
MDAC First Listen (part XXVIII)

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Chris, sounds like you might have issues that are causing you to 'project' onto other people's posts and infer meaning and tone to them that simply isn't there. I imagine you're doing it now.

If only the reality matched your imagination :)

Anyway, let's get back to the topic
XLR AV Bypass would be really cool
Why is AV Bypass so cool?
Can't really see what the benefit is by routing a multi channel source through the MDAC. Why not directly to the AV processor/receiver?

I think AV Bypass is the least important feature of the MDAC2 PCB. I will never use it.
Why is AV Bypass so cool?
Can't really see what the benefit is by routing a multi channel source through the MDAC. Why not directly to the AV processor/receiver?

I think AV Bypass is the least important feature of the MDAC2 PCB. I will never use it.

No, the front channel pre outs from the AV processor/receiver are routed through the MDAC so both can use the same poweramp & speakers.
Why is AV Bypass so cool?
Can't really see what the benefit is by routing a multi channel source through the MDAC. Why not directly to the AV processor/receiver?

I think AV Bypass is the least important feature of the MDAC2 PCB. I will never use it.

I think you'll find a lot of people will use it. I have a decent stereo amp, but would like to run it in power-mode only, using the MDAC as a pre-amp. But, my my AV amp (very good, but not as good for music as my main amp) also needs to feed the main amp from it's front speaker pre-outs. So, I have to use the amp's pre amp to do the switching between the two.

This AV pass-through will allow both the MDAC and an AV receiver to be connected to a decent hi fi power amp at the same time.

It's been a long requested feature.

I would certainly welcome a balanced AV bypass in my system, even if this means having 2 dangling leads for balanced inputs on the back of the MDAC2. My L3 MDAC has single ended bypass, which is a very good start, but a compromise as my whole system runs balanced.
JohnW or Dominic,
I know it's a bit OT (sorry for that) but I thought that it will be fastest way to get reply (since "audiolab at last..." thread is almost dead). What are the latest software version for old lcd 8200cdq units (control/servo/mainboard software)?
Thanks in advance,
Emil.'s been a while...did I miss anything? Any news? Firmware upgrades (I'm on A10, I think)? New amp designs?
I use the Beresford switch box too but only because my AVR has no stereo pre outs. Getting up to switch it over manually can be a pain in the star star star star.

On a separate topic, I'm in the market for a balanced power amp to go with my Toy Mdac and B&W CM8s. My original plan was to replace my long serving but very average Marantz PM7001 with a pair of Mimps, but these seem a long way off and I think the Toy upgrade is exposing the Marantz's short comings.

So I want something as a stop gap, second hand would be good so that I won't lose much on resale. Only thing is I'm not sure there are many balanced options out there in the second hand market? Any suggestions? Budget is £1000 or under for stereo or a pair of monoblocks.

Ones I've found so far that seems half decent are Roksan Caspian Mk1 Power Amp, Creek Destiny Power Amp, and Linn Majik C2100B Power Amp. Only the latter I've actually found a second hand example of so far, the others seem pretty rare.
John, how are the upgrades going? It would be really nice if I could get my lovely fusion upgrade back by Christmas. Thanks.
I use the Beresford switch box too but only because my AVR has no stereo pre outs. Getting up to switch it over manually can be a pain in the star star star star.

On a separate topic, I'm in the market for a balanced power amp to go with my Toy Mdac and B&W CM8s. My original plan was to replace my long serving but very average Marantz PM7001 with a pair of Mimps, but these seem a long way off and I think the Toy upgrade is exposing the Marantz's short comings.

So I want something as a stop gap, second hand would be good so that I won't lose much on resale. Only thing is I'm not sure there are many balanced options out there in the second hand market? Any suggestions? Budget is £1000 or under for stereo or a pair of monoblocks.

Ones I've found so far that seems half decent are Roksan Caspian Mk1 Power Amp, Creek Destiny Power Amp, and Linn Majik C2100B Power Amp. Only the latter I've actually found a second hand example of so far, the others seem pretty rare.

