
MDAC First Listen (part 00111000)

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Yes, its was a massive surprise to Jarek how Dacapo I designed back in 1991/2 just kill's the ESS based DAC's - so much for the march of progress!

I fear what I'd "feel" if when we listen to the MDAC2 + "Dacapo Anniversary" DAC option it sounded worst then the original design!!! that would not bode well for 25 years of extra knowledge! :eek: :rolleyes:
Sounded worse? how is the ess based dac not transparent? has anyone actually bothered to do blindtesting?
I have changed power supply for my M-dac to ULPS power supply , now m dac show me only 13.9 or 14 V , but with stock power supply was always between 16-17 V , why input Voltage is so low now ? As far i know it should be dead 15 V with that power supply or m dac drop it ? Sound seems to be better , but i'm worried about voltage .
Last Night my Transport had a Problem and I switched back to my old Philips Player with TDA1541 and I have to say that it sounds better than MDAC with Transport.You get used to Stuff when listening with it all the Time and the old Player brings back natural,emotional Presentation.
Glass is transparent, but unless you opt for low Iron content glass it has an inherent green tint.

How transparent is the glass in your windows ?

Have you conducted a blind test :cool:
Last Night my Transport had a Problem and I switched back to my old Philips Player with TDA1541 and I have to say that it sounds better than MDAC with Transport.You get used to Stuff when listening with it all the Time and the old Player brings back natural,emotional Presentation.

My old Marantz players has a TDA1541 and I also have a little NOS dac with the same chip. They both sound really great. I think the emphasis is on the mid-range and there is a certain fullness to the sound.
Yes, its was a massive surprise to Jarek how Dacapo I designed back in 1991/2 just kill's the ESS based DAC's - so much for the march of progress!

I fear what I'd "feel" if when we listen to the MDAC2 + "Dacapo Anniversary" DAC option it sounded worst then the original design!!! that would not bode well for 25 years of extra knowledge! :eek: :rolleyes:

Why don't you use the original, saa7350 iirc, plus a modern pll with a ti resampling device like the src4392?

Conventional SRC sound TRULY awful, using the src4392 would kill all that's good about the sound we target + the data would not be bit accurate.
Hi John

I have changed power supply for my M-dac to ULPS power supply , now m dac show me only 13.9 or 14 V , but with stock power supply was always between 16-17 V , why input Voltage is so low now ? As far i know it should be dead 15 V with that power supply or m dac drop it ? Sound seems to be better , but i'm worried about voltage .
Thanks in advance

Yes 13.9V is alittle low, really 15V is a good target.

0.65V is dropped by the Input diodes and then add cable losses so 1V is about correct for input voltage drop.

Yes 13.9V is alittle low, really 15V is a good target.

0.65V is dropped by the Input diodes and then add cable losses so 1V is about correct for input voltage drop.

Really appreciate your answer John . So i don't have to be worry about any issues . Anyway new PSU sound better . Thanks a lot again !:)
I'm quite close, and would love to meet you both, and see the streamer..


Hi John - I am also close, and would love to meet you.

It would be great to see Derek again also - he was kind enough to demo the MDAC in his home before I bought one, and we share a love of electrostatic speakers, even though WAF is low !

If we meet in the bar, have you a time in mind ?

I will continue to be unconfortable in this thread until i get my money back or until johnW stops making design desisions based on highly based sighted listening tests. I have invested over 1000£ in this and i am highly dissappinted johnW will spend time making the future iteration worse by adding tubes and changing to a low performance dac chip(resulting in a 24dB loss in dynamic range).

Yes you might be able to hear a differene between dacs at low sampling rates due to different filter settins but listening tests are not suitable for evaluating the performance since the noise in the room, recording, etc is likely to be much higher than the noise from a high performance dac. The limiting factor will probably be the amplifier when you have oppo sonica dac or better.
Hi John

I can increase PSU output voltage to 16 V then M dac will get dead 15 V after the voltage drop . Do you think sound quality will improve ?
Hi John

I can increase PSU output voltage to 16 V then M dac will get dead 15 V after the voltage drop . Do you think sound quality will improve ?

Just as a note of reassurance, ever since I set up my15.5v Calex-based LPSU, I have been running with 14.4v registering on the front panel, with absolutely no problems, and a noticeable SQ improvement.
John is the authority, but I doubt that increasing the voltage will make any difference to SQ, unless it puts your PSU under strain( which might make things worse..) .
I will continue to be unconfortable in this thread until i get my money back or until johnW stops making design desisions based on highly based sighted listening tests. I have invested over 1000£ in this and i am highly dissappinted johnW will spend time making the future iteration worse by adding tubes and changing to a low performance dac chip(resulting in a 24dB loss in dynamic range).

Yes you might be able to hear a differene between dacs at low sampling rates due to different filter settins but listening tests are not suitable for evaluating the performance since the noise in the room, recording, etc is likely to be much higher than the noise from a high performance dac. The limiting factor will probably be the amplifier when you have oppo sonica dac or better.

The first iteration - the only iteration you've signed up for - will use ESS DACs. So why all the fuss? What technology are you getting that you don't want?

You've never been in a position to determine or control the design decisions of the designer. I'm wondering what effect you think your posts are going to have
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