
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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Indeed. It isn’t just the big names (Honda, Nissan, BMW etc) that will suffer, but all the little support industries etc. It staggers me that JCB were pro-Tory Brexit, though I guess they are a rather different thing to the global companies such as those I mention who I’d expect to relocate to the newer EU states (the ones Farage hates so much). They won’t go overnight, it will just be a case of new tooling for new models appearing at new plants in Poland, Bulgaria etc and corresponding numbers here being made redundant until the plant is entirely obsolete and closes its doors completely in several years time. Tory Brexit will be a slow lingering death.

Perhaps not slow enough. If something has to be done you might as well just get on and do it: normal time-scales shorten. It depends on exactly what trade deal is struck but it could happen by 2025. Ironic that 2014 saw UK's best car manufacturing sales since 2007.
And a huge number of people not categorised as 'financial services' depend on it for a significant part of their incomes : from taxi drivers to restaurants to estate agents to all kinds of shops. A huge amount of disposable income expenditure and tax revenue could disappear pretty fast.
IMO when Brexit actually starts the damage will be worse than 'project fear' imagined.
Retirement like TV? Hmmm...

In order to make end of life care more efficient, my government will be introducing the Logan's Run Act into primary legislation in the current parliamentary year. This will significantly reduce government spending on pensions, winter fuel allowance, the NHS and soft toffees. At a stroke it will ensure government policy is focussed on the millennials and younger people. And is also likely to result in an end to Brexit.

(Bladerunner Units "retired" another euphemism "skin-jobs", but that would just mean anyone looking like a poor impersonation of a human being would be at risk. Peston, Cage and Johnson all likely Nexus 6)
It is already happening. The more I think about it the more I become convinced this will be the real root of the Brexit catastrophe. The financial services industry is good for 71 £bn tax revenue, which is 11.5% of the UK’s total tax take (Reuters). Now try modelling a future where a substantial proportion of that, lets just say 40-50% to be conservative, needs to relocate to avoid inevitable EU tariffs etc, and then factor in the extra dole payments for those currently working in EU-facing industry (automotive etc) that will almost certainly do the same for the same reasons and try and then picture what Tory ‘austerity’ will look like in a few years time! It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if the actions of this Conservative government don’t end up properly bankrupting the UK.

Let's see where it lands before we all throw ourselves off the cliff.
I think some fs loss will be inevitable but I think it will be closer to 20% initially due to the level of business London does internationally and for infrastructure practicalities. Thankfully our government in waiting recognises the importance of fs and wants to take us back to all working in mines so that is likely to be the bigger killer.

Re car industry I am fairly sure that a trade agreement will be reached that avoids this. They have far more to lose than we do on that front.
Some great news for Brexiteers just in time for Christmas, British passports will be navy blue after Brexit!

Hurrah! Bully for Britain and the return of Empire!

Of course, we all know this was the real reason many Brexiteers voted to get out of the EU, I hope all of the economic pain and suffering will be worth it for you. Merry Christmas Brexiteers across the land.

"National Humiliation Over" says Tory Plonker. Britain is Back!!!

Did you actually read it? It was every bit as informative an awards edition of "What Hifi?".

The data is based on published reports from Freedom House, Heritage Foundation...

Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank. Its stated mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."[1]
Some great news for Brexiteers just in time for Christmas, British passports will be navy blue after Brexit!

Hurrah! Bully for Britain and the return of Empire!

Of course, we all know this was the real reason many Brexiteers voted to get out of the EU, I hope all of the economic pain and suffering will be worth it for you. Merry Christmas Brexiteers across the land.
So all the pain, the rancour and the economic self-harm that's still to come was for this? What a wretched country we live in.

That Tory MP who said the "pink" EU passport is a "national humiliation" is too stupid to live. He should, to coin a phrase, be "strung up from the nearest lamp post".

Luckily my current passport runs out next year so if I renew it then I'll have the burgundy passport for another 10 years. I'll carry it as a badge of honour. With a bit of luck we'll have rejoined by the time it's next up for renewal.
Let's see where it lands before we all throw ourselves off the cliff.
I think some fs loss will be inevitable but I think it will be closer to 20% initially due to the level of business

ah, only 20%? that's not so bad then eh? and in any case, it's all outweighed by us getting our blue passports back. yayyyy!!!
Let's see where it lands before we all throw ourselves off the cliff.
I think some fs loss will be inevitable but I think it will be closer to 20% initially due to the level of business London does internationally and for infrastructure practicalities. Thankfully our government in waiting recognises the importance of fs and wants to take us back to all working in mines so that is likely to be the bigger killer.

Re car industry I am fairly sure that a trade agreement will be reached that avoids this. They have far more to lose than we do on that front.

Maybe you should learn to read before writing sh*t on a public forum that makes you look like an idiot.
I think some fs loss will be inevitable but I think it will be closer to 20% initially

In terms of tax revenue that means a loss of £71 billion x 20% / 52 per week = £273 million. So that would account for most of the big red bus money on its own.
ONS "cleaned" data show exports till october increased 1.7% and imports increased 2.9%, in pounds!!! Pound is down 10-14%.
Seems UK is already hitting a brickwall, hard.
Damian Green resigned, does that mean David Davis leaves too ? Or did he not promise that ? :)
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