
New Naim streamer preamp

Leave it on all the time in an era of high electricity costs and increasing public eco-responsibility.
Use poorly chosen second-rate components such as the ALPS potentiometers.
Repackage the same electronics in a new box and call it revolutionary.
Turn on the Marketing propaganda to convince the noobs and the gullible.
Rely on the false pretext that only Naim does PRaT.
Profit from the re-packaging operation to further raise prices to beyond ridiculous levels.
Continue to erroneously claim that Naim and Focal are cross-tested and tuned to go well together.
Gradually move toward lifestyle products like Bose, dropping the HiFi ambitions.
Propose a new proprietary cable that only works with Naim and nothing else and make it expensive.
Shorten the obligatory re-capping cycle and further increase prices and service waiting periods.
Further tighten the moderation at the Green Forum so all dissension and critical comments are censored like the Chinese Communist Party.

Yeah, I can't wait for the new Naim rubbish.
Or perhaps ensuring that the forum rules aren’t broken?

The forum rules are inspired by pure unadulterated propaganda. Let's say it's their right to do so. It therefore is nothing but an echo chamber of self-congratulatory comments among 30 or so members who perpetuate a false narrative. Secondly, the "moderator" oversteps the "rules" and subjectively decides whether to censor any and all comments according to his own personal interpretation. The entire group is just a bunch of like-minded old friends having a pint in a pub.
The only rocket scientist that's over reacting is RD who's mission entails severely censoring any and all comments that can be even remotely interpreted as critical of Naim products.
That’s not true. Lots of critical comments are made on the forum and allowed to remain. It’s worth remembering that it’s a manufacturer forum and therefore different to Pink Fish. Unauthorised modifications cannot be mentioned for obvious reasons around warranty. Certain companies have said they don’t wish to be mentioned. If Naim are releasing a new product they are obviously not going to want details plastered all over the forum in advance of the official release. It can make things dull on occasion but it’s a case of abiding by the rules or being moderated. Everyone makes their own choice on that.
Some of us “old friends” do also like to rock the boat a bit. It appeals to our mischievous nature. I always know why a post has been deleted. Usually an innocent mistake on my part. In the main you can say what you want. Just avoid cables that carry power and signal (the rest is fine), diy mods, certain suppliers, upcoming announcements. That’s about it. If you think that something Naim is cr*p, it’s not a problem to the mod.
That’s not true. Lots of critical comments are made on the forum and allowed to remain. It’s worth remembering that it’s a manufacturer forum and therefore different to Pink Fish. Unauthorised modifications cannot be mentioned for obvious reasons around warranty. Certain companies have said they don’t wish to be mentioned. If Naim are releasing a new product they are obviously not going to want details plastered all over the forum in advance of the official release. It can make things dull on occasion but it’s a case of abiding by the rules or being moderated. Everyone makes their own choice on that.

Some interpretation of the rules certainly happens, and in ways that are surprising.

For example, I mentioned in a long chat about ‘a full loom’ from WH that we could not discuss the XLRs as they are deemed by Naim to be part of the box, but could discuss it elsewhere. That comment (even without mentioning the colour pink) was excised entirely iirc.

I also think that the warranty line looks frankly embarrassing when applied to interconnects between olive boxes in 2022 - what warranty exactly?

Not being allowed to mention that there are topics that we are not allowed to mention or that other websites exist is a vigorous interpretation of the forum rules to put it mildly, and that has happened in 2022. Moreover, some people can apparently post on WH ‘full loom’ or XLRs without immediate censorship and some apparently can’t.

On the other hand, I have found many
members (including HH and RD) to be very helpful when I have issues or queries. Surely that is the point of the site.

More important, this is surely the epitome of a First World Problem. Getting moderated in a way that seems harsh to some on the site is hardly fatal or the world’s greatest injustice.

Oh, and Happy anew Year!
Being a mod is certainly a thankless task in many ways. If there is any sign of inconsistency I would tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. Having experience of compliance, it is hard to catch everything but it is easy to point the finger.
Continue to erroneously claim that Naim and Focal are cross-tested and tuned to go well together.

While I believe many of your other points could be from a Focal/Naim working paper "how to provide more profit"

I'm sorry to say that "tuned crosstest" failed, as Focal loudspeakers sound terrible with Naim amplication beside being insane overpriced.
While I believe many of your other points could be from a Focal/Naim working paper "how to provide more profit"

I'm sorry to say that "tuned crosstest" failed, as Focal loudspeakers sound terrible with Naim amplication beside being insane overpriced.

Lots of people are very happy with Focal speakers powered by Naim, just because you don't like them doesn't make them or the combination terrible. Personally, I would be unlikely to own Focal speakers unless they were in a Muso but I am able to recognise that for some people they give the sound they want and for them are good value. For me Naim and ATC are a great match but for others, this won't be pleasing. There are a great number of routes to hi-fi nirvana and for each of us, it will be slightly different. Slagging off a successful brand because you don't like it reflects more on you than the brand I think, saying that how it sounds is not for you is fine though.
Slagging off a successful brand because you don't like it

Its not about slagging off, your seing ghosts.
What brand are you referring to ?
I have likely used Naim kit for the best part of three decades or more.

Some of us express our own opinion, - yes what I write is of course IME/IMO (with Focal speakers), I did comment on another post, are you against free speech ?

Guess some of the sauer replies are from Focal owners, no need to get upset, I couldn't care less if people saying my loudspeakers are terrible.
Its not about slagging off, your seing ghosts.
What brand are you referring to ?
I have likely used Naim kit for the best part of three decades or more.

Some of us express our own opinion, - yes what I write is of course IME/IMO (with Focal speakers), I did comment on another post, are you against free speech ?

Guess some of the sauer replies are from Focal owners, no need to get upset, I couldn't care less if people saying my loudspeakers are terrible.
Focal make some awesome stuff, i use Sopra 1 and think they are ace
14 pages about a product that’s not even been launched yet & nobody outside of Naim (& some privileged beta testers, I guess) has yet heard.
I doubt any other brand would have this amount of interest/scrutiny/hate whatever.

