
Mr Bates vs the Post Office

To incestuous sheets.

It’s like those nature documentaries where they explain how mycelium is widespread within the soil, and all we see are the mushrooms that fruit above ground. Their lies and venal corruption are spread through the entire ecosystem, occasionally getting caught with their pants down but by and large getting away with it.
This mob were like the Gestapo only difference is that the PO investigators were incentivised but reading some of their comments it sounds as though they'd have done the work for nothing, they are nothing short of scumbags.

Except now they’re up against real (well, far superior) opponents rather than postmasters (with no disrespect to postmasters of course). Julian Blake is making this look like taking candy from a baby.
Except now they’re up against real (well, far superior) opponents rather than postmasters (with no disrespect to postmasters of course). Julian Blake is making this look like taking candy from a baby.

No one will be held accountable, Alan Bates is already being bought off with a knighthood.
No one will be held accountable, Alan Bates is already being bought off with a knighthood.
Alan strikes me as a man of integrity I would be very surprised if he would ever accept such an award now. Why after all this time and no meaningful action would he want to join the wan$ers. Just another government smokescreen.
I was struck by one politician’s remarks on R4 yesterday, about the declaration sub postmasters would be required to sign, to get their convictions quashed and compo. He said something like: there will have been some people prosecuted by the PO during this time, who were guilty as charged. It is not right that they get away with it.

He’s ignoring the legal maxim I mentioned pages ago that it is better for ten guilty men to go free than one innocent man to be convicted. That was never more true than here, surely? If the fear of exonerating a guilty person makes the system so oppressive that some victims won’t engage with it, it is wrong.
Projecting his own failings on to the victims of a miscarriage of justice? If so, let's hope his accounts get the attention needed.
I was struck by one politician’s remarks on R4 yesterday, about the declaration sub postmasters would be required to sign, to get their convictions quashed and compo. He said something like: there will have been some people prosecuted by the PO during this time, who were guilty as charged. It is not right that they get away with it.

He’s ignoring the legal maxim I mentioned pages ago that it is better for ten guilty men to go free than one innocent man to be convicted. That was never more true than here, surely? If the fear of exonerating a guilty person makes the system so oppressive that some victims won’t engage with it, it is wrong.
Maybe this is a back-handed attempt to dissuade victims from engaging with it. Establishment must always be on top - plebs belong underneath. Saves some cash, too.

They pursue the little people for false convictions while they steal and hand £billions to fraudsters and VIPLane friends and family. General election and judicial review of the VIP Lane, fraud right offs and other corrupt associations asap.
Alan strikes me as a man of integrity I would be very surprised if he would ever accept such an award now. Why after all this time and no meaningful action would he want to join the wan$ers. Just another government smokescreen.

He knocked back a CBE said he wouldn't accept it whilst Vennells had hers he's saying now if he was offered a knight hood he take it because Vennels has handed her award back.
Projecting his own failings on to the victims of a miscarriage of justice? If so, let's hope his accounts get the attention needed.

They don't believe anyone is innocent none of them. The PO staff, PO investigation team, the politicians.

This is all about public opinion and the GE even Vennells hasn't apologised she's just issued a mealy mouth statement.
Maybe this is a back-handed attempt to dissuade victims from engaging with it. Establishment must always be on top - plebs belong underneath. Saves some cash, too.


Of course it is, personally I'd accept this offer if it was unconditional, easy for me to say I know but I think the SPM/PMs would be mad to accept a conditional offer but I understand why some of them would accept it.

This is like Hillsborough all over again.
He knocked back a CBE said he wouldn't accept it whilst Vennells had hers he's saying now if he was offered a knight hood he take it because Vennels has handed her award back.
Bad move.
touting for a gong usually rebounds on you.
Ask David Beckham.
MThey don't believe anyone is innocent none of them. The PO staff, PO investigation team, the politicians.

This is all about public opinion and the GE even Vennells hasn't apologised she's just issued a mealy mouth statement.
What gets to me is she was a Anglican priest.
I would have thought a little bit of honesty, and an proper apology, would have helped.
We all make mistakes and get things wrong...
Interesting take from John S. Warren on the Bella Calledonia blog. People realising for the first time; "This kind of thing could happen to me...".

Who Guards the Post Office.
...The public watched a well crafted human drama that portrayed graphically, precisely what level of hell was visited on the victims by a corporate institution, backed by the Government and Crown; with no way out.
The viewers suddenly realised, for the first time; that if the Crown, Government, Post Office and even the Law can do this with impunity over more than twenty years, on an industrial scale to hundreds of well vetted, generally unimpeachable ordinary people – like them – why would they would not deduce, that if it could happen to them, why should they suppose this could never happen to me and mine?
It has been transformational. A beacon was lit; under the government.

At a stroke the actual nature of Britain’s natural process of government administration and the supposed checks and balances we have, were all revealed for what they are; a ritual performance more honoured in the breach than the observance; behind which reclines on green or red benches, a casually vindictive system, noticeably stained by countless recent lurid examples of bullying, harassment or the intimidating threats of a Whip’s office more redolent of the seventeenth century than modern democracy; a Parliamentary system that is arrogant, condescending, vain and above all indifferent to wrongdoing in its dispositions; but perfectly reflecting our antiquated, obsolete constitution and system of government that provides the ordinary person with virtually no protection at all from the tyranny of the relentless grinding of the machinery of administration, over which no central control effectively functions.
Kafka never dreamed of anything like this; a democracy that celebrates the exceptionalism of the freedoms that it trashes, at will. Even the KCs are now flapping around in a panic about our justice system, and the damage that has been inflicted on it by the Post Office scandal. This, all of it goes to the heart of Britain’s utter failure of character in Government...

He continues....

...Who Guards the Post Office? For the last twenty years, the Government, Parliament and too often, the law; but not to any good effect. Who guards the guards? Nobody.
The government is asleep on the job. Not just the Post Office Scandal; nothing is ever finally resolved or reaches a just conclusion in Britain. Hillsborough; blood contamination; Grenfell; Windrush; Orgreave; on and on. Nothing ever ends, until the victims are all dead. Then it goes away, quietly into the night.
The list is endless. Nobody anymore should believe that all that is some form of accident, or coincidence.

