
[Photography] Raw-A-Week Mastering

Unfortunately my Mystery Guest's monitor is calibrated for night viewing so we have to wait for it to go dark

that is the most f*cking girlieman thing i have ever read on a forum. i think he should be disqualified immediately.


p.s. ever thought of drawing the curtains?
Matthew - I think it was Alexander Rodchenko who telephoned his artworks to the fabricators. Did my last email an hour ago (sans attachment) get through?
vuk - I'm watching with interest, and hope I get to vote, but since I don't have PS and zero skilz in this area, I'm staying on the sidelines. Besides, the wet darkroom is more fun. :)

Tony - do you also see dead people?

small favour to ask. could you please keep your images to a max width/height of 650px? it's large enough to view properly, not good to people who want to steal/print it and doesn't dominate the screen.


well it was 664 high, but ok


i have created a masterpiece but the people on this forum have repeatedly shown they have practically no taste or artistic sense (recall discussions concerning aesthetics of the website), so who knows how it will be received. FWIW, my agent thought it was brilliant and i think it seriously rivals anything i have done so far.

Guy -- Problem is at my end and I have your picture now. Apologies for the confusion.

Vuk -- The prospect of a good old fashioned Jawed/Vuk ruck has made me all nostalgic for 2001.

Cliff -- 800px longest edge is fine I think.
In the words of Dave Letterman, "...and remember folks, this is an exhibition, not a competition - please: no wagering..."

(Five bucks says somebody blames somebody else's sucky computer algorithms, or those damned interweb pipes, or grievous file incompatibilities, for sapping all the artistic merit out of their entry.)

i would like to nominate you as judge. you're one of the rare forum participants who has shown insight in these matters and i suspect you have some great works tucked away at home.


Me too as I see deleted posts.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's a moderator secret. Just don't let on that we can also see when people are posting at home (or work, as the case may be) in their underwear... which wouldn't be that disturbing if fox would stop going commando all the time.


Make it judge, jury, and executioner, and you've got a deal.

I've just realized that my collection of original photographic works covers four artists, three of whom have surnames that end in -ic. I'm finding that a very odd realization.

Matthew's the one collecting these pix, so feel free to make it as big as 2560x1600. No point having a big screen if you're going to use only 10% of it.

When I have finished eating my dinner the contest will be closed. Mystery Guest entry might be supplied at a later date.

Vuk -- Yes I have replied. Twice in fact so I suspect the problem might be at your end.
could you please forward on to qstatistic AT sympatico DOT ca

btw--north american and german email seems to be coming through, the issues are with a couple of UK people. is this a sign of your country going down the tubes without someone like thatcher in charge?



Wouldn't it be easier if we could see all versions at once?


