
NCC200 V1.4/Cap6 GB

If there's any more negative crap on here about delivery etc, I shall pull the plug
on this and any future group buys. I've gone the extra mile in re-laying the board
to the advantage of all concerned and for the profit there is in the project after all
this trouble, I'm not taking any more.

You don't like it Roy and anyone seeking to stir, my message is go elsewhere.
I think he's just a bit frustrated and gagging at the bit to get going on the build.

Just remember that the vast majority of us are extremely grateful for your time. help and decent-blokeness!
These amps are well worth any wait.

I for one am very grateful to Les for agreeing to these group buys going ahead.
Hi Guys

Let’s try to remember that the parts involved here are to a large extent bespoke so do take time to organise. Manufacturing time can be a little unpredictable and takes a great deal of effort to arrange.

Les has also spent quite some time reworking the PSU boards and come up with what looks like a much better product.

The NCC200 boards are also up to the latest specs and are manufactured to the highest standards. Their construction does have a significant effect on the sound to my ears and I was more than surprised that Les agreed to allow me to incorporate them into this GB rather than using the older boards.

He has gone to a great deal of trouble to make this GB happen when it would have been so much easier for him to say no when I asked.

I’d call that generosity from someone who has never forgotten the DIY community.

For my part

I really do have the easy part of this arrangement.

The work is all from Les who lets remember is a commercial designer and not really a kit supplier.

When I first heard these amps I was totally blown away by their sound and still am.

IMHO It’s a great opportunity for others to have the same and enjoy a fun build.

So let’s just sit back and relax a little.

We are nearly there.:cool:
To All,

I realise I was rude with my last post and in some cases offended and upset some members. I am sincerely sorry. It was never my intention to cause disharmony on here.

I am very grateful to LesW and all members involved with this project for providing us with this great opportunity to build a quality amplifier like this.

I will now always think twice before I post, and if I have offended any of you my sincerest apologies.

Kind Regards
To All,

I realise I was rude with my last post and in some cases offended and upset some members. I am sincerely sorry. It was never my intention to cause disharmony on here.

I am very grateful to LesW and all members involved with this project for providing us with this great opportunity to build a quality amplifier like this.

I will now always think twice before I post, and if I have offended any of you my sincerest apologies.

Kind Regards

Brave and honest man Roy: +1 for respect earned
If there's any more negative crap on here about delivery etc, I shall pull the plug
on this and any future group buys.
Your contributions to me, fellow Pink Fishes I'm certain and the Hifi world in general is greatly appreciated Les. It would be a shame if a silly impetuous post, which I understand must be really hard to swallow given your efforts, were to make you to reconsider what you've provided for us over many years.
No Worries Roy:cool:

It’s easy to post in the heat of the moment and then think ‘’ I may have said that a little differently’’.

We’ve all done it.

I know that I have.:)

We’re on the last lap so just a question of getting over the line.

The NCC200 is a super amp and even better with the VBE front end.

I’m sure that you’ll love the build and the end product is sensational IMHO.
As an aside, but hopefully relevant, Shaun has been a terrific manager / organiser for this GB and Les has been generous in the extreme in sharing his support, expertise, knowledge, and contacts.

I remain concerned that we don't either directly or indirectly take advantage of Shaun or Les and would gently draw our collective attention to my post #210 above (page 14 I think)

Looking forwards to the build - Graham :)
Just like to add that Les Wolstenholme is a genuinely nice guy, dedicated to achieving the very best in Audio from all of his products, I have met with Les on many occasions and have always been in awe of his enthusiasm and professionalism in achieving a very best from all his products, he will not put anything out to the public unless he is 110% happy with the result.
I would just like to remind everyone just how lucky we are here were we can actually speak to and reap the benefits of a truly top quality audio design power amp for next to no profit from the guy who did all the hard work.
Please be patient "good comes to those who wait" ;)

I listen to my Voyagers every day and they are the business, just pure analogue heaven, thanks Les :D

well said Alan

''I listen to my Voyagers every day and they are the business, just pure analogue heaven, thanks Les''

I just feel lucky to have the Voyager clones which really do tick all of the boxes.

Sonic Bliss to my ears and easily the best I've built in 30 or so years of playing with DIY.
Alan, how many reel to reel machines does one really need? :)
At least 10 but I have 13 so your right I have too many :D

Shaun, yes its a home recording, Gregory Porter No love Dying recorded from a Flac file directly from my DAC, the R2R magically turns it back into analogue :D

Sounding good.

Out of interest have you tried ripping to WAV.

Also upsampling at the ripping stage (off line). Then recording to R2R.

From memory your DAC is Sabre based as is my buffalo and it makes a small difference with in my set up.

I’d be interested in your thoughts on that.

sorry for the OT:)
Hi only my second post, so be gentle. I was wondering why there was a need to protect the speakers from DC when part of a voyager setup and not when part of a plain (?) Ncc200 amp. This to me would put something in the way of a quality output. Someone may have covered this but due to my inexperience I cant find anything.

I am a new member to PFM and am honored to join this gathering of knowledge.

I would like to gather some thoughts about regulators for the NCC200 build we will be embarking on.

It seems like the obvious pairing would be a VBE to regulate the NCC200 board. Does anyone have any experience with the VBE or thoughts on other forms of regulation? For example the HCR200 from Les, a Jung SuperRegulator, ALWSR regulator or a Belleson SuperPower.

Any thoughts or discussion on this topic would be very helpful in planning the upcoming build.

Thank you,

Hi only my second post, so be gentle. I was wondering why there was a need to protect the speakers from DC when part of a voyager setup and not when part of a plain (?) Ncc200 amp. This to me would put something in the way of a quality output. Someone may have covered this but due to my inexperience I cant find anything.

Good question Norm.

And welcome to PFM. I'm sure you are going to have fun:cool:

Some say do without as it affects the SQ but to my mind nothing sounds worse than frying drive units.

I have DC OP protection and if it makes a difference then it would take better ears than my flappers to spot it.

I’d say yes always use speaker pro.

But others will have another take so it’s really up to you.

If you scroll back to page 1. You’ll find links to Alan and Keith’ lovely builds and also my own.

Check them out as they have some good detail re the Voyager build.
Hi electronJ

And another welcome aboard:cool:.

And another good question:).

I’ve not tried any of the other regs around for the NCC200 but the VBE is a stonkinly good front end PSU. It’s not strictly a reg but maybe that’s where it could have an advantage and let more of the music out.

The Voyagers clones that I have sound truly superb and I feel no itchy finger need to change anything.

I come from the ‘’ if it flaps around bolt it down’’ school and have played with many tube and solid state regs. I have mostly shunt regs on my other kit ATM and like what they do but in this case welllll I’m more than happy to leave well alone.

I’d be interested to read others thoughts on front end regs though.

Enjoy your build.:cool:

