
Oh Britain, what have you done (part XXIII)?

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The EU has merely thrown May a flotation aid to get keep her leadership alive until the next phase.

It is becoming more and more apparent that the EU are doing all they can to avoid delivering her a fatal blow at this point in the proceedings. Who can blame them? They want to get this out of the way as soon as they can, and don’t want to restart negotiations with (insert name of favourite Brexit-craving bogeyman here) in charge following another time-consuming leadership or general election. Of course some may argue they don’t even realize they are keeping her afloat, and the whole thing is a brilliant subterfuge from the übermind of David Davis.
We'll see. Good to see the old "they need us more than we need them" line of thinking is still going strong in some quarters.
Disappointing to see that the generalisation and obvious pigeon-holing of brexitiers by remainers is still going strong is some quarters. Where have I ever written that I think the EU needs the UK more than the UK needs the EU?
In robotics the mechanics price will stay constant but the electronics price drops by half for the same computing power every couple of years, software algorithms probably improve by a factor of four in the same time, so every two years the performance increases by a factor of eight, someday soon it will become economic to replace that lid fitter. Another factor is that the UK, is the worse in Europe for automation as it prefers cheap labour.

The point I’m making about robotics isn’t actuallt about robotics but the most basic form of automation. I don’t need a robot to put a lid on a pot. Even my engineering skills could devise a machine to do that, and the technology has been in place for 100 years, maybe more. Yet every factory I go to has people manually doing really, really simple stuff, because the run lengths are short, or because it takes too long to hygiene afterwards, or whatever. I can’t see robots changing this.
Disappointing to see that the generalisation and obvious pigeon-holing of brexitiers by remainers is still going strong is some quarters. Where have I ever written that I think the EU needs the UK more than the UK needs the EU?
Well not in so many words, but you think (see above) that the “big guns” (German car manufacturers, French wine producers, insert cliché of choice) are going to come out now from wherever they have been hiding to exert pressure on Barnier via Merkel/Macron etc. Why would they do that? We’ve heard the answer 50 times already: UK largest export market for German cars, etc. German industry, French wine growers etc. will recognise where their interest lies and pressure those pesky bEUrocrats to come to their senses. Waste of time, of course: we know that those bEUrocrats are unaccountable.
I heard they like a bit of Prosecco in Brexitland- those dodgy Italians better do a deal with us cos we pay their wages.
No bespoke deal for Britain, yet there is one for Canada and and Norway. And we are supposed to pick one of those, off-the-shelf, ready to go, but not create a new one? The rather important dynamic difference that Canada is actually thousands of miles away suggests to me that it will not fit.

Have I understood this correctly? Barnier is saying UK should accept one of those?
David Davis keeps saying that a quick deal will be possible. I suggest he asks himself why the Canada deal has taken 7 years. In my experience, the only way to get a quick deal in a negotiation is to concede what the other side wants.
David Davies keeps saying that a quick deal will be possible. I suggest he asks himself why the Canada deal has taken 7 years. In my experience, the only way to get a quick deal in a negotiation is to concede what the other side wants.
One thing we can certainly agree on is that Davis does not inspire confidence at all. Whatever he says I tend to wonder if the outcome will be the opposite. However, UK is a more important trading partner than Canada. 7 years might be a bit extreme.
I heard they like a bit of Prosecco in Brexitland- those dodgy Italians better do a deal with us cos we pay their wages.
Also UK is Ducati's 5th biggest global market...they'll defo be sending some horses' heads in the direction of Brussels if we don't get a DD-styled deal, and fast. And when UK gets rid of those annoying emissions and db restrictions, it will be their biggest market.
Ducati is German, just like Bentley.
UK manufactors got a letter from UK cabinet that nothing would change, I would be worried too if I received a letter like that.
We are going to get a 'bespoke' deal.

Typical May doublespeak. From the Guardian.

“He (De Rynck) also said the UK would get a bespoke trade deal, in the sense that all free trade agreements are different. This appears to contradict what Michel Barnier said in his Prospect interview. (See9.16am.) But the point Barnier was making was that the UK will not be able to get some of the advantages of single market membership without any of the obligations. De Rynck was also saying this (see above). When he spoke about the UK getting a bespoke trade deal, he was just making the point that it would not be literally the same as Canada’s.”

I.e. we won’t be trading as if we were Canada. Damn that Maple syrup deal.

