
pfm Picture A Week (PAW) 2013

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Martin and Clearsound

What manipulation did you use? The images seem unreal on my screen.
Martin and Clearsound

What manipulation did you use? The images seem unreal on my screen.

No manipulation aside from lifting the shadows, the tree was backlit and the branch and trunk edges catch the light due to lichen on them.
Sorry to hear Pete.
I lost a friend early this year as well, never good news.

I recall the one portrait you posted of Colin last year ,the one where he is wearing a hat and it still remains one of the most striking portraits I have seen.
Martin and Clearsound

What manipulation did you use? The images seem unreal on my screen.

Hi Cav.
I used a plugin I installed in Lightroom 4.
It's called Realistic HDR.

What it essentially does is that it completely brings down highlights and lifts all shadows as well as a bit of smoothing.
I click that and the image is normally quite over or under exposed being it a day or night shot.

I then tweak the exposure and play with the clarity as well as the highlights and shadows in the tone curve.
Dog walking pic from this morning - exploring frozen waterfalls up Deepdale/Link Cove and back via Hartsop above How. Big Lad in his winter woolies enjoyed the trip through the deeper snow.

You've got a natural artistic eye, Mark. Not only that, your image processing is exemplary! Exhibition quality and worthy of gallery hanging.
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