
Priti Patel

Strong rumour (not what journo's call it) reported on R4 this morning that she will be dumped in the new year reshuffle due to poor performance in her cabinet job.

Utterly repellent creature that she is.
Her behaviour is core Toryism. Bullying is what Tories are all about; the strong prevailing over the weak.
My thoughts are always with the victims in these cases.

[Cue violins.]

Although I do find it difficult to feel too much sympathy for the overpaid, superannuated and heavily unionised, privileged white males that raise objection to a diminutive sweary female Tory smeg crashing their comfort zone.

The repugnant bully booted out.
The victims carry on living the dream.
Although I do find it difficult to feel too much sympathy for the overpaid, superannuated and heavily unionised, privileged white males that raise objection to a diminutive sweary female Tory smeg crashing their comfort zone.

Not sure if being ironic but if not...

These will be the same "heavily unionised (*), privileged white males" that would, quite rightly, be subject to disciplinary proceedings if they bullied one of their staff. The same rules should be applied throughout the department regardless of who they are.

(*) the FDA is not known for being a particularly militant union.
Why would a civil servant need to bully anyone in their comfortable existence.
The irony is that one woman facing a well established and well supported male institution is accused of bullying.
Socialogically, women are typically gaslit as overcompensating, out of depth, speaking truth to power in an overwhelmingly male environment.
She's gone.
Nuff said.
Why would a civil servant need to bully anyone in their comfortable existence.
The irony is that one woman facing a well established and well supported male institution is accused of bullying.
Socialogically, women are typically gaslit as overcompensating, out of depth, speaking truth to power in an overwhelmingly male environment.
She's gone.
Nuff said.

First off, let's address your description of the CS as a "male institution"

From Jeremy Quin The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office, 4th February 2020.

"The dashboard shows that overall, 53.9% of the Civil Service were women in 2019. This varies by grade from 45.0% in the Senior Civil Service (SCS), to 45.3% at G6, 47.5% at G7, 50% at HEO/SEO, 56.1% at EO and 57.2% at AA/AO level. The overall percentage of female civil servants has remained fairly stable since 2010 but for the SCS, the percentage of women has increased each year."

Secondly, just to reinforce, we don't know for sure it's hurt male CSs who've conspired to get shot of her, we don't know for sure it's only men she allegedly bullied (and resigned) but we do know at least one woman tried to kill herself because she felt she was bullied by her while she headed up the DWP (

"A civil servant allegedly attempted to kill herself after being shouted at by Priti Patel and later received a £25,000 payout from the government on a no liability basis, it has been claimed.

The woman was shouted at, told to get lost and dismissed from her job in the minister’s private office because Ms Patel “doesn’t like your face”, according to legal correspondence seen by the BBC.

Which isn't a case of "speaking truth to power" (whatever that means, given she is the power in the HO).

Thirdly, if someone thinks they are being bullied, then it has to be investigated as such. It was and she was found to (a) be bullying and (b) in breach of the Ministerial Code.

So yes, women are often on the sh*tty end of the misogyny stick but it doesn't give them an excuse to bully others. People have struggles in their job and will often be given advice they won't like but that does not excuse unprofessional and / or bullying behaviour in the workplace.

Also, your statement "Why would a civil servant need to bully anyone in their comfortable existence?" says it all. This is not about defending Priti Patel but just an opportunity to have a whinge at the CS. What next, a whine about the pensions again?
Just to put the cards on the table, I have worked in very stressful jobs with extremely demanding and busy senior management who used the 'f-word' like commas. I have also worked in a job where I have been on the receiving end of bullying behaviour, so I know the difference and I know when the 'robust management' excuse is bullsh*t.
Just to put the cards on the table, I have worked in very stressful jobs with extremely demanding and busy senior management who used the 'f-word' like commas. I have also worked in a job where I have been on the receiving end of bullying behaviour, so I know the difference and I know when the 'robust management' excuse is bullsh*t.

I’ve been there too, I used to be an HEO in the MoD and was mostly embedded within Army units.

There were certain senior officers who used the F & C bombs as punctuation, it was just their normal vocabulary. But there were certain other officers, who absolutely couldn’t deal with civilians who had an issue and reverted to aggression/bullying to cover up their lack of management skills.

The difference between your boss swearing as a matter of course, and losing it and swearing at you as a show of power and intimidation is massive.
Why would a civil servant need to bully anyone in their comfortable existence.
The irony is that one woman facing a well established and well supported male institution is accused of bullying.
Socialogically, women are typically gaslit as overcompensating, out of depth, speaking truth to power in an overwhelmingly male environment.
She's gone.
Nuff said.
A bully doesn’t speak truth to power. They’re obsequious to power. They bully those without power
This is not about defending Priti Patel but just an opportunity to have a whinge at the CS.

