better, system-oriented methods, including cable work, null and void out of hand simply because, as it turns out, they cannot or will not work at that level themselves. These are believers. These are not pragmatically skilled. Sometimes they're also insulting and want to control.

Refuting such impoliteness takes an exploration of the underlying philosophies, points, and beliefs, room obsessions included, and may be as circumlocutory as those fallacies and insults are broad. They have been broad.
Okay - to be clear, I am not directly setting out to influence others, only to share my experience in what is (I hope) a useful manner - I have been experimenting with audio, in one way or another, since the eighties, and I feel justified in thinking that I have learned a few things along the way - I am in no way claiming access to some sort of "truth" I wish to impose on others - this is a deeply subjective hobby: one man's audio nirvana is another man's nails down a blackboard...
I sympathise with your frustration at some of the rather blinkered viewpoints that are arguably over-represented in the audiophile community (it's the accompanying vitriol that really bothers me), but, and please don't take offence here, some of your posts do lack clarity and are open to misinterpretation (I briefly wondered whether you were using Google translate?) I certainly don't agree with everything you have said, but you have made some excellent points that have suffered from being obscured by an excess of language 😉

Have a nice evening yourself - MH
The Umik-1 os more than capable for the purpose of measuring the system response. A waste of money; sureley there are parts of your system that could be improved.
Not without a considerably bigger investment than even one of the nicer Earthworks mics. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s just a curiosity about the influence of mic quality on calibration. As it stands i’m very happy with the system.
I think you are conflating a number of issues but take your wider point.

Nothing wrong with liking nice clothes though, it’s perfectly possible to look presentable without spending big money. I also like to support our traditional shoe makers, not cheap but a genuine investment.
a decent pair of shoes will last you a long time if you look after them. I’ve got a pair of Grenson boots I’ve had 10 years and they could east go another 10 easy.

I also like nice clothes and shoes but since my hifi/vinyl hobby/addiction has ramped up the clothes and shoes buying has had to take a back seat. I don’t have enough money for two stupidly expensive hobbies.

Fortunately I amassed enough clothes and shoes to keep me looking reasonably decent for a few years.

