
Puzzling results with ATC SCM50ASLT loudspeakers vs. previous system

I'm wearing some Loake Chesters, Christ they take a lot of breaking in. Not a patch on Grensons in terms of comfort.
Yes, agree. They took me ages but they are very comfortable now. I think Trickers are the best for almost normal money. The Grenson G2s used to be good value as they are made in India but everything has shot up.

Trickers shoes are over £500 now but people pay more for a bit of wire so it’s all relative.
Who says power cable is there to filter bad things from the mains?
It's part of their belief system. That myth enables ruling it all out.
...if you believe different mains cables sound different, it is reasonable to ask whether the differences increase with the length of mains cable. Or are the benefits only delivered with a specific length?).
Same question applies to exhaustive analysis of a system's combined grounding scheme. Answer: Who knows.
Yes, agree. They took me ages but they are very comfortable now. I think Trickers are the best for almost normal money. The Grenson G2s used to be good value as they are made in India but everything has shot up.

Trickers shoes are over £500 now but people pay more for a bit of wire so it’s all relative.
£500! For a pair of shoes? Good heavens above!

You’ll be fascinated to know that, currently, my most comfortable pair of shoes cost me £19.99. They’re, admittedly, not good in the looks department but do have steel capped toes which could come in handy when moving 54kg speakers, particularly if they still have the spikes in. I normally use them for gardening and they are very comfortable for hours on end and for digging on 40degree slope. I just thought you ought to know…
Speaking of miles....I've looked on the map and , where I live , my mains cables are 48 miles long.
I presume (correct me if I’m wrong) that your humorously made point is that a “fancy” mains cable plugged into the wall and doing the last metre or two of legwork can’t possibly make a difference. Wild guess!

The closer to the electronics they power, the more difference they are likely to make to the sound. It’s purely an RFI thing. The experience of some with “exotic” mains cables is nothing to do with the quality of the electrons they shuffle around.
£500! For a pair of shoes? Good heavens above!

You’ll be fascinated to know that, currently, my most comfortable pair of shoes cost me £19.99. They’re, admittedly, not good in the looks department but do have steel capped toes which could come in handy when moving 54kg speakers, particularly if they still have the spikes in. I normally use them for gardening and they are very comfortable for hours on end and for digging on 40degree slope. I just thought you ought to know…
£19.99! For a pair of shoes? Good heavens above! :)
£500! For a pair of shoes? Good heavens above!

You’ll be fascinated to know that, currently, my most comfortable pair of shoes cost me £19.99. They’re, admittedly, not good in the looks department but do have steel capped toes which could come in handy when moving 54kg speakers, particularly if they still have the spikes in. I normally use them for gardening and they are very comfortable for hours on end and for digging on 40degree slope. I just thought you ought to know…
I care about the way i look though;)
I care about the way i look though;)

I have always been troubled by that aspect of mankind.

That seemingly unquenchable desire for a bigger better everything..better house with a better kitchen . Bigger better faster car that is "better' than your friends and neighbours ( it's always important that one's toys are seen to be better ) . Better clothes ( ? ! ) Bigger better 'things' .Go to better places... better restaurants....they are graded for us by people so we know which ones to go we know it is better.

Some of us are ill with it... we can never reach that for which we endlessly strive. Bespoke shoes, bespoke clothes...couture clothes. Exclusive...thats a siren call of a edition , why do we get suckered in to that nonsense ?

It's as if we all exist in a movie of our own creation going on in our heads in which we are the observers of our own movie.....we 'see' ourselves driving along in our fancier car as we think that others 'must ' see us. Many strike me as never happy with what they see and must strive for a better look. " My friends all drive Porsches I must make amends "

That word "look" , as in 'the way I look ' has always troubled me. is probably / possibly what got our ancestors out of the caves and the trees in a lizard brain sort of way.;):)
I have always been troubled by that aspect of mankind.

That seemingly unquenchable desire for a bigger better everything..better house with a better kitchen . Bigger better faster car that is "better' than your friends and neighbours ( it's always important that one's toys are seen to be better ) . Better clothes ( ? ! ) Bigger better 'things' .Go to better places... better restaurants....they are graded for us by people so we know which ones to go we know it is better.

Some of us are ill with it... we can never reach that for which we endlessly strive. Bespoke shoes, bespoke clothes...couture clothes. Exclusive...thats a siren call of a edition , why do we get suckered in to that nonsense ?

It's as if we all exist in a movie of our own creation going on in our heads in which we are the observers of our own movie.....we 'see' ourselves driving along in our fancier car as we think that others 'must ' see us. Many strike me as never happy with what they see and must strive for a better look. " My friends all drive Porsches I must make amends "

That word "look" , as in 'the way I look ' has always troubled me. is probably / possibly what got our ancestors out of the caves and the trees in a lizard brain sort of way.;):)
I think you are conflating a number of issues but take your wider point.

Nothing wrong with liking nice clothes though, it’s perfectly possible to look presentable without spending big money. I also like to support our traditional shoe makers, not cheap but a genuine investment.
I have always been troubled by that aspect of mankind.

That seemingly unquenchable desire for a bigger better everything..better house with a better kitchen . Bigger better faster car that is "better' than your friends and neighbours ( it's always important that one's toys are seen to be better ) . Better clothes ( ? ! ) Bigger better 'things' .Go to better places... better restaurants....they are graded for us by people so we know which ones to go we know it is better.

Some of us are ill with it... we can never reach that for which we endlessly strive. Bespoke shoes, bespoke clothes...couture clothes. Exclusive...thats a siren call of a edition , why do we get suckered in to that nonsense ?

It's as if we all exist in a movie of our own creation going on in our heads in which we are the observers of our own movie.....we 'see' ourselves driving along in our fancier car as we think that others 'must ' see us. Many strike me as never happy with what they see and must strive for a better look. " My friends all drive Porsches I must make amends "

That word "look" , as in 'the way I look ' has always troubled me. is probably / possibly what got our ancestors out of the caves and the trees in a lizard brain sort of way.;):)
I don't really follow your reasoning here - I care about what I wear because I want it to be thoughtfully designed, properly made and durable - the last pair of Loake boots I bought lasted well over ten years. Looking good, to oneself at least, helps to give you the confidence to look the world in the eye and tell it when to f#ck off when necessary... Not everything can be reduced to materialism and the fundamentally acquisitive nature of much of mankind.

It's also a bit ironic that you made this post on a hifi forum.... 🙂
well used doc martens shoes for me... very comfy but painful when new.. any way back to mains cables for atc's! i use none as mine are passive!
I stppped buying hifi and started buying shoes a few years ago. Since stopped both. Always bought in sales. So I have a few Trickers. But my favourite and most comfortable suited and booted work ones are chunky Church black brogues on a commando sole
Seeing as it’s changed to a footwear thread, how do you guys with Church and Loake manage with leather soles?

It may be the way I walk but with Loakes I would eat through soles and ended up getting rubber ones fitted, but even they would go after approx 4 months. I was doing a lot of pavement walking at the time.

And in the rain!! Like walking on an ice rink with leather soles.
Seeing as it’s changed to a footwear thread, how do you guys with Church and Loake manage with leather soles?

It may be the way I walk but with Loakes I would eat through soles and ended up getting rubber ones fitted, but even they would go after approx 4 months. I was doing a lot of pavement walking at the time.

And in the rain!! Like walking on an ice rink with leather soles.
The shoes I have with leather soles I tend not to wear much