Yes. The Daily Mail is taking the same line. Softening us up for further public sector pay cuts....

Effective leaders don't bully, that is the preserve of inadequates who are out of their depth.

I also love the way people are prepared to lay into the civil service when the truth is they wouldn't let lack of knowledge, short termism, personal agendas and showboating anywhere near the leadership of their own work place.
Effective leaders don't bully, that is the preserve of inadequates who are out of their depth.

I also love the way people are prepared to lay into the civil service when the truth is they wouldn't let lack of knowledge, short termism, personal agendas and showboating anywhere near the leadership of their own work place.
One story around the bullying is that Patel shouted, swore and bullied civil servants below her into working beyond their contacted hours. Intimidating people into overwork is textbook workplace bullying
One story around the bullying is that Patel shouted, swore and bullied civil servants below her into working beyond their contacted hours. Intimidating people into overwork is textbook workplace bullying

Given what is already a matter of public record and the speeches she has made and attitudes she has expressed. You will note that nobody, but nobody is saying "Aww are we sure? She always sounded such a nice person". It's all about blaming her victims for her inadequacy.

The only folk expressing support have either been told to by another bully, or are of a level that she would regard as senior or peer. Like bullies ever pick on those.
Its worth remembering that The Daily Fail has a history of supporting bully’s, they thought Nazis were a good thing.

The real heartache for Kate and Will might come when they are allocated a Council House as imagined by Sue Townsend in her book The Queen and I.
Yes, but on a more extant note, if we are to have public sector pay cuts, shouldn’t pay cut be proportional across all public servants, including MPs and the Civil List and the Sovereign Grant?
One story around the bullying is that Patel shouted, swore and bullied civil servants below her into working beyond their contacted hours. Intimidating people into overwork is textbook workplace bullying

Classic sign of a bad manager putting their career ahead of the long-term interests of the company, or in this case country. Slash, burn and move before the sh1t hits the fan.
Classic sign of a bad manager putting their career ahead of the long-term interests of the company, or in this case country. Slash, burn and move before the sh1t hits the fan.
Yes, if you’re right, and I feel you are, bullies and climate destroyers have much in common
A bully doesn’t speak truth to power. They’re obsequious to power. They bully those without power
I'm surprised that the Civil Service don't implement "have your say" surveys.
We had those in my last job. In them they had questions like, how do you rate your manager?
The results were published on a notice board for all to see.
It was a great way to stick it to the man(/woman).
Bullying managers ended up with so much egg on them. They were either moved on or promoted.
The CS should think about that. It's not rocket science.
One story around the bullying is that Patel shouted, swore and bullied civil servants below her into working beyond their contacted hours. Intimidating people into overwork is textbook workplace bullying

She’s manifestly quite thick and to assert authority and cover up for her lack of intelligence, she’ll resort to intimidation, especially in a work environment where she’s surrounded with even junior staff who are way ahead of her.
I have greater concern over her dishonesty and poor ethics. She had to be brought back to the UK by her previous PM and sacked for giving away public money on the side and working against the FCO from another ministry. All in all a very Brexit politician.
First off, let's address your description of the CS as a "male institution"

From Jeremy Quin The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office, 4th February 2020.

"The dashboard shows that overall, 53.9% of the Civil Service were women in 2019. This varies by grade from 45.0% in the Senior Civil Service (SCS), to 45.3% at G6, 47.5% at G7, 50% at HEO/SEO, 56.1% at EO and 57.2% at AA/AO level. The overall percentage of female civil servants has remained fairly stable since 2010 but for the SCS, the percentage of women has increased each year."

Secondly, just to reinforce, we don't know for sure it's hurt male CSs who've conspired to get shot of her, we don't know for sure it's only men she allegedly bullied (and resigned) but we do know at least one woman tried to kill herself because she felt she was bullied by her while she headed up the DWP (

"A civil servant allegedly attempted to kill herself after being shouted at by Priti Patel and later received a £25,000 payout from the government on a no liability basis, it has been claimed.

The woman was shouted at, told to get lost and dismissed from her job in the minister’s private office because Ms Patel “doesn’t like your face”, according to legal correspondence seen by the BBC.

Which isn't a case of "speaking truth to power" (whatever that means, given she is the power in the HO).

Thirdly, if someone thinks they are being bullied, then it has to be investigated as such. It was and she was found to (a) be bullying and (b) in breach of the Ministerial Code.

So yes, women are often on the sh*tty end of the misogyny stick but it doesn't give them an excuse to bully others. People have struggles in their job and will often be given advice they won't like but that does not excuse unprofessional and / or bullying behaviour in the workplace.

Also, your statement "Why would a civil servant need to bully anyone in their comfortable existence?" says it all. This is not about defending Priti Patel but just an opportunity to have a whinge at the CS. What next, a whine about the pensions again?

Great post, I signed in just to like it.