Also UK is Ducati's 5th biggest global market...they'll defo be sending some horses' heads in the direction of Brussels if we don't get a DD-styled deal, and fast. And when UK gets rid of those annoying emissions and db restrictions, it will be their biggest market.

I doubt if premium cars or bikes are that price sensitive anyhow.

DD has said he want's 'Canada+++' which I think means a general FTA with the added pluses meaning an FTA/full access on services (financial sector), no free movement of labour and military and intelligence cooperation. Since we are already fully compliant it shouldn't take more than a few months to negotiate and a couple of years to transition.

The EU want the money and are trying to get that legally agreed before any FTA talks and I believe the UK should just simply reject that condition and only pay what may be legally decided in a court (whether ECJ or our Supreme court and spin it out as long as possible). Also it seems to me that the EU want to make it appear that the negotiations are difficult as much as possible, but are really worried what would happen if the UK walks away. I hope DD doesn't underplay his hand and has the guts to walk away. I guess Canada and others will complain if we get a better a deal than they have and then the EU bureaucrats will earn their money explaining that the big EU countries want access to the UK markets more than theirs.

The UK should have as many other worldwide FTA's ready to go as soon as the ties from the EU bureaucracy can be broken and go its own way. Preparing for for WTO rules should start in earnest.

The Labour party also needs to 'man-up' as they will be punished at the next election if they keep back-tracking on there commitment to Brexit. Kier Starmer needs to stop talking 'double-speak' and be clear either one way or the other.

For me it's going to be very interesting this time next year when the EU realises they are backing the UK into a no deal and maybe a general election and Kier Starmer realises without being clearly supportive of Brexit the Labour party may get wiped out by a vote.

Just some thoughts at the moment, everything can change as nobody can predict what the future will bring.
Afraid they are...the £ vs Euro has put the prices up and
I doubt if premium cars or bikes are that price sensitive anyhow.

What you say is true so far. Overall motorbike sales are down in 2017 by 15%, mainly driven by a huge drop of 37% in the small bike segment. Big bikes are stable.
DD has said he want's 'Canada+++' which I think means a general FTA with the added pluses meaning an FTA/full access on services (financial sector), no free movement of labour and military and intelligence cooperation. Since we are already fully compliant it shouldn't take more than a few months to negotiate and a couple of years to transition.

The EU want the money and are trying to get that legally agreed before any FTA talks and I believe the UK should just simply reject that condition and only pay what may be legally decided in a court (whether ECJ or our Supreme court and spin it out as long as possible). Also it seems to me that the EU want to make it appear that the negotiations are difficult as much as possible, but are really worried what would happen if the UK walks away. I hope DD doesn't underplay his hand and has the guts to walk away. I guess Canada and others will complain if we get a better a deal than they have and then the EU bureaucrats will earn their money explaining that the big EU countries want access to the UK markets more than theirs.

The UK should have as many other worldwide FTA's ready to go as soon as the ties from the EU bureaucracy can be broken and go its own way. Preparing for for WTO rules should start in earnest.

The Labour party also needs to 'man-up' as they will be punished at the next election if they keep back-tracking on there commitment to Brexit. Kier Starmer needs to stop talking 'double-speak' and be clear either one way or the other.

For me it's going to be very interesting this time next year when the EU realises they are backing the UK into a no deal and maybe a general election and Kier Starmer realises without being clearly supportive of Brexit the Labour party may get wiped out by a vote.

Just some thoughts at the moment, everything can change as nobody can predict what the future will bring.


A word to the wise. It’s never a good look to reference a Sun article anywhere, nevermind in PFM. It kinda makes a point about your post that youre probably not trying to make. Unless of course you are just taking the piss, in which case you’re golden.
Just some thoughts at the moment, everything can change as nobody can predict what the future will bring.

Well, we haven't left yet and many of the predictions of what brexit will bring are coming to pass. However I have always thought the stupid endeavour will get neutered and we will 'leave' expensively, in name and blue passport alone.

You can see it lining up and in the panic and outraged spittle of the leave supporters. I look forward to half of them having a stroke once we have their balls cut off and bagged up!

A word to the wise. It’s never a good look to reference a Sun article anywhere, nevermind in PFM. It kinda makes a point about your post that youre probably not trying to make.

Especially one written by Daniel ‘no-one is talking about leaving the single market’ Hannan.
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