
New Naim streamer preamp

My interpretation of "forward with a sharper quality": his ears were bleeding.
Which probably means that the "new Naim sound" is so ear-piercingly bright, shrill and metallic that it will only work with maybe 3 brands of speakers and CERTAINLY NOT Focal. Somebody is simply confirming that they've lost the plot. Big time.
At least they’ve sorted out the volume pot. :rolleyes:
forward with a sharper quality": his ears were bleeding

I have owned Naim kit for decades
It can sound very forward indeed
I sort of got used to it.

Of course it can be too much
Not heard the new classic yet
When I auditioned Naim Statement amps partnered with Focal loudspeakers, my impression was, - speakers failed and responsible for that terrible bleeding performance.

By reading peoples experience up till now, it seem as many listeners use Kudos speakers which don't seem to suffer by that bleeding effect.
I heard the Statement with Focal as well (NDS as source), but the performance was incredible clear and clean, with plenty of prat and very emotional involving. Yes, slightly to the bright side, but as the highs had so good resolution I didn't perceive it as too sharp... I never heard such a realistic performance of any audio system before and since.

But I can well imagine that cranking up the volume would make your ears bleed!
Jep, my experience too, it didn't lack any prat but the bright Focal tonality would make me crazy.
Nothing that I would call "realistic"
Didn't stay long.
A pity really as I'd love to hear Statement with Naim or Kudos/Neat speakers, in fact any others than Sopra.
Hi when connecting the 222 to a NAP300 with standard XLR cables, the left channel gets the positive phase, and the right channel gets the negative phase - not ideal. So I'm thinking to just invert the polarity of the right speaker - shouldn't this get things back in-phase? (until the dedicated naim compatibility cable arrives, of course...)
just read this on the white forum,:eek: written by a brandnew owner:
"I have to say that the headphone component in the NSC222 is very impressive and certainly on a par with my old 252/Headline/Hicap set up."

I wouldn't read too much into this post, what he's says could be true but he hasn't owned that setup in over a couple years, so his audible memory isn't exactly fresh. He then later goes on to mention his previous setup wasn't the current DR versions & that it was past due for a service, so I would take his comparisons with a pound of salt.
Hi when connecting the 222 to a NAP300 with standard XLR cables, the left channel gets the positive phase, and the right channel gets the negative phase - not ideal. So I'm thinking to just invert the polarity of the right speaker - shouldn't this get things back in-phase? (until the dedicated naim compatibility cable arrives, of course...)

Hi Stefan, this looks an elegant, if not ingenious workaround!
when connecting the 222 to a NAP300 with standard XLR cables, the left channel gets the positive phase, and the right channel gets the negative phase

If I have understood this correctly they are, 'flipping the phase on one channel'?
I wonder why they would do this?
I read this on the Naim thread when it was posted but forgot about it. Interesting for those of us on the “old outdated” streaming platform. “We’ve got a few nice software updates coming up in 2023 for all of you… even gen1 streamer customers.”
Afternoon PH, what exactly are you referencing when you say the old outdated streaming platform is getting some software updates in 2023. I've a Nac 272, am very happy with it before you ask, but wonder if it might have a few more years left in it before it is only fit for the knackers yard!
If I have understood this correctly they are, 'flipping the phase on one channel'?
I wonder why they would do this?

It’s just how Naim is using the xlr sockets on the nap 300. We are supposed to use dedicated cables (note that these amps are single-ended, so one of the 3 pins is unused), but when using standard xlr you get the phase inversion, thus my workaround.
I think its a smart move to have balanced out puts nowadays as most folk won't tolerate a huge stack of back boxes all together in there living space, now a naim system can have long runs to the power amp/s and they can be hidden.
I think its a smart move to have balanced out puts nowadays as most folk won't tolerate a huge stack of back boxes all together in there living space, now a naim system can have long runs to the power amp/s and they can be hidden.
But the whole point of Naim is to have five or ten boxes on a trophy shelf front and center in the room. :rolleyes: Nobody is going to hide those $9k (each) boxes!

Edit: Added an emoji so it's clear I'm not a fan of hifi shelves filled with boxes.
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But the whole point of Naim is to have five or ten boxes on a trophy shelf front and centre in the room. Nobody is going to hide those $9k (each) boxes!
The idea that somehow visitors to your home will be in awe of a motley collection of anonymous ugly black boxes is just daft. Other than hi-fi enthusiasts who aren't exactly thick on the ground these days, who else will give a fig for such things, nor have any idea of how much they cost?

A difficult concept I know, but perhaps people bought Naim systems because they liked the sound of them.
It’s just how Naim is using the xlr sockets on the nap 300. We are supposed to use dedicated cables (note that these amps are single-ended, so one of the 3 pins is unused), but when using standard xlr you get the phase inversion, thus my workaround.

Ah yes, sorry I miss read, I have a NAP 300 and having made my own cables I had to deal with the non standard L&R un balanced inputs. I thought that in adopting the option of balanced inputs on the new NAP 250 that Naim had flipped the polarity of one of those channels!

I presume that they haven't!

