
New budget Naim.

Yes, abbydog, seems to be a sign of the times we are living in. Rich getting richer and the rest of us getting poorer.

Plutocracy indeed. Here in Spain we voted for one thing and ended up getting what the banks/markets/hedge fund managers wanted instead, and we are the ones that pay in the end!

My comment was your total lack of commercial knowledge about product manufacture hence clueless.

Not emotive just a fact.
So, they have released it, but reserve the right to alter the sound of it later on? How sensible.

come on, Bub. You've been reading 'continuous improvement' disclaimers for a couple of decades now, why take exception to this one?

My comment was your total lack of commercial knowledge about product manufacture hence clueless.

Not emotive just a fact.
Common sense, dear flatpopely, is sometimes the best knowledge!

Like knowing that a company that make expensive products that they say won't work optimally unless you buy an even more expensive power supply, from them, is not a company that has their customers best interests in mind.

Nothing too complicated about that, is there?
Naim don't say that, neither is it true. Even in their least expensive form their products sound really good. Common sense won't make up for lack of knowledge.
Yup, it's bullish*t. You are aware, dear maxy, that your comments on the AVI website are available for all to see. I don't have a problem with your boss, but he is into marketing and propaganda, which you seem to have lapped up.

Nothing wrong with Naim or Linn. They do take care of their customers, which is why they're doing so well in the time of a HiFi (and I mean high fidelity, not nice sounding speakerettes) recession.

They're neither liars or cheats, as you, or rather your guru, imply. Go have a listen to some top and expensive products. You might have to eat your spiel.

P.S. I'm with Suffolk Tony. Even their budget products sound great.
Yup, it's bullish*t. You are aware, dear maxy, that your comments on the AVI website are available for all to see. I don't have a problem with your boss, but he is into marketing and propaganda, which you seem to have lapped up.

Nothing wrong with Naim or Linn. They do take care of their customers, which is why they're doing so well in the time of a HiFi (and I mean high fidelity, not nice sounding speakerettes) recession.

They're neither liars or cheats, as you, or rather your guru, imply. Go have a listen to some top and expensive products. You might have to eat your spiel.

P.S. I'm with Suffolk Tony. Even their budget products sound great.
Avole/Altruistic.lemon, you really should consider forgetting about Ashley and the AVI Forum, you'll end up unwell.

No doubt Naim make great products, and are very successful, but their external PSU's are a shameful exercise in exploitation. Sorry.
You haven't got it, have you, mazy? Go give them a listen. The basic Naim gear is of a very high standard. Spending more (which I cannot remotely afford, by the way) gets you better, in the way that a bigger motor in my Jaguar would, or a Beneteau would better my home-built dinghy.

You unfortunately do not seem to believe improvements are possible, and that it's some sort of evil plot to have them, so you criticise from a position of profound ignorance.
You haven't got it, have you, mazy? Go give them a listen. The basic Naim gear is of a very high standard. Spending more (which I cannot remotely afford, by the way) gets you better, in the way that a bigger motor in my Jaguar would, or a Beneteau would better my home-built dinghy.

You unfortunately do not seem to believe improvements are possible, and that it's some sort of evil plot to have them, so you criticise from a position of profound ignorance.

Have you ever heard of the law of diminishing returns?
Diminishing returns = what you can afford you spend, there's no law. For Brad Pitt, that's a lot of money. For me, that's 400€.

The point is to recognise that money does buy you better quality, but to realise your own budgetary limitations. I'm sure even maxy, given unlimited funds, would turn his AVIs over without a second thought.
Bringing this thread back to a less parochial level, I do wonder how many quality speakers out there are inefficient enough to benefit from the Statement amplifiers' enormous welly.

I have read that the more power, the less music, in effect, and the price does seem to suggest that you're paying for the design compromises inherent in more powerful amplifiers, but how many speakers, or rooms even, need that amount of headroom? Naim amplification has never been about power output (amperage, yes, but not watts).

Can't quite see the real-world market for these (not the pre.), regardless of their potential sonic values.
You haven't got it, have you, mazy? Go give them a listen. The basic Naim gear is of a very high standard. Spending more (which I cannot remotely afford, by the way) gets you better, in the way that a bigger motor in my Jaguar would, or a Beneteau would better my home-built dinghy.

You unfortunately do not seem to believe improvements are possible, and that it's some sort of evil plot to have them, so you criticise from a position of profound ignorance.

I assume they make transparent amps, DACS and CD players. Nothing I've not heard before.

Anyway, it's the PSU's that take the piss, IMO. And I can't understand why so many people don't realize so, especially their customers. Makes me think of that Jones guy and his followers.
I guess that in reviews to come, a lot will be said as to why you need a lot of power even for moderate listening level... Just wait and see ;)
Bringing this thread back to a less parochial level, I do wonder how many quality speakers out there are inefficient enough to benefit from the Statement amplifiers' enormous welly.

I have read that the more power, the less music, in effect, and the price does seem to suggest that you're paying for the design compromises inherent in more powerful amplifiers, but how many speakers, or rooms even, need that amount of headroom? Naim amplification has never been about power output (amperage, yes, but not watts).

Can't quite see the real-world market for these (not the pre.), regardless of their potential sonic values.

I agree. Good post.
Even in their least expensive form their products sound really good.

you know Tony, you're absolutely right. It's just in what was their most expensive form that they're not, IME. And your chum seems to agree...

