
NCC200 V1.4/Cap6 GB

Hi Alan

I thought that I’d do the address requests in batches of 10 to keep my PM box manageable. So everyone will be receiving a PM from me when their turn comes.

On the NCC200.

Yes I could not agree more.

These are seriously good amps and way better than their sum of parts.

With the VBE fitted even better.

I’m still being blown away by my Voyager builds.

Totally awesome.

I may try twisting Les’s arm for another VBE GB to help the first time builders who missed the last one. But that’s for later this year maybe.

So my advice would be to make sure that those cases are big enough to fit the VBE later.

I'd like to ask a couple of questions if I may...

Is there a specific transformer required for this amp ? What do you recomend and where from?
I have a spare 300VA 30v+30v. Would this be suitable, at least to try until a proper one is aquired?
I keep hearing about VBA. - What is this and what does it do exactly?

Kind Regards
With my build I used 350VA with 25-0-25 secondaries per channel.
The VBE is a regulator for the front end of the NCC200 boards and requires a separate transformer to power it and a couple of components removing from the NCC board. It adds icing to the cake so to speak with a nice lift in sound quality.
Hi Shaun,
any chance of still adding to this order?
1 X option 2, 2x NCC200 V1.4 boards only.
2 X option 4, Cap6 Boards.
Cheers Clayton
So what happens next? When & how do we pay?

Thanks Roy.

Hi Meirkat

now we just wait until Les has the boards and parts and then i'll start collecting the cash.

Paypal will be good for me but if anyone has problems with that then i'll find another way.
Can I ask a question about the BC546 transistors listed in the spreadsheet?

There appears to be another ONsemi version listed at Farnell (2317537).
So far as I can tell from the datasheets (as opposed to Farnell's summary) the only difference is one has straight leads and the other bent.

The biggest difference is the price they are only 3.89p compared with 19.3p for the 9558551. Even less if you buy more!

Have I made a mistake?

Can I ask a question about the BC546 transistors listed in the spreadsheet?

There appears to be another ONsemi version listed at Farnell (2317537).
So far as I can tell from the datasheets (as opposed to Farnell's summary) the only difference is one has straight leads and the other bent.

The biggest difference is the price they are only 3.89p compared with 19.3p for the 9558551. Even less if you buy more!

Have I made a mistake?


If the data sheets are the same then they should be fine.

I had some short straight legged ON Semi's for my first build and they fitted with a little wiggle to seat them.
These Ncc200 boards are rather good. I am no DIYer, so a visit to Les and the new boards slotted into my M130s, wow!
Hi again,

Sorry to pester but would any one know what the NCC200 board dimensions are please.


They are identical to the Naim Napa boards : 132mm x 92mm and need a little over 50mm height clearance, allowing for components and if you are using the standard "U" shaped heat sink bracket - also available with this GB.
Dear Roy

Is it still possible to order some boards?
I would like to order 12 (yes 12) NCC200 boards without the extras.

Greatings from Holland, Jurjen

