
Knocking Naim!

I can't believe how expensive their 500 series is £40 k on a pre and power amp.Laughable.Of cause they increase their prices year on year so with the 500 power amp it first sold for £10 k now cost £20k.Very clever.
Last time I looked at their forum someone posted about the devialet power amp how does it compare to Naim.The usual replies.Good but in a HIFI way.Does'nt make music like Naim.This prat thing makes me laugh.IMO the only thing it does well.Timbre of instruments,stereo image,not its best points.
But as there clever marketing says your nobody without a Naim !
I can't believe how expensive their 500 series is £40 k on a pre and power amp.Laughable.Of cause they increase their prices year on year so with the 500 power amp it first sold for £10 k now cost £20k.Very clever.
Last time I looked at their forum someone posted about the devialet power amp how does it compare to Naim.The usual replies.Good but in a HIFI way.Does'nt make music like Naim.This prat thing makes me laugh.IMO the only thing it does well.Timbre of instruments,stereo image,not its best points.
But as there clever marketing says your nobody without a Naim !

Excellent, realistic post but get ready for derision.
I can't believe how expensive their 500 series is £40 k on a pre and power amp.Laughable.Of cause they increase their prices year on year so with the 500 power amp it first sold for £10 k now cost £20k.Very clever.
Last time I looked at their forum someone posted about the devialet power amp how does it compare to Naim.The usual replies.Good but in a HIFI way.Does'nt make music like Naim.This prat thing makes me laugh.IMO the only thing it does well.Timbre of instruments,stereo image,not its best points.
But as there clever marketing says your nobody without a Naim !

Naim kit seems to start out reasonably priced in comparrison with other brands and then sky rockets over time. The 52 preamp was around 5K on release and ended up around 10k at the end of it's run.
The first uniti was 2k, now it's around £2800 ish.
I just bought a new 172 pre for £1650, reasonable to me, dread to think what it will cost over time.
Well, this is going to be my first ever posting!!
As my username says, naimitbren, I was up until 3 yrs ago a full blown devotee to the Naim philosophy, I started with a 62/140 into Epos S14 with an LP12/Ittock/Asaka over 25 years ago, worked my way up to an SBL based active system, but when the 500 series came out, I had to take a step back, it was becoming a lot of minimal gains for a large amount of cash, I was shown another way, I now have come off the Naim upgrade carousel , I now listen to a great sounding Dynavector/Shahinian/Well tempered/Emm labs system, no regrets, still like Naim, funny thing is if I want to hear my old system, most of it is at a friends house.. he bought most of it off me!!
Well, this is going to be my first ever posting!!
As my username says, naimitbren, I was up until 3 yrs ago a full blown devotee to the Naim philosophy, I started with a 62/140 into Epos S14 with an LP12/Ittock/Asaka over 25 years ago, worked my way up to an SBL based active system, but when the 500 series came out, I had to take a step back, it was becoming a lot of minimal gains for a large amount of cash, I was shown another way, I now have come off the Naim upgrade carousel , I now listen to a great sounding Dynavector/Shahinian/Well tempered/Emm labs system, no regrets, still like Naim, funny thing is if I want to hear my old system, most of it is at a friends house.. he bought most of it off me!!
Welcome Bren. You and I have followed an almost identical Hifi path and I share your no regrets feeling about the move over.
I'd also add the SuperUniti in that. It has the same properties as the Qute, but legitimately offers a lot more grunt and power.

I have to disagree with that statement. True the SuperUniti has more grunt and power, but IMO at the expense of musicality. Tried both, preferred Qute, I also have the V1 and 100, but IMO the 100 has the same effect. It adds more grunt and power at the expense of.........

I guess you pays yer money and takes yer choice!!!
IMO it's no longer value for money.

As to the 250 v Devialet - I've done the demo and to my ears, the DV is the better amp. It's also far more than an amp, is approx. half the price of 250/HC/282 and looks beautiful.
It's highly respected well-made and fully serviceable kit. Conservatively rated too as the amps have substantial power reserves and are capable of transients well in excess of the constant rating given (very different to some specs you may be familiar with). They retain excellent resale value because of proven reliability and long-term credibility - many of these basic designs have been around for decades. I'd argue that the chrome-bumper and olive eras now rank as 'classic audio kit' in the way of Quad IIs, Tannoy Reds and Golds, LS3/5As, Garrard 301, 401 etc. There will always be a market for this type of proven quality. I'm an ex-owner and still respect the stuff a lot. It's great kit.

Quoting..."They retain excellent resale value because of proven reliability and long-term credibility" ...Have you seen the glut of Naim gear on the market and the increasing size of the unsold pool?
On the whole, I dislike NAIM kit.
I dislike the speakers most.

But, I don't own NAIM kit, so I'm fine.

If you like it, buy it.

But, please don't buy it just because you think that owning it makes you 'discerning', or 'cool', or something.

I run a full Naim/Linn system, which I enjoy immensely. I appreciate the pros and cons of other kit, but the system I run suits my preferences. I really couldn't give a flying **** what anyone else thinks TBH. My money, my vote. What is VFM for one person is a rip-off for another. If people don't like the products Naim produces, they are not obliged to buy them.

I do find the regularity and monotony of these threads extremely funny though.

Hard to disagree with that.
Naim kit seems to start out reasonably priced in comparrison with other brands and then sky rockets over time. The 52 preamp was around 5K on release and ended up around 10k at the end of it's run.
The first uniti was 2k, now it's around £2800 ish.
I just bought a new 172 pre for £1650, reasonable to me, dread to think what it will cost over time.
Which is odd when you accept that the production cost is only a minor part of the price. R&D,tooling costs and launch marketing have to be taken care of by the first years sales
Naim was an esoteric cult... We had Jawed and Nuno. painted toenails, and MiG avionics. And then it went everywhere including fat cars and shiny front rooms....

Naim had a special, unique, (with tradeoffs) sound. The factory had a snaic whipping rack to break in the cables. I could have a naim and non-naim sistem today. They do different things well.

These days naim is just another mark levinson linn etc.... Big business.
Quoting..."They retain excellent resale value because of proven reliability and long-term credibility" ...Have you seen the glut of Naim gear on the market and the increasing size of the unsold pool?
Any statistics to back up that assertion? Or are you basing your sweeping generalisation on a few Naim-for-sale adds in PFM classifieds?
A friend once said that Naim and cults are synonymous.

At least I think that's what he said.
Quoting... Have you seen the glut of Naim gear on the market and the increasing size of the unsold pool?

Don't know were you get that idea from - I always look out for SH stuff & my observations are that there is significantly less units for sale compared to a year or so ago.
Quoting..."They retain excellent resale value because of proven reliability and long-term credibility" ...Have you seen the glut of Naim gear on the market and the increasing size of the unsold pool?

It's fair to say it's not just naim gear that is not selling right now, there is not as much disposable income around like there used to be.
I always remember going to a naim dealer that stocked other makes, and upon asking about these other makes was told that 'oh, that does about 80% of what the naim does'. Thing is, I might have preferred this make but it was not even worth plugging in (was a sugden amp btw) I have owned various Naim products, CD players, amps and speakers, they are great products and got me in to 'proper' hifi but the sound is not for me, and I feel less inclined because of attitudes and comments I experienced from that dealer.

