
Nvidia RTX30xx Graphics

No GPUs available anywhere at any level, low mid or high end. I think the only one that is semi regularly available at RRP is the 3090 FE which is about £1300.

Scalpers are hoovering up what little stock becomes available and charging twice the price for them on Ebay. Even used GPUs from two or three generations ago are selling for more than they were new, which is madness.

I think to buy any sort of card at RRP you'll have a long wait. People have been waiting since launch back in Nov for their 3080s.
Also watching the stock for my son's Ryzen 7 build. We got an older GTX 670 2GB card for free, so he can get it up and running, but clearly that's a very old card and unlikely to work well with modern games, but, hey, the alternative was 'expensive AMD door-stop' so he should count himself lucky.

Hopefully we can snag a 3060Ti within a few weeks, at least the stand-in card buys a bit of patience....
The problem is people are willing to pay the scalping prices, so it's just self perpetuating.

What I find shocking is that in this time of uncertainty around employment and money, that people are willing to drop £7-800 on a GPU, PS5 or XBox.
Wow, looks like I was really lucky to get the 3070 in time for Christmas. I have to say even as a non game player it looks impressive.
Finding a gpu at the moment is a nightmare in a minefield. I’ve been looking for a 3060 ti or 3070 for a few weeks. I’m getting notifications from a few sites, but every time I go to the retailer they’re all either in someone’s basket or gone. How are the scalpers cleaning up on these?
Looks as though you can still get a pre built gaming PC say HP or Asus. My thoughts are buying a machine ripping the card out to sell on ebay and putting in my old card in theory you almost get a new pc for peanuts. I assume there is no software preventing you putting in an older gen card for the time being?
If it’s any help, I can confirm it is still possible to buy a gpu without being totally ripped off. I set up a stock checker warning on discord, and had my tablet logged in to the Currys pc world website. I ordered and paid rrp for a Gigabyte 3060 ti. I collected it yesterday and it’s flipping awesome! Don’t give up, they’re out there if you have the time to search!
I found a system that was not a total rip off not a pre built but custom and suited my needs, i9 ( I am happy with intel and whilst it was a long time ago when I had an AMD processor i recall i had lots of issues ) RTX 3070 32 Gigs of ram 3 TB ssds 2 m.2 8TB HDD Asus Strix mobo in a nice case also came with a very nice keyboard Mouse headphones and rode mic setup. All for well under RRP according to parts picker. The lad i bought it off went X box 5 The PC was built this year. I was surprised how compact it was and also how quiet. Able to Play MS Flight 2020 now at excellent frame rates at 1440p.
So finally these graphics cards are available and have dropped to a barely acceptable price.

I’ve plumped for an RTX3070 and a 12100F CPU, looking forward to finally playing Quake 2 RTX.
Hmmm the sudden availability of all these graphics cards maybe due to crypto miners dumping old cards but Apple, Nvidia and AMD are rumoured to have all cut or are trying to scale back orders at TSMC.
Crypto crashed hard it’s as simple as that! Oh and 40 series right around the corner. Though rumoured to be ridiculous expensive and super power hungry

I am loving the 3080 particularly water cooled.
I don't understand what recession has to do with anything. Its not here right now and it wasn't here a year ago when all GPUs were being purchased in bulk for crypto. When crypto went through yet another hard crash circa 4 months ago the second hand market got flooded, releasing pressure on new and prices stabilised.

That being said they are still nothing like nVidia said they would be at release and this is why it is speculated 40 series are going to be silly money. With all understanding being they will sell out immediately.


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