
Oh Britain, what have you done (part ∞+16)?

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You continue to post about a 2nd ref' despite claiming to 'have little interest' in one. Got it yet?
I'm personally against a second ref for the reasons given earlier so i'm entitled to post on the subject & give my point of view & explain why.

I have little interest in voting come another ref.

Are we there yet?
I'm personally against a second ref for the reasons given earlier so i'm entitled to post on the subject & give my point of view & explain why.

I agree, although doing so whilst claiming to 'have little interest' is a puzzle.
Possibly what a lil' fish might expect from a troll.
I'm personally against a second ref for the reasons given earlier so i'm entitled to post on the subject & give my point of view & explain why.
But you have little interest in it. And you communicate your enthusiasm wonderfully well, such that many on here now have no interest in your point of view either.
But you have little interest in it. And you communicate your enthusiasm wonderfully well, such that many on here now have no interest in your point of view either.
Little interest in voting (in a second ref, see the word abstain earlier) but I have interest in the parliamentary process, where a vote could lead & how it may turn out, all part of Forum discussion.
The probability of trolling increases.
Back up the wagon, the rest have since retreated.
Offering an opinion on a subject based on personal preference is not trolling, it's taking part in discussion, your posts on the other hand are nothing more than goading for effect to get a rise, in other words, the perfect definition of trolling, something you have become accustomed to since your return, why this is I have no idea.

If you want clarity see response to f11.
Ragaman editing said:
Back up the wagon, the rest have since retreated.

Trolls find it very difficult to apologise when they're caught out.

Ragaman editing said:
Offering an opinion on a subject, based on personal preference is not trolling, it's taking part in discussion, your posts on the other hand are nothing more than goading for effect to get a rise, in other words, the perfect definition of trolling, something you have become accustomed to since your return, why this is I have no idea.

Trolls also don't mention their their mistakes and lash out.

Ragaman further editing said:
If you want clarity see response to f11.

If you want your posts to be intelligible you need to mark your edits.

Let me guess: you don't have much interest in editing posts?
Trolls find it very difficult to apologise when they're caught out.
Caught out where exactly, see my response to Tony before you decided down this destructive path to self glory.
post 1435 explains my intention & why quite clearly, maybe read the posts before piling in with this immature nonsense.

Why did it all go so wrong Treeza?
Caught out where exactly

Your inherently contradictory claim to have 'little interest'.

... before you decided down this destructive path to self glory.

Sounds like something out of the Daily Stormer playbook.

Ragaman editing said:
post 1435 explains my intention & why quite clearly, maybe read the posts before piling in with this immature nonsense.

That post is an example of your contradictory claim. Or trolling.
Your inherently contradictory claim to have 'little interest'.

That sounds like something out of the Daily Stormer playbook.

That post is an example of your contradictory claim. Or trolling.
Keeping up this futile attempt to discredit is fruitless. my post earlier clearly stated I have no interest in voting in a second ref for the reasons given.
Have you read it yet, 1453, to Tony, before you piled in with the trolling session.
Keeping up this futile attempt to discredit is fruitless. my post earlier clearly stated I have no interest in voting in a second ref for the reasons given.
Have you read it yet, 1453, to Tony, before you piled in with the trolling session.

You are now answering the post before last.
This isn't a Two Ronnies sketch!
You are now answering the post before last.
This isn't a Two Ronnie's sketch!
The post is actually 1435 in response to Tony's question, it explains everything I needed to say, should have stopped there.
What happened in your absence is your business but It's becoming hard to watch.
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