
Photo theme #16: BOKEH (May 13–25)

As I am nowhere to be found on the morning line, I have nothing to loose by entering this :


you can only post pictures taken after the theme is announced. did you shoot that in the last 20 minutes?

you'd better take it down before joe transports you to the evil universe of vivitar.

given that I got...

Hold your clicks a moment please...

Flickr has the hiccups. We're looking into the problem right now.

...from that link - you are clearly an X-Man type who has the power over websites!

(not sure I understand though)
Never mind me. My jaw hurts like a bastard and it's made me cranky.

yeah, he uses expensives lenses - f0.95 - think that would cost a few grand itself..!

From our nerd dept:

A few hundred quid will get you one in decent nick, they're easy enough to find. The mount needs to be modified to fit it on an M mount camera (it uses a bespoke Canon rangefinder mount), and the hoods are so rare they go for nearly as much as the lens itself. It's a big heavy beast for a rangefinder lens though, and focusing it wide open on any M body without a long rangefinder base is tricky.

I have a similar era (late 50s) Leica thread mount Canon 50/1.2, very good it is too. Canon rangefinder lenses of that vintage are mostly excellent, and cheap.

The Noctilux 1.0 that guy also uses is stupidly expensive, however.

Anyway, I won't be entering this one as I don't get back from Japan until after the closing date.

-- Ian
cheers Ian - I'm a bit tempted to buy the canon 50mm f1.4 - but I'm not sure if it's worth paying the extra 150 over the price of my 50mm f1.8....probably not, but you know how these hobbies operate... ;)
Mr Cat -- Cheap, fast lenses can be found. I picked up a mint 55mm f/1.2 for $100 a few years ago.

Ian -- The deadline of the competition can be extended a few days if you'd like to enter a pic. Seems fitting, given that the Japanese are responsible for introducing bokeh to photography.

Joe, you're a very kind man, but I fly back on the 26th, and it will be the next weekend before I get a chance to start to start developing the many rolls I will have shot by then, let alone scan them, and probably two weeks until that's complete...

It's not like I need the theme in order to find things to shoot. I'm in Japan, after all :)

-- Ian