Hypex N-Core - as recommended by JW. and many others , C £ 1K with a cheap case.
Needs little Diy. but much reading.
Supposedly = to a £2K amp. And designed specifically for balanced XLR input.
I quick update - just to fill you in with what's happening over here in Czech - We are rushing to complete as much as we can of the "temporary 5 year lab" before the winter closes in here in - its already hovering about -5degC and we need to capitalises on any warmer days to pour concrete.... We need to complete as much as possible this side of the Winter months as there will be little time to complete the Lab next year – around the time the MDAC2 PCB should start arriving… we need the larger premises so I can employ someone here in Czech to help with testing the PCB’s etc. – Also building a dedicated listening room for my ESLs :)

By the weekend the first floor should be completed – which gives me a few days break to issue the MDAC2 Analogue stage prototype PCB while a company completes the woodwork for the second floor.

So at the weekend I’ll be back online to answer post etc – Fusion, IanM, TonyB sorry for the delay.

Sorry I haven't sent some feedback earlier, but I've been a bit pre-occupied with having solar panels fitted to the roof, and also with how best to integrate a DSPeaker Antimode Dual Core into my system.

I've done a lot of listening and my reactions are:

1) The overall sound quality is definitely more refined. It is much better at opera recordings than the original MDAC - opera singers sound much better when going at full tilt; originally they seemed somewhat distorted at times and had a rather unpleasant sound (maybe the improvements to the output stage you mentioned have helped here). Pianos now sound less tinny and digital, and are more rounded. Violins too seem more natural.

2) On my system (Quad Elite, Quad ESL 2805) there was an obvious improvement when I bypassed the pre-amp and connected the MDAC directly to the Quad monos. I shall definitely keep it like that.

3) The sound stage is, as advertised, much improved with a good 3D feel to it on the better recordings. Instruments are more clearly located.

4) There has been much comment in the forum about the bass, and I'm not sure I've quite understood what people are saying here. Sure the bass is 'cleaner' and better defined - but then so is everything else.

5) In my view A.10 has better sound than v0.9 and since it has better facilities I won't be going back. XD and Minimum Phase are the two filters that sound best to me, with XD probably being my overall preference.

You might be interested to know that I took the MDAC, and the Metrum Octave that I bought to keep me going while I waited for the upgrade, round to a friend's house and three of us were able to make a comparison between his dCS Elgar, and my Metrum Octave, and MDAC Premium Fusion. His system has ML Summits, Conrad Johnson GAT pre-amp, and Conrad Johnson power amp.

Overall we were surprised how little difference there was between them on some recordings. With small-scale recordings of, say, a single instrument or a small chamber group it was almost impossible to tell any difference. The test was set up such that one of us could switch between the three DACs without interrupting the music and without the others knowing which DAC was playing at any given time.

Recordings made a difference, however (i.e. we didn't subscribe to the view that all DACs always sounded the same). Some recordings did bring out subtle differences. On the whole there was least difference with recordings of solo instruments and small ensembles and more difference between the DACs with more complex, large-scale, orchestral pieces. Overall the dCS had a slightly 'softer' presentation, and seemed more 'laid-back'. The dCS and the MDAC had slightly more precision and definition than the Metrum. Overall I thought the MDAC was more engaging, more involving, than the dCS which was very slightly more 'laid-back'. Given the price difference, I'm obviously very pleased with the MDAC Premium Fusion. :cool:

Thanks indeed John.

- Richard.
Nice one Richard!

Is it the Elite QMP Monoblock ~£2400 you have? Do you connect your amps via XLR?

A few years ago I heard a demo of the 2805's driven by the 909 amp and the imaging was superb, really good system. Not so good with heavy rock though as the bass lost its grip.

I'm interested in getting XLR input monoblocks connected by very short speaker cables to my speakers - hopefully taking speaker cable quality out of the system as an influence on final SQ. :)
Dear John,
1st of all congratulations form mdac I and for this project. I am not able to get a mdac, is it possible to get one from you partecipating to the project and getting it from you after implementation?
Please, if possible, explain me how to do that.
Thank you and regards
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