
New Naim SBLs

Mr Underhill

pfm Member
OK, a slight exageration ...but, only slight.

A few weeks ago I had the driver units replaced in my MkI SBLs with new ones from Naim, including the MkII mid/bass units, observations here:

Yesterday I took receipt of a new pair of passive xovers from Avondale care of Les. Frighteningly I think I first dealt with Les about thirty years ago! I won't be posting this on teh Naim forum as it would be akin to being a bad guest.

The boxes themselves are larger than the Naim originals and with my SBLs as close to the brick wall as they are certainly won't fit behind the speakers; I therefore have them sat to one side on the carpet and attached to the speakers using NAC A5.

Linn Klimax DS/1 >> Townshend Allegri >> EAR534 >> NAC A5

The immediate impressions include:
  • Greater bass weight & extension;
  • Lower noise floor = More detail;
  • Even better imaging.
Initially there was a touch of sharpness, but in the ten hours that I have been using them that has disappeared.

In some way it is as though the music has been freed from the speakers in a way that I wasn't aware was an issue.

I will report back as they bed in, but I already know they won't be going back.

PXO vs Active?
No idea. I do have a brace of CB250s in the loft, but I really DON'T want to add a further 3 or 4 boxes into my setup.
I had some foo PXO's on my SBL's and compared to active I much prefered them. Always felt the Naim PXO knobbled the SBL to some extent, not surprising as Naim are electronics manufacturers and want to sell box's.

I also swapped the tweeter to D2905/9000 but it needs a bit of woodwork, the Hiquphon is a straight swap.
I have often considered getting my SBLs up to mkii status but while they still sing...

I went active recently, though I was well aware of Les' well received upgraded passive XO, more because I always wanted active SBLs! I don't doubt Les has improved on the Naim passive XO, as suggested I suspect he has spent more time "worrying" about them than Naim did just because they always had active in mind as the end game.

Of course while there are passive XO and passive XO, there is also active and active: NAXO? SNAXO? 242? Hicap? Supercap? What amps? Yes perhaps better passive XO is a better way, fewer boxes, less choice.

I don't regret going active at all, much the same improvements you report, two ways to the same end game, horses for courses and all that.

Glad you are still enjoying the SBLs, if I ever trip over a nice pair of SL2s I might be tempted, until then domestic bliss requires wall mounts and heck I like my SBLs too, never known anything else!
Hi Divedeepdog,

Yes I read a number of your posts. I am very happy with the SBLs, I was sold them by a friend for a VERY good price; the next steps have been rather more expensive, but they are now fettled for the foreseeable future, and will hopefully outlast me.

Hi Nobeone,

There is no doubt that the MkII drivers are a step up .....but, I really enjoyed the MkI as well. As Naim still had the drive units I decided to treat myself. I toyed with just storing the new units, but as the fitting was built into the price this seemed the way to go. I have packaged up the MkI drivers as spares.

Like you the SBLs are a big hit with the other half. I have put aside any thoughts of SL2s, whilst I am sure that they would be a step up and am very happy with where I am.
The crossovers Les does for the SBL are a very nicely thought out thing. They are the same electronic circuit but with much improved components and a better layout.
I had some foo PXO's on my SBL's and compared to active I much prefered them. Always felt the Naim PXO knobbled the SBL to some extent, not surprising as Naim are electronics manufacturers and want to sell box's.

I also swapped the tweeter to D2905/9000 but it needs a bit of woodwork, the Hiquphon is a straight swap.

Can you stop calling them “foo” please!

Well done Mr Underhill! SBLs are such great speakers they deserve something better than the standard Naim crossovers. I did go active with my pair (as has been pointed out, Naim really designed SBLs for active use; the crossovers were a bit of an afterthought), and I stuck with that setup for 15 - 18 years, until SL2s eventually replaced them.

I'm quite tempted to ask Les if he fancies the challenge of fettling my passive DBL crossovers, but given how much hassle I caused him with fitting gyrators to my 362 SNAXO, I'm not sure he'd want to get involved!
I'm quite tempted to ask Les if he fancies the challenge of fettling my passive DBL crossovers, but given how much hassle I caused him with fitting gyrators to my 362 SNAXO, I'm not sure he'd want to get involved!

Hi Tony,

How is the HiFi re-organisation going? Does it feel like a step down, or just different?

If you do approach Les I would be fascinated to hear how it works out!


Hi Tony,

How is the HiFi re-organisation going? Does it feel like a step down, or just different?

If you do approach Les I would be fascinated to hear how it works out!


Hi Mr Underhill,

It's certainly different! A step down in some ways, but as our room's now completely rearranged & we sit closer to the speakers, it actually sounds better in others. Seems to me, when going active, you gain some things but maybe lose something else, in this case a bit of boogy factor.
Hi Mr Underhill,

It's certainly different! A step down in some ways, but as our room's now completely rearranged & we sit closer to the speakers, it actually sounds better in others. Seems to me, when going active, you gain some things but maybe lose something else, in this case a bit of boogy factor.

Do you mean that you perceive a loss of 'boogie factor' when going active?
Interesting subject about the SBL's having owned a pair from 1988 through to about 2003. I bought another pair about 18 months ago. I have always used mine with Exposure amps and often wondered how changing the crossover would change/improve them and at what price. Nearly bought some audio 42 crossovers in the past but never did. The Avondales you have aren't listed on their site but interested to know if there are any others out there that make an alternative. I thought maybe Witch Hat would. I have mono amps and don't really want to go active as it would mean too many boxes.
interested to know if there are any others out there that make an alternative

Not that I know of, problem is that the Naim speakers are so old now, and with no prospect of the technology being used again, why would anyone invest? In Les's case of course this is historic and he does an occassional run.

Like you the idea of yet more boxes is off-putting, and his xover is a nice step up.
I’ve got a pair SBL’s MK2 and send my XO’s to Witch Hat for a recap. They did a great job!
After a burn in time of some weeks they play fabuleus!
AMP: nac72/hi/250...

