
Oh Britain, what have you done

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52% is not resounding.
The majority of cities were around the 60% & above mark, 70% in some places, London, Ireland & scotland make it look closer than it is, once evened out.

I expected the opposite to be honest, i thought we would stay in.

My neighbour is moaning all the time about restrictions on his job from the EU, did he vote, no, typical of what i expected from this vote, i feel this is still not a reflection of how the country feel on this issue, if the moaners had voted also, could have been much higher.


i feel really sorry for these poor traders. such hard-working people.

The majority of cities were around the 60% & above mark, 70% in some places, London, Ireland & scotland make it look closer than it is, once evened out.

I expected the opposite to be honest, i thought we would stay in.

Maybe all the cities can form a separate country together and stay in the EU , and we can leave the rest to their own devices..
It's unacceptable that I am being taken out of the EU let alone the Scots.

Can I move to Scotland and seek asylum?

Yes you're more than welcome, but the rest of you will have to be vetted.

As a proud Scot, at our referendum I voted to stay with the rest of the U.K. But that was with the U.K. In Europe, now I've been dragged out, in any future vote i'de vote to leave the UK, I feel that my future is better served in Europe.
Boston Lincs was highest %age exit. Lambeth was highest %age remain. I wonder if the 'leave has no chance now' meme after Jo Cox is actually what caused leave to win.
The majority of cities were around the 60% & above mark, 70% in some places, London, Ireland & scotland make it look closer than it is, once evened out.

That is a non-sensical argument. Do you not count Scotland and the Met areas?! There is no evening out. 52% it was and 52% is not resounding.
I assume that all those who voted leave and whose reason was that they wanted to bring 'democracy' back to the UK will now be campaigning strongly for PR and and the dissolution of the House of Lords?

PR? Wossat? House Of Lords? We've got one of them?
Sorry gassor but once again you're wrong and even Tony agrees ;), as he, like me reckons that a main driver of Brexit was the disaffected working class of the north, who voted in huge numbers for Brexit as a protest against Tory policies.

Not just the north. The so called working classes have been ignored and generally given a poor deal across the UK.
If you did a customer survey asking which of two products you should launch, and it comes up near enough to 50/50, would you be confident that the 52% product is the one that should be launched? It'd be back to the drawing board for me until I got something more representative of the whole audience, favouring one or the other, rather than slicing it pretty much straight down the middle.
If you did a customer survey asking which of two products you should launch, and it comes up near enough to 50/50, would you be confident that the 52% product is the one that should be launched?

This is basically PR, which a lot of people have campaigned for for years. How many seats would UKIP have got with this system in the last general election?
I only hope the idiots who did this are the ones that lose their jobs in the forthcoming mass unemployment, get their homes burgled or torched in the upcoming riots once people grasp Little-England is now absolutely f***ed and on a one-way trajectory down the pan. I feel sorry for those in Scotland and Northern Ireland who I guess will be looking for a way to distance themselves from the idiots in Little-England. I hope Cameron is truly ashamed. The man has destroyed the United Kingdom for his own political ends. I am truly ashamed of this shit-hole of a country.

A bit harsh. Why should Cameron be ashamed - at least he tried to keep us in unlike your wet dream Corbyn who stood by and did @#@@ all.
If you did a customer survey asking which of two products you should launch, and it comes up near enough to 50/50, would you be confident that the 52% product is the one that should be launched? It'd be back to the drawing board for me until I got something more representative of the whole audience, favouring one or the other, rather than slicing it pretty much straight down the middle.

great point!
What a strange post from a European IP lawyer :D:D

Has he stopped to think what a complete and utter prat he looks like to everyone outside his little £500 per hour world :D

That's a bizarre view. Do you really think that having different IP rules in different countries benefits anyone but the lawyers?

To trade in a single market what you want is clarity of the legal position - a common legal basis on which to design, build and market your products.

A common language and currency would be nice too ...
Yes you're more than welcome, but the rest of you will have to be vetted.

As a proud Scot, at our referendum I voted to stay with the rest of the U.K. But that was with the U.K. In Europe, now I've been dragged out, in any future vote i'de vote to leave the UK, I feel that my future is better served in Europe.

Like you I voted stay. I'm a Scot but I'm not sure I'm proud about it.

Though I think this time, Ill also vote leave - not because I think a population the size of greater Manchester can flourish, but because with the decline of industry generally, the loss(temporarily??) of oil revenue, and the withdrawal of ship repair/building from England, I would guess we could be applying to the IMF in about 5 - 10 years.

If the "Witch" proves me wrong I will be very happy.
Mainly their own doing I fear as a result of voting Tory (and previously New Tory). However that doesn't detract from the general feeling of 'being left behind'.

Yes, but you've as much as said it yourself. the condition of the British poor and deprived is down to the Tories, not the EU. Indeed it's arguable that things would be much worse without EU intervention/funds/programmes etc.
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