
Oral Health affects General Health

approximately how long each day do you spend brushing your teeth?

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Sorry to hear about your problems.

Is it that hard just to explain a comment that you made to me?

You seem like an educated person, I am convinced that you are able to help someone understand what you were trying to communicate.
My jokey riposte wasn't that good, Tabs but at least caused a titter. Re. toothpastes, my extra sensitive one gets really upset when I use another.

That I did understand, although like usual it took me a few times of rereading it. :)

The Wife gives up trying to explain stuff to me sometimes, but she has at least 4 or 5 attempts.
sometimes I just acknowledge immediately that I will never understand whatever it is.
I have discovered that giving the mouthwash bottle a vigorous shake before use is beneficial. Try it. Before each use. And then please report back.
A new symptom that I seem to be having: "Burning Mouth Syndrome". Mild burning sensation in my mouth, about like I had eaten a curry a few hours ago. Not there consistently. A quick Google suggests it is mostly random, although a few things can cause it. Ho - hum!
A new symptom that I seem to be having: "Burning Mouth Syndrome". Mild burning sensation in my mouth, about like I had eaten a curry a few hours ago. Not there consistently. A quick Google suggests it is mostly random, although a few things can cause it. Ho - hum!
I hope you get it fixed quickly. If it turns out to be persistent why not consult your dentist?
A new symptom that I seem to be having: "Burning Mouth Syndrome". Mild burning sensation in my mouth, about like I had eaten a curry a few hours ago. Not there consistently. A quick Google suggests it is mostly random, although a few things can cause it. Ho - hum!
Are you sure this isn’t acid reflux? I get this with acid from the stomach reaching the mouth and giving a burning sensation. I now am taking Lansoprazole which controls it pretty well, and chew a couple of Rennies when it doesn’t.
I hope things improve.
I currently have the following in my Art Gallery:

1.Dentalux Complex 7
2. Euthymol Original
3. Aquafresh
4. Oral-B Pro Expert
5. Sarakan
6.Astonish oven & cooker cleaner

Findings in due course.
I have just bought Macleans on the recommendation of King Charles III. Findings soon.
I have just bought Macleans on the recommendation of King Charles III. Findings soon.

For those brushing up this part of the thread- a thread dedicated to unreserved, assiiduous ,wild experiments with exotic pastes, may I welcome this latest entry to my Art Gallery...used and recommended by our Royal Soverign.

The closest equivalent in the Gallery is Aquafresh. Aquafresh boasts not only flavour but, also, prodigious lather. It bathes everything it touches in colourful stripes and pleasant mint. Its tube holds 75mL compared to Macleans 100mL. Side by side Macleans seems gigantic.

Not nearly as sudsy as Aquafresh. No attractive stripes in the paste. Not nearly as much mint flavour. One uniform white sludge. Doesn't create as much of a fresh feel in the mouth.

Verdict? Boring. I can't think it will be a keeper.
What I will keep is an open mind. I prefer a paste that is exciting- at least in one way. All others in my Art Gallery are. I'm simply not interested in Macleans. The best thing I can say about it is its price...1 GBP.
I loved 2lb jars of cod liver oil and malt for much of my life but it never dawned on me to add the whisky bit. What a silly boy I've been !

From old codger to old codger then! Thanks for your empathetic comments. My nutrition is superb and balanced but I've had sugar in everything plus a sweet tooth (well, all of them really) all my life. My father owned a newsagent/confectionary etc. shop in my teens and midnight raids down the back stairs put paid to my front teeth, so have reaped the consequences of an upper plate since about 16. Luckily, my co-conspirator younger sister got away with it

In my youth (and yours), many older people had false teeth; my parents certainly had; must've been painful in those days. Too late for implants, which have their own problems, so just waiting for the upper jaw conversion, so to speak.

I must have a natural antacid then, 'cos that's me to a tea (!).

Interesting, as my Taiwanese wife has always cleaned her teeth first thing in the morning. I've told he that it's pointless cleaning BEFORE food, but she was right all along then. She was told by her Asian dentist that Asian teeth are more prone to poor condition. No idea why, and she doesn't use sugar in drinks either. Odd.

Have tried many times over the years with various flosses but have never successfully mastered the art of being a dental contortionist. Ditto for those stick thingies but I guess it depends upon one's teeth alignment etc.

Interesting and different kind of thread, this; beats political threads any day; they're just toothless arguments; this is worthy of a plaque. :D

Somehow, pfm has welded 2 threads into 1.
I am fluoridated.

