
No sex please we're a nanny state

Certainly netgear, belkin and the virgin include basic ones but I have been using this free one from Astaro for about 4 years now, it was recently taken over by Sophos but is still free for home use. I doubt if even a savvy adult could bypass this. My daughter is too old to worry about but when my nephews stay I will happily let them play with my ipad in the knowledge that they ain't see anything they shouldn't and I can also look at the logs to see what they have been searching for. I have also set it up at home for my brother using an old PC I got off ebay for £20.

thanks for the info. this is kind of what I was trying to understand - i.e. you seem to be using something beyond that which comes bundled with the usual consumer hardware and in this case takes some tinkering to set up.

At home I use openDNS - just point the router at openDNS for DNS resolution and it will allow me to configure access control to sites in a similar fashion/interface. Free, cloudbased, etc.
"No Rubber Please, We're Albanian." Two for one ticket offer at The Prince of Wales Theatre tonight. Free glass of house white wine at the interval.
Cameron is getting roasted on R2 a the moment and showing they haven't thought about this.

They haven't, it's very silly. Child porn is already illegal. I gather Cameron wants depictions of rape banned too, but I can think of several from mainstream Hollywood movies.

As for filters, the technology already exists and is freely available to allow parents to block kids' access to porn. As for adults, men and women have been creating graphic representations of nudity and sex for thousands of years. It's not going to stop any time soon, and why should it?

Now, fix the f*cking economy and stop wittering about porn and gay marriage.
They haven't, it's very silly. Child porn is already illegal. I gather Cameron wants depictions of rape banned too, but I can think of several from mainstream Hollywood movies.

As for filters, the technology already exists and is freely available to allow parents to block kids' access to porn. As for adults, men and women have been creating graphic representations of nudity and sex for thousands of years. It's not going to stop any time soon, and why should it?

Now, fix the f*cking economy and stop wittering about porn and gay marriage.

Yebbut, the diversion has lasted pages already! :)
They haven't, it's very silly. Child porn is already illegal. I gather Cameron wants depictions of rape banned too, but I can think of several from mainstream Hollywood movies.

As for filters, the technology already exists and is freely available to allow parents to block kids' access to porn. As for adults, men and women have been creating graphic representations of nudity and sex for thousands of years. It's not going to stop any time soon, and why should it?

Now, fix the f*cking economy and stop wittering about porn and gay marriage.

Totally agree.
Why would the Tories fix the economy when they've got the greatest excuse in the world to destroy the thing they hate most.....the welfare state.
Why is this happening now? Cameron has had years to quietly get on with this. The timing is a smokescreen for him being caught with his pants down over fags and booze. His lobbyist Australian employee dreamt this up and it's transparently obvious what the game is. Populist chuff to please the conservativehomemumsnet demographic. This isn't political leadership, it's government by sound bite.
I use the internet for hours a day (too many hours tbh...) I can't remember EVER 'accidentally' finding pornography. If it's happened it was a very long time ago.

It happened to my wife, she was showing our young son meals that he might like to try when suddenly porn filled the screen upsetting them both. I got a distressed phone call to sort it out, when I checked and looked at the previous websites I could find nothing that could have triggered it, although the porn websites were in the browser history. I have had one experience of a web page going awol before and that was when I was checking a bank account and when I clicked to view account, it changed to a Chinese web shop and I had not been drinking!. I can only assume that sometimes the routers and switches occasionally have a software glitch.
At home I use openDNS - just point the router at openDNS for DNS resolution and it will allow me to configure access control to sites in a similar fashion/interface. Free, cloudbased, etc.

Just set it up, quite straightforward even on Ubuntu, its one area where I expected the Ubuntu route to be "challenging".
It happened to my wife, she was showing our young son meals that he might like to try when suddenly porn filled the screen upsetting them both. I got a distressed phone call to sort it out, when I checked and looked at the previous websites I could find nothing that could have triggered it, although the porn websites were in the browser history. I have had one experience of a web page going awol before and that was when I was checking a bank account and when I clicked to view account, it changed to a Chinese web shop and I had not been drinking!. I can only assume that sometimes the routers and switches occasionally have a software glitch.

Or she went to a page with a virus that did a redirect.
If using firefox or chrome then NoScript with perhaps HTTPeverywhere often help with dodgy sites and some java exploits and Adblock to keep control of most popups you are browsing from a good base. All work on Ubuntu and in most cases work right out of the box.
If using firefox or chrome then NoScript with perhaps HTTPeverywhere often help with dodgy sites and some java exploits and Adblock to keep control of most popups you are browsing from a good base. All work on Ubuntu and in most cases work right out of the box.

https was definitely installed prior, adblock has gone on since but no script just gets me too many support complaints, OpenDNS has just gone on, so it should be reasonably safe from now on.
Certainly netgear, belkin and the virgin include basic ones but I have been using this free one from Astaro for about 4 years now, it was recently taken over by Sophos but is still free for home use. I doubt if even a savvy adult could bypass this. My daughter is too old to worry about but when my nephews stay I will happily let them play with my ipad in the knowledge that they ain't see anything they shouldn't and I can also look at the logs to see what they have been searching for. I have also set it up at home for my brother using an old PC I got off ebay for £20.

There is absolutely no way to effectively block porn from the inside of a domestic property without taking extreme measures. The easy way to get around these things is to use a reverse proxy server, the better way is to just unplug the router, plug is a different one (hint pocket money>second hand shop) a bit of dubious software and some fairly generic usernames/passwords for your ISP and the job's a good 'un.

Personal freedom is usually one area where I'm fairly liberal but the government is spot on with the filter although I can even tell you now how to get around that and it isn't even here. The good news is 99.9% of teenagers don't have the knowledge or resources to do it.
I'm 100% against it - it is entirely a parents responsibility to control their child's environment and experience, it sure as hell isn't mine. This will be the thin-end of the censorship wedge, and don't be in the least bit surprised when all forums (with the exception of ConservativeHome, obviously) find themselves behind this opt-in censor-wall due to risk of bad language etc. Ideological authoritarians like David Cameron etc should never be allowed anywhere near civil liberties as, rest assured, they'll take far, far more than they initially claim. This is one huge great step towards Iran, China etc where the state dictates an individual's information access.
PS I will unquestionably be opting out of any state censorship filter and I sincerely hope the vast majority of people do likewise as a matter of principle / as a stand for intellectual freedom.

Agreed. In the same way that making prostitution illegal drives it underground for pimps to exploit women.
Huh? Where's the connection or relevance? I run an online business and publish / moderate as I see fit for that business model. This is a record shop & audio/music/photography discussion site, it is not the internet as a whole.

I hope that business model includes non - stereophile compliant audiophiles with an opinion.

I disagree. It has nothing to do with preventing four year-olds from stumbling on porn and everything to do with putting controls in place for the future.

They don't even have a clear argument for this action they propose - look at the way they conflate the viewing of child images by predators, and the viewing of material by children (who, btw, go all the way up to the age of 16)

What is appropriate for a 16 year old may not be for a tot. Imo, it's the person with parental responsibility who needs to decide that.


In one Debs!

Cameron and his pals are all a load of *****, tossers, *******, arseholes and pricks, who talk bollocks.

Pretty pornographic bunch I'd say.

https was definitely installed prior, adblock has gone on since but no script just gets me too many support complaints, OpenDNS has just gone on, so it should be reasonably safe from now on.

Running from bookmarks for much used sites shoud lessen phising sites that capture via typos and a bit of a chat about phising from email accounts and links that are too good to be true should all help.

